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I feel like a dick for leaving Cas like that but I had to talk to someone about all of this. I walked downstairs last my mom.
"I'm going out right quick." I said
"Where?" She crossed her arms
"Charlie. The only girl in the football team " I told.
"Okay. Be back by 6" she said and I nodded befie heading to my car
6 was in 4 hours. So I had enough time to talk to her. I drove pretty slowly to her house cause I didn't want her to tell me what I don't want to hear. But before I knew it I  was pulling up in her driveway. I parked my car and turned it off before getting out and walking to her door. My hands were shaking so hard as I reached out to ring the doorbell. A few seconds passed and I was going to turn around and bail but the door opened before I could move my feet.

"Hey Dean you okay?" She asked and I couldn't even speak at this point.
"Um, come in, you look a little pale." she said taking my arm and pulling me in her house.
"I wanted to talk to you about something cause I need your advice." I told her as I sat on her couch.
"Date Castiel." She automatically said.
"You don't know what I was going to say."
"If its about a relationship that'll most likely be my answer."
"Well hear me out, you remember Lucifer, from before I moved away right?"
"Yeah, he was a hottie."
"Well he's back. And he's Castiels brother."
"I already knew they were brothers but what! He's back! You're shitting me right? Oh fuck you're screwed." she said.
"Wow thanks for that Charlie."
"I'm sorry I'm giving you my honest opinion."
"Okay, well back to my story he's back and as you obviously already know-"
"You and Cas are a thing!"
"No we're just a fling more like."
"Oh so y'all are fuck buddies."
"So basically you're messing around with your ex's brother. Are you over Lucifer?"
"I dunno, I saw him last week and after a lot of explaining he wanted to continue what we had and you know how I get when I'm around him. All gooey and tingly and helpless."
"How do you feel when you're with Cas?"
"Happy." I said and sighed and leaned my head back.

"That's it? Just happy? What about that butterflies in your stomach, heartbeat quickening up, that's anxious, do you get anxious when you get to see him?"
"No cause I never know when he's gonna show up to my house cause he brings his brother over to see mine all the time."
"Well do you find yourself staring at him a lot?"
"Not that I've noticed."
"Pay attention to this stuff Dean. I can't help cause you're bias about it. Be around Castiel more okay then come back to me or something." she said and I sat back up.
"Okay." I said and then I took out my phone.

"What are you doing?"
"Calling the boy, he was just at my house and we- you get the point." I told her and I called him/
"Hello?" He answered.
"Where are you?"
"At the skating rink with the boys."
"I'm on my way." I said and hung up before he could say anything.
"Im gonna go."
"Find you a man!" she yelled as I walked to the front door.
"Maybe." I said before leaving.

I got in my car and began to drive to skating rink. I pulled up to it and parked next to Cas's car and got out. I walked in and it was cold in there. 
"How many?"
"Shoe size?"
"10." I told the dude and he handed me a pair of skates.
I walked over to the divider of the rink and resting area and saw Cas and believe it or not my heart sped up as we made eye contact. He made his way over to me and off the rink as we went to where you could sit down.
"I didn't think you'd call me." he said looking at me.
"Me either." I said as I took my shoes off.
"Where'd you go?"he asked as I put my left skate on.
"Oh what'd she need?"
"Help with the football boys trying to gang bang her." I said and he looked horrified.
"I'm kidding. It was help though. Just not with that." I said putting my right skate on.
"I hate you so much"
"We both know that we've discussed it before Cas." I said and got up putting my hand out for him to grab.

Which he did and we went out and onto the rink still holding hands. And it felt good. It felt right. What am I saying this is a no. We hate each other and he doesn't like me as well. I don't even like him. I think. I let go of his hand and he smiled at me catching my attention before skating backwards making me stare at him. He held his hands out for me and I grabbed them and smiled. 

He started laughing.

His smile so bright.

Then out of the corner of my eye I saw him.


And I let go but kept smiling at him and he saw his brother too and waved at him before skating over there and I followed him almost skating into Sammy.
"Hey Dean!" He said stopping causing gabs to run right into him making them fall.
"Wow, hi." I said before skating to Castiel and Lucifer.
"Yeah I'll just see you guys back at the house then." Lucifer said.
"You're going to our house."
"My mom wants us home by 6.
"It's 4 Dean, you'll be fine." He said and I looked at Luci and he shrugged.
"You cool with it?" I asked him.
"Not my call boy." He said before walking away.
"Fine." I said and Cas smiled and Sam was coming my way.
"We're leaving aren't we?"
"Yep come on boys." I said ruffling his hair.
"Stop Dean." He laughed as Gabe somehow fell and rolled to where the shoes were.

We all got out shoes back and headed out the door.
"Who's riding with who?" 
"Since Cas tried me today, I call Dean." Sam said and I looked at the boy and Lucifer laughed coming from god knows where.
"What did you do to my brother." 
"Your mom think's he's gay and in a relationship with Gabe." he said looking down and Lucifers laughter got louder.
"I come home from college and everything a shit storm apparently." he said before getting in his car which was parked across from mine,
"Start the car." I told Sam as I gave him the keys and Gabe followed him.
I walked over to Castiel and my face was inches from his. 
"You're gonna tell me what the fuck happened later got it?"
"Yep. See you at my place." He said quickly before getting in his car.
I got in mine and left the skating rink.

Fuck my life.

Since you angry children wouldn't shut up about me needing to update even tho I updated yesterday here's a terrible chapter that's lowkey a filler for the next chapter.

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