Only friends go out and do stuff with each other

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School was over with and there was no practice cause I decided we all needed a 2 day break from it, give our muscles a chance to relax. So I was laying on the couch watch Scooby Doo while Sammy was upstairs.
"Dean Castiel and Gabriel are on their way over" he yelled.
"Okay I'll make sure not to let them in" I yelled back and the house was silent before I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Then out of no where I felt a sharp pain in my arm cause Sam had just hit me and I shot up to hit him back but he back up so I jumped over the couch and got him back. In which he just kit me back so I hit him back and soon we were just punching each other and the doorbell rang and he opened the door faster than I had ever seen. But I pushed him out of the way and into the couch which caused him to fall over and hit the ground  with a loud thud. 
"Hey." I smiled and Gabriel looked into the house.
"Is he okay?" 
"Yeah, I'm okay." Sam groaned getting up and I let them in.
"Gabriel, Sam. Don't bother me please, if  you're going to bother anyone make it Castiel." I said and his jaw dropped as they ran upstairs.
"Don't bother me either!" Castiel yelled at them and I just laughed laying back on the couch.
"Is this all you do on our days off?" he asked standing in front of the tv.
"Yeah, now move." I said.
"No" he put his hands on his hips.
"And this is why I'm beginning to hate you even more Castiel."
"I don't care, stop watching tv."
"Okay and do what."
"I don't know make food, let's go somewhere. They're old enough to watch themselves."
"We're not even friends Castiel."
"Only friends go out and do stuff with each other."
"And we're not friends?"
"No" I said and Castiel crossed his arms.
"Well you're just rude." he said 
"I will not put up with that we're going out." he said before laying on top of me.
"Castiel get off of me." 
"Not until you agree to get your lazy ass up Dean."
"I'm not going anywhere."
"Then I'm not getting up."
"Castiel get up."
"Dean get up."
"God I hate you."
"I hate you too."
"Get up."
"Are you gonna get up."
"Yeah" I said he got off of me and took my arm to pull me up so I reluctantly got up.
"Where are we going?"
"Ice cream, I want something sweet."
"Okay." I said grabbing my jacket.
"Sam, Castiel and I are going to get ice cream!" I yelled and all you could hear were footsteps.
"You're taking us." Gabriel said.
"We're going in Deans car so go go go." Castiel said and I shook my head.
"Go go go Castiel." I said mocking him as we walked out of the house and I locked my door.

The bicurious boys chose the ice cream truck in the park near the playground  for our ice cream destination. I got cookie dough, Castiel got mint chocolate chip, Sam got Reeses, and Gabriel got chocolate. He's so basic if you ask me. Castiel and I were sitting on the swings while Sam and Gabriel were sitting on a slide.
"Are you happy now Castiel?"
"Very much so, thanks for getting your sorry excuse of a human being self up."
"You're so welcome." I laughed and suddenly we heard someone yell our names, it was Charlie.
"Why is she literally everywhere?" he said and I shrugged as she walked towards us and Sam looked over in confusion.
"So you two are on an ice cream date huh?" She said.
"Nope they are." I said pointing to our brothers who let go over each others hand to wave at her.
"Oh, so you weren't kidding about the brother thing." 
"Nope, I could care less about this piece of shit sitting next to me." Castiel said and I hit his arm.
"You are so rude."
"I'm not, it's just towards to Deano." he smiled at me before licking his ice cream.
"Well you four have fun." she said and we just nodded enjoying our ice cream.
"I feel like she follows us." Castiel said.
"Me too to be completely honest."
"There's no way we just were here at the same time, no way in hell." 
"I guess, we should go before my mum gets home and goes crazy." I told him getting off the swing.
"Okay, boys let's go." He yelled and the got off the slide as we all walked to the car.
"If any of you get ice cream in my baby you're dead." I said
"Get ice cream all in the car guys, I dare you."
"Castiel shut the hell up." I told him unlocking the car doors and we all got in.

Once we were back to my house the boys went up to Sams room and I laid back on the couch.
"Really, back to being lazy?"
"Yes Castiel, now let me be lazy."
"Fine." he said before laying on me again, this time I didn't even care.

I hate him so much and this is a reason why, he does stupid shit.

2 CHAPPIES IN A DAY WOAH! Coolio I guess. I don't have much to say....what are your thoughts on Charlie? I made Charlie a lot different than in the show but I still think she's cool. She's going to become a main character soon, and you're also gonna get to know Michael and Luci as well, FUN RIGHT! Oh and Crowley might make an appearance, still trying to figure that out. We'll see I guess, but Lilith will come back for some drama and conflict so get ready cause here comes the thick juicy dramatic plot. You ain't seen nothing yet.

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