You've Got To Be Kidding Me

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We'd gotten back to our houses safely, no one was worried. For once my mom didn't freak out about something, maybe it was because I'd graduated, or maybe it was cause I was 18. Whatever the case was I was glad she didn't completely freak out. I was chilling in my room on my phone when Lucifer walked in.
"How was your honeymoon?" He snarled clearly wanting some drama.
"It was nice." I said simply.
"I still can't believe you did that to me."
"Well maybe if you wouldn't have gotten me involved in the first place Luce we wouldn't be here. I would've never hated him, which then led me to talking to him and trying to be better than him in every way. Which then led to us being around each other because of Gabriel. Which might I add led to me gradually falling in love with that kid. So in conclusion, I'd like to say, you started it." I said looking up from my phone .
"You're fucking unbelievable. I can't control your emotions."
"Me either. Which is how I fell in love in the first place." I went back in my phone scrolling through Instagram.
"I hate you."
"I'm okay with that Luce." I said not looking up this time.
I heard his footsteps leave my room and the door shut. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. He's weird. That conversation was out of no where. I don't trust him. I went to my messages and texted Dean to watch out for Lucifer. I didn't trust him right now. Sad that I can't trust my big brother but oh well. That's just kinda how it is in this family. I got a text back from him saying okay with 3 kissy face emojis. I felt bored, like suddenly I had 0 friends when I know damn well I did. So, I called Charlie and she said she'd come over.

"What the fuck is up homie!" She said as I let her in the house.
"Not much, just needed a friend." I told her and she looked at me before resting her forehead on mine.
"It's okay, we'll burn his goddamn house down." After that I looked up at her in disbelief.
"We'll be burning no ones house Charlie! What do you think I'm talking about?"
"Oh, I thought Dean did something stupid and I was ready to end him!"
"Oh girl no he didn't, we're definitely fine." I said as we ascending the stairs to my room.
She closed the door behind her and leaped onto my bed laying down. "So what's on your mind Cas?"
"Lucifer, he's been acting off and I told Dean about it so he knows. But I just, don't trust my brother ya know. Like how messed up of a family do you have to be in where you can't trust them." I say laying next to her and covering my face.
"I'm not gonna say that I get it cause I don't, but I'm also not gonna paint your brother as being an actual horrible person. I think he does and has done some very very shady things, I also wouldn't put it past him to do even more bad things but I never put him as the type to want to hurt you."
"Me either, but at this point I'm not so sure about that. If he ever tried to do anything to Dean I'd probably beat the shit out of him."
"More like get the shit beaten out of you while trying to beat the shit out of him." She giggled and I turned to look at her.
"Wow, no faith in me I see, thanks for that."
"Any day lover boy." She smiled at me and my door opened.
It revealed Sam, why was he here? Then it opened even more revealing Gabriel, why are they being weird? I sat up to look at the two, "what's up?"
"Um...Dean told me to come over here because well, you're suppose to be at his." Sam was messing with his fingers so I knew he was worried.
"And why would he say that?"
"You texted him did you not?" And with that I went to grab my phone off the side table, low and behold it wasn't there.
"Charlie call my phone, I can't fucking believe this!" I said and she took her phone out her back pocket.
The room went silent as we listened for a ring, then there it was coming from my closet.
"Why is your phone in your closet man?" She asked me and I grabbed it and looked at her.
"One simple answer, Lucifer. I put my phone right here when I went downstairs to let you in." I told her hitting the bedside table where I'd left it.
I quickly went to my messages and there it was, a text from me to Dean telling him I was gonna come over, him saying for round two and me that wasn't me replying with eye rolling emojis. I don't even use emojis when I text, what the fuck.
"Cas, go beat his ass!" Yelled Gabriel from the doorway where he was. I just simply nodded and slid my Vans on.
"I'm going too bitch tf!" Charlie said grabbing her shoes.
"So are we!" Sam said.

Okay then, we're all going! And with that we were in the car and ready to roll. Once we pull up to my boyfriends house there it is, lucifers car. I was fuming. I turned the car off and we all got out and walked to the door, squad formation slomo type shit. I knocked on the door and Charlie shook her head about to kick it down when Sam stopped her and pulled out his house key. Then the slomo squad was back in action. We came to the living room and no one was there but there was a piece of paper. Sam ran over to get it and read it aloud, "got him"
"You're fucking kidding me!" I whisper yelled.
Now the Winchester's has no basement, so we walked in the kitchen: nothing, peeked outside in the backyard: nothing, then went up to his room: nothing, the bathroom: nothing, Sams room: nothing, all that was left was the spare room: aha, found him. Sam obviously ran in there seeing his older brother tied to a chair and it's as soon as he walked in a bat swung, just barely missing him before it fell on the ground.
I walked in right after and punched whoever the fuck it was in the face. Lucifer.
"What the fuck is wrong with you that could've killed him!" I yelled in his face.
"I thought it was you!" He screamed right back.
"So you want to kill me now!"
"It wouldn't have killed you it would've hit you in the back and filled you with pain.
I heard the ropes untying and it was Charlie and Sam. I turned back to my brother I was on and began punching him. Blow after blow to his face until I felt hands lifting me off of him. It was Dean and I hugged him, I hugged him so tight I'm pretty sure he could barely breathe but I didn't care. I felt like I was floating, from the rage to just being with the boy I love so much. Then I heard Dean grown. I looked up and he was rubbing the side of his head and I instantly let go.
"What did you do to Dean?"
"More like what did he do." He replied and pointed behind his head.

Polaroids, but not just any, with him and Dean. A picture of them kissing, a picture of Dean with his hand down Luce's pants, a picture of them what I can only presume to be naked and many more. I didn't even look at Dean I just looked and Lucifer and he had a smug look on his bloodied face.
"And you want me to believe this? These are obviously staged." I said walking over to Dean to show him.
"All but one, he kissed me and took a picture in what I only imagined would be blackmail. When the doorbell rang I was expecting you so my guard was down then that happened. I went to grab my phone to call you and suddenly I woke up in this room." That was all I needed.
"Charlie call 911." I said and everyone's eyes widen especially Lucifers.
"That's sexual assault my dear brother, a crime and you have all the evidence they need. And since he was unconscious, it won't look good for you." Was all I said before walking out with dean as Charlie was on the phone. We walked back downstairs and outside to wait on the police to arrive and when they did Lucifer was put in handcuffs and put in the back of a cop car. My phone rang and it was from Michael, "yeah."
"I have a feeling you just did something amazing." That was his thing, having hunches.
"You'd be absolutely correct, let mom know Luci won't be joining us for dinner for a while." I said and he laughed before hanging up.

That was it, that was the end of it. Our parents never knew what happened that day but we all did. It was a life changer in my opinion, but it also made us better as people, changed the game. Made me love Dean more, resent Lucifer like the rest of my family, our dad casted him out saying he was no longer welcomed. Everything changed. Everything. Everything. Everything. Everything. Everything. (6)

Everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything. (6)

Everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything. (6)

For now.

Okay, listen, I know it's a year later, I know it's 2020. I KNOW OKAY.
I'm am sssoooo sorry this last chapter took literally a year to come out but it's here and I hope it's good. It took a lot of different plots, twists, theories before I could decide which one I liked. Turns out I fucking hated all of them and came up with an entirely new concept which gave us this.
Anyways I home you all enjoyed it.
Haha, cliffhanger at the end so you know what THAT MEANS. No second book y'all are just left wondering and theorizing what could

Kidding, there's another book. Titled 'I did my worst' coming to Wattpad in March. Enough time for me to make sure I don't hate it. So with that being said this is an end to this era. Thank you all so much for reading, and maybe even rereading it to see what I fucked up on. It's been a journey, a ride, a lot of things. Keep it real. Adios

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