Dean Please

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When I got there I knocked on the door and Mary opened it.
"Oh hello Castiel."
"Hi Mary is Dean in his room?" I asked as she let me in.
"Yes sir he is." She smiled at me.
"Thanks. I'll be leaving with Gabriel soon by the way if you hear anyone leaving." I told her and she nodded.
"Thanks for telling me" and I went upstairs and to Sam's room.
I cracked the door open and there low and behold were our brothers making out while porn (hopefully gay) played in the background and I closed it back before walking to Dean's room where he was laying on his bed. I closed the door and began walking to him.

"What? Get your brother and leave."
"Out brothers are making out & watching porn."
"Gay porn to be exact" he said sitting up phone in hand. "I'm the one that showed it to them, didn't think they'd try it this soon." He chuckled and I hit his arm.
"Why would you do that?"
"If they're experimenting they need to do it right."
"No" I said and he turned his phone around.

"When was the first time you watched porn?" He asked showing me a pornagraohic photo.
"When I was 14."
"And they're 13 so what's the problem?"
"They're not 14!" I exclaimed him waving the photo in my face turning me on a little.
"And? It makes no difference to me. Porn is porn and me likey." He smiled and I groaned, it coming out very sexual.
"Castiel do you have a problem?" He asked looking up at me moving his face closer to my crotch.
"You shouldn't lie to me Castiel. Bad boys get punished you know."
"Oh I know" I smirked and so did he before running his hand over my crotch.

"Dean." I whined and he unbuttoned my jeans and slid them down before palming me through my boxers.
"Deaan." I whined again.
"Yes Castiel?"
"Stop teasing."
"I said bad boys get punished."
"Dean don't." I said and hi kissed the hem of my boxers before sliding his fingers in and pulling on the elastics.
"Dean." I growled and he pulled them down.
He took me in his hand and pumped very slowley.
"What's the magic word?"
"Dean please."
"Please what?"
"Suck my dick." I said and he looked up at me.
"Who's the dominate one now bitch" he said before taking me in his mouth nearly gagging.
Holy shit he was good at this and I didn't want it to end.

He removed his mouth from my manhood and began to pump it as he looked up at me.
"Wow Novak, you're so calm about this. I think I have to change that." he said looking into my eyes before standing up, my dick still in his hand.
"Dean" I moaned quietly.
"There it is." he mumbled into my neck before sucking on it most likely leaving a mark.
"Come on, moan for me Castiel." he said and I did, I didn't mean to but what he was doing felt so good.
He moved his hand faster than before and that's when the pleasure really started happening and I leaned my head back in pleasure as I moaned his name.
"How am I making you feel?" He asked me and I couldn't answer cause I didn't trust my voice.
He began to to move painfully slow before speaking, "I said how am I making you feel Castiel." he asked again.
"Good Dean so good." I moaned and his hand sped right back up making my moans more frequent.
"Mmm Dean."
"You sound great moaning my name Novak." Dean smirked at me and I grabbed his face pulling him in for a kiss. And he gripped my cock harder in his hand making me moan into the kiss before he pulled away and started kissing my neck.
"D-Dean." I began to stutter close to orgasming.
"Cum for me Novak, I know you want to." he said before getting back on his knees putting my cock back in his mouth.
It took everything in my body not to loose it all there and moan his name over and over considering our brothers were a few doors down the long hallway. I looked down and Dean who looked up and me with his darkened green eyes and that's when I lost it. Covering my mouth to try and contain the moaning mess I was trying not to become. Dean swallowed my load and got back on his feet wiping the corners of his mouth with his thumb.
"I think it's time for you to get your brother yeah?" he smirked and I caught my breath.
"I. Hate. You. Dean. Winchester." I struggled to say while pulling my clothes up.
"You hate me, but love my body." Dean chuckled and I just shook my head while getting myself situated.
"Whatever Dean, do you think it's safe to go in there?"
"Knock first and give them 30 seconds." Dean said and I just kinda shook my head while walking to Sam's room.
The door was still partially opened so I knocked and I didn't get an answer so I knocked again counting to 30 like Dean said. I don't know why I'm listening to him but after I got to 30 Mississippi's I opened the door to a Sam shaking his hair to try and fix it while Gabriel ran his hand through his.
"Gabe you ready to go?"
"Ugh, yeah sure." he said, face completely flushed.
"I'll be in Deans room when you're ready." and he just nodded.

Once I got back to Deans room I plopped down on his bed with a giant sigh.
"Were they sucking each other off?"
"I won't know till I ask Gabriel on the way home."
"Don't do that, you'll embarrass the boy."
"I'm not gonna listen to you Winchester."
"Suit yourself Novak." he said.
"Castiel, I'm ready" I heard a small voice say and it was Gabriel with Sam standing behind him.
"Well then let's get home." I said getting up and Dean followed my actions.
We all walked downstairs where Ms.Mary was sitting.
"You boys leaving?"
"Yes ma'am, thanks for having us." I said taking Gabriel's bag from him.
"Come back anytime, you're always welcome here."
"Yes ma'am" I smiled and we walked outside on the porch.
"Hopefully I won't have to see you soon Novak." Dean said to me and I smiled.
"Same here Winchester."
"See ya Samsquach." Gabriel giggled and Sam made an angry face.
"I get I'm tall but stop calling me that." Sam said and I grabbed Gabe's arm.
"See ya Sam." I smiled at him and he smiled back.
Gabriel and I walked to the car and he stopped.
"Bye Sam, bye Deano."
"Oh god please don't call me that." Dean laughed waving at him as I started the car.

Once we had left the driveway of the Winchester house I looked at my brother.
"So did you and Sam fuck?" I asked and he almost died, choking on air basically.
"What? No!" he said and I looked at the road.
"You know you can tell me. I won't tell anyone."
"I know."
"So what did you two do? Besides watch the porn Dean gave you and make out. Yeah I saw that." I said and he buried his face in his hands.
"I don't wanna talk about it Castiel."
"Okay okay." I said letting the subject go.

WinchesterxNovak is happening and I wasn't fond of it.

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