I Wasn't Expecting Any Of That To Ever Come Out Your Mouth Mom

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Nothing changed, I don't know if she blinked cause if she did we blinked at the same time. Not even Luci or Michael had anything to say, then it all changed.
"Castiel." She said letting out a sigh, "it's okay" WELL MY ASS WASNT EXPECTING THAT!
"What?" I choked out.
"I had my suspicions, and then with your brother coming out it took a toll on me. Then Michael has been trying to open my eyes and realize that being a little different isn't bad and I shouldn't live my entire by the Bible and expand my horizons."
"I wasn't expecting any of that to ever come out of your mouth mom."
"Me either but people change."
"I see, um..thanks mom for understanding I guess." I said scratching the back of my head.
"We should leave, before this gets any awkwarder." Dean whispered in my ear and I just backed away from the doorframe and to the stairs literally not turning around just in case my mother wanted to jump me & it was all an act.

Once we made it to my room I shut the door and let out a deep long sigh as dean sits on my bed.
"Well that went well." Dean chuckled.
I sat next to him the laid my head on his lap and stared up at him.
"Hey Winchester."
"What Novak?" He giggled looking down at me.
"Back at your place you said I was your boyfriend...was it to go with the flow or-"
"I meant it Cas. I really did."
"I promise you, I meant it" he smiled down at me and I smiled back.
I sat up slightly and he leaned down slightly as our lips met & then moved in unison. This is the best kiss I've had in a long time. It was blissful and nice. I never wanted it to end, but to no prevail it was interrupted my the sound of my mother clearing her throat.
"Dean honey, I think it's time for you to go." I all she said with her hands behind her back.
I didn't fight her about it either, I just sat up to let him up and he kissed me on the cheek and said bye. He was soon down the stairs and my mom walked in and sat beside me.
"Cassie, I want you to know I love you no matter what okay."
"Okay mom." Was all I said and she opened her arms before pulling me in for a tight hug.
Which at first I didn't hug her back but then I did. I love this woman a lot, she stepped out of her comfort zone to try to support her sons and their sexuality and she's truly amazing. And for once I can say this, thank God this lady is my mother.

Told ya I'd post. Did you enjoy thus? Simple and sweet. Anyways going back to the whole I NEED IDEAS FOR CHAPTERS CAUSE YOU ALL LITERALLY WRITE THOS BOOK, cause almost all ideas are always used at some point as long as I think they're good & I can fit in with the plot. This story is also sadly coming to an end pretty soon as well so get ready for that. I've been working on this book for nearly a year now and it's been an interesting time. :)
Anyways BBYYEE

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