Grad Grad

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I was with Deans family...along wit my family out at dinner before the graduation. Everyone was there, even grandmas and aunts. Not gonna lie I was super nervous to graduate but Dean kept me chill. He was holding my hand under the table as we just smiled and talked with everyone as we waited on our food. I'd ordered shrimp pasta, being my basic self. Dean had ordered crab legs for whatever reason. Sam ordered chicken tenders, that's all that kid ever eats. Gabriel ordered crab lasagna. Michael went for crab cakes and a shrimp cocktail. Lucifer was forced to show up too. Mom said he had to watch the second youngest walk across the stage.
Everyone was just talking to each other no drama had played out, especially with me and Luci or Dean and John. Everything was peaceful. I just watched and Dean and my mom were really getting along, and noticed Sam and Gabe weren't talking to each other as much as usual.
"My baby boy is gonna graduate in a few hours!" My mom said smiling wide at me.
"Yeah, my grandson is gonna be a grad grad."
"Grandma stop." I laughed her off.
"What?? You are. You know I only said cause...oh Dean dear when the boys were younger especially Castiel he'd always call me GramGram and then turned into Grandma when he was 15. It made me so sad, but I guess he's just growing up." She said and Dean laughed.
"Oh GramGram it's okay." Michael said to her and she smiled.
"Stop it."
"Call her GramGram." Dean said.
"Winchester watch it."
"Novak say it."
"I hate you."
"I know." He smirked and I faced my grandma.
"GramGram, you know I love you so much." I said and my mom and Luci laughed.
"What?" I faced her.
"Nothing Cassie." Lucifer said.
"You did not just." I let go of Deans hand to cross my arms.
"Awe is Cassie upset he has a little girl nickname." Michael chimed in.
"You two leave your brother alone."
"It's not our fault you decided to let us call him that in the first place mom." Gabriel said.
Dean just laughed resting forehead on my shoulder before kissing my arm.
"Don't worry Cas we use to call Dean Deanie Weenie" Sam chimed in after the hype had went down and Deans laugh stopped.
" Sasquatch I will beat you." He said popping his head up and looking at Sam.
John just laughed, "yeah I remember that. Sam and Dean were fighting and Same was kicking his ass and afterwards Sam called him Deanie the Weenie because Dean said he didn't wanna hurt his little brother." His mom giggled.
"I didn't wanna hurt him." Dean muttered and I laughed.
"Stop laughing." Dean pouted ad I wrapped my arms around him and placed my chin in his shoulder.
"Awe baby. Don't listen to the mean people." I whispered in his ear.
"Okay." He whispered back.
Then the waitresses came with our food. My shrimp pasta was placed in front of me, Michaels crab cakes and shrimp cocktail were in front of him. Moms lemon & pepper shrimp was handed to her, Dean smiled as he got his crab legs. Gabe's lasagna was placed in front of him and he touched the plate & burnt himself. Sam was given his chicken tenders. Lucifer got some lobster lasagna. Deans mom had the same thing as my mom and when they noticed they laughed about it.

Soon everyone had their food and we all held hands. My grandma led this prayer.
"God bless this food we are about to consume. May it be nourishment to our minds, bodies, and souls. God please watch over my grandson and Dean as they begin their journey into adulthood. Please help them out every step of the way. Thank you god. Amen." She finished and we all said amen after. We all let go of each other's hands and began to eat.
Things go quiet as we kinda just enjoyed each other's company. Later when people started finishing up we all started talking. My mom and Mary bonding over flavors of shrimp. Michael talking to John and dad. Lucifer annoying Gabriel and Sam laughing about it. Both our grandmas were bonding over who knows what. I looked over at Dean and he just smiled at me.
"Whatever it is no" is all I said and his smile dropped.
"What?? I didn't even say anything." He defended himself.
"You had a look."
"That look is called a smile baby." He smiled even bigger.
"A suspicious smile."
"Well I was thinking." He started and rested his chin on my shoulder.
"See. Suspicious." I chuckled and he nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck.
"I was thinking. We get away after the graduation and get a hotel room for the night. Maybe do some night time activities. And I don't mean sleeping." He whispered in my ear.
Not gonna lie it did turn me on at the thought of him under my control forcing him to beg & scream my name. I shuttered a little bit and smirked.
"Sure babe." Was all I said and he sat up and smirked at me.

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