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At practice we ran some plays, getting ready for the Homecoming game in 3 days. We were currently running a play that would give us a pretty good chance of a touch down when Cas smiled at me as I was on the sideline watching and Charlie walked off the field and to me as my whistle blew.
"Charlie what are you doing?"
"Talking to you!"
"We already spoke earlier today and that was it. Go back out there or I'm cutting you from Friday's game." I said and the team had stopped doing what they were doing.
"Cut me from the game because I'm a girl?"
"Oh yeah totally. Because if I were to cut you from playing cause you were a girl you wouldn't even be on the team Charlie. Now I don't know what's wrong with you but get back out there so we can run this, then I can join in." I basically yelled at her and she put her helmet back on and went out there.
"Now that EVERYONE is on the field let's run this again!" Coach came out and I gave him the playbook and ran out there with my helmet.
I was in the middle and coach blew the whistle, Ramos ran the ball and threw it to Cas to run it and throw it to me, it's either I run it and get a touchdown or pass it to Charlie or Cas, whoever's open. I saw a clear shot for myself, Charlie nowhere to be seen, and Castiel open. I was getting ready to throw it when I felt someone ran into me and I took the chance to throw the ball to Cas in hopes he'd get it and make a touchdown. I hit the ground really hard and felt a body on top of mine as I groaned in pain. I hear the boys cheering as I take it Cas scored the touchdown. It wasn't a game, but plays like this let us know we do can it when it counts.

The body got off of me and off came my helmet and hers, fucking Charlie.
"What the fuck dude. We're on the same team."
"Expect the unexpected you dickhead. You threatened to cut me from the game!"
"You wouldn't run the play you bitch!" I yelled back getting off the ground and pushing her.
"You did not just push me Winchester!" She sounded like a stuck up bitch now.
"You're all about equality, so equal rights equal rights am I right!" I said in frustration and grabbed my helmet off the ground and walked over to the side lines leaving her dumbfounded.
"Dean what's up?" Bobby asked me.
"Charlie's being weird today, coming at me for everything I do. So it was about time I gave her a taste of her own medicine and she didn't like it."
"Well she is a girl-"
"So, she chose to be on the guys football team, so she's gonna be treated like one." I said and he blew his whistle signally everyone to come over.
"Now team! I know this is a stressful moment, homecoming is literally round the corner and everyone is trying to prepare for it and the big game. But now is not the time to start yelling and arguing with each other. Now is the time you all need to come together for a big win like we do every year. So I'm calling practice off early, and no practice tomorrow. You all need to get your shit together and figure things out. And as for Dean and Charlie, you both will not be playing in the game if you two can't act right and get along. By Thursday's practice I better see my team back to the way they were. GOT IT!"
"Yes sir." We all said.
I didn't even try and fight him not letting me play. I didn't care, but Charlie was yelling at him about how it wasn't fair, and how he's being sexist for not letting the only girl play. In which Coach replied with "I'm also not letting my captain, and best player not play, so pipe down Charlie." And he left it at that.

We were all in the locker room getting our shit and taking showers when Cas came up to me.
"Sorry." He told me and keep in mind I'm naked under my towel & so is he.
"For what?" I asked him leaning my head against my locker.
"All of this. If it wasn't for me you wouldn't be in any of this mess. And you'd definitely be playing Friday night."
"Babe, I don't mind not playing Friday night. I just want to see my team win. And if Charlie and I not playing is gonna do that than so be it." I told him shrugging and he just kinda nodded and walked away.
So I got dressed. I had just slid on my boxers when a red head walked up to me for felt like the 800th time today.
"What Charlie?" I said grabbing my pants and sticking my leg in.
"What is your deal? You're captain and you're just gonna let coach do you like that!" She yelled at me and I looked up at her now that my pants were on.
"I don't see a problem with it. We're dragging the team down and I want what's best for my team. But on another not, what's your deal? Snapping at me every 5 seconds. I'm not gonna be a typical boy and blame on your period because you're pretty tame during that. So what is it?" I told her then put on my shirt, and out came Cas from behind the lockers with his stuff sitting it on the bench. Charlie didn't dare move.
"Dean you oblivious dick head I like you! And you're always with Castiel and he's my friend and I don't want you to hurt him when you finish playing with him." She stepped closer to me and I grabbed my shoes and closed my locker.
"Well sorry darling, but I already have my eye on someone." I told her putting my feet in my shoes not worrying about lacing them.
"Eventually you'll take me up on my offer." She put her hands on my chest and I touched them and got close to her face.
"I really don't think I will. See on Thursdays practice." I smiled taking her hands away and grabbing my duffle bag, throwing it over my shoulder.

She'd finally turned around and saw Cas standing there with his arms crossed scowling at her before he grabbed his bag and followed me out.
We were walking to our cars and I turned to face him.
"Hey Cas Can I ask you something?"
"Sure." He tilted his head in confusion as we made it to his car.
"Do you want to go to homecoming together? I didn't know if I should've asked you differently, but here we are. It's okay if you say no it was kind of a weird thought and-" I was cut off by a kiss on the lips.
"Shut up Dean, of course I'll go with you." He smiled at me and backed away.
"Okay cool...uh text me when you get home okay!" I told him as he got in his car and I began to walk to mine.
"Got it!" He kinda yelled back.
I heard his car start up one is reached mine and opened the door. I turned around as he pulled out of the parking space and drove off. And then I threw my duffle bad in the back and when to open my door to get in. I took a seat, closed my door and put my key in the ignition and turned it. I sat there for a moment as I just smiled. I smiled at the thought of Castiel, and him and I at homecoming together. Just him and I together. And as I pulled out of my parking spot I thought to myself....

I really like this boy, more than I thought.

YOU KNOW DAMN WELL ITS BEEN LIKE 2 whole months since I last updated this book.
Y'all not giving me chapter ideas like you use to and it really helps.
So what are your thoughts of Destiel going to hoco together??
I'm excited to write that chapter!!
Anyways Happy St.Patricks Day 2018.
Hope you had a good Spring Break, I didn't, and if you're just now starting yours....HAVE A GOOD SPRING BREAK LOVES!!
Anyways imma go turn on my alarms and wash some clothes, have a great day!

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