Tell Me About You And Gabriel

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On Monday morning I had finished getting ready I went into Sam's room and saw him laying on the bed (on his phone)  so I laid next to him. 
"Hey ya Sammy." I smiled and he didn't even acknowledge me.
"Sammy, Sam, Saaamm, Sammy!" I whined and he finally looked away from his phone.
"What Dean."
"Tell me about you and Gabriel. How was that porn? Did you learn anything?"
"Dean if you don not shut up I will-"
"No you wont." I cut him off and he sighed.
"Tell me what happened with your bicurious little mind.
"Well it's none of your business Dean."
"So you won't mind me telling Castiel to tell Gabriel you love his ever so dearly."
"You wouldn't" He sat up quickly.
"Try me bitch." I got off his bed quickly.
"Fine, Gabriel and I are kinda a thing."
"Kinda, what the fuck does kinda mean Sam?"
"As in we know we like each other, we're just not officially dating."
"My little bicurious brother is so complicated, get ready to go to school we leave in 5." I told him before leaving his room.

Only Sam, I thought to myself as I went back in my room to grab my bag. Then the doorbell rang and I was utterly confused. That better not be a Novak or we're gonna have a problem. I walked downstairs throwing my bag on the couch before opening the door. Two Novaks, not one.
"Can the Winchester residence help you." I said making infuses on the Winchester part.
"Gabe wanted to see Sam, so here we are."
"Gabriel, you couldn't wait like 10 more minutes kid?" I asked and he just shook his head before running in.
"I did not invite you people into my house." I yelled to make sure Gabriel could hear me.
"Shut up Dean."
"Why'd you come too?" I asked as we took a seat on the couches.
"What do you mean?"
"Like, you could've just sent Gabriel to walk here, you guys like down the street."
"He's to small, adorable and precious for that."
"Or did you want another good look at a specific Winchester boy?" I said cockly.
"Actually I did, where's Sam?" He joked and I just shook my head before looking at my watch.
"Sam, Gabriel get your asses down here now or you're walking." I yelled getting up and grabbing my backpack. 
"You're so mean."
"I'm not."
"You treat him like how you treat the team."
"I want the team to be successful, responsible and as good as can be, same thing I want for my little brother." I said and they came running downstairs and out the door.
"You should want only the greatest things for Gabriel too" I told him as we walked out of the house and I locked the door.
"I do, I want the best for him."
"Then be a leader."
"Not all of us can be a natural born leader like you Dean."
"You can if you try." I said opening my car door and he opened the other side.

We got in and he slammed the door on my car and I looked at him.
"Get out."
"What, why?"
"Get out." I simply said and he did.
Then I motioned for him to get back in.
"Don't slam my door every again or I'll make you walk home to your own car Novak." I said starting my car up.
"What ever you say Winchester." He retorted.

He just entered a new level of hatred for slamming the door on my baby.
No one slams the door on my baby.
God I hate Castiel so much.

This goes out to Emily, I'll be updating every now and then today so stay tuned for that, gonna be lit. I'm going to stop. Okay. Bye.
Also thank you to any of you great people who voted for me for the Watty's2016,  I can't wait to see the result. Keeping my hopes low though. Maybe not this book, but maybe some of my others that I entered. We'll see, but yeah HUGE THANKS TO THOSE OF YOU WHO DID! YOU'RE THE REAL MVP!  Anywho that's all for now, hasta luego amigo's.

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