I wouldnt mind blowing you.

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(Play music when I tell you okay hoes get ya headphones ready!)


Today was gonna be a day to relax. My mom had bought a pool (that I had to set up myself) for the backyard and we were finally gonna use it. The day before graduation. Its kinda a graduation party. There's gonna be friends and food and music. Basically a party. Obviously Charlie was coming and some boys from the football team were too. Mom even invited her friends from work and their kids. Obviously the Novak's were coming over. Not like they didn't already.
It was time for our pool party and Castiel was the first to arrive along with his brother. We were outside chatting it up when other people start arriving too. Once more people started showing up Sam decided to turn up the music. People were dancing and some were in the pool. Mom was setting the food out for people to get. There were people who I didn't know but that was fine. I was messing around with Castiel when I decide to push them in the pool but that backfired on me as he pulled me in with him. I open my eyes and I could see him and he just had the biggest smile on his face and I knew that he knew I was gonna push him in but I was ok with that too. We came up and I smiled.

"I hate you." He said as he rubbed his eyes.
I hate you more baby!" I said back and he moved his hand from his eyes and I grabbed his face and smashed my lips onto his.
I couldn't help it, he just looked so good shirtless then on top of that the water glistening on his skin didn't help. If anything it was making me crave him. Crave his body. Crave his touch.

The kiss broke and he rested his forehead on mine.
"Babe. We graduate tomorrow." He said and I just looked at him.
(Play that shit real high hoes)
" I know. But on a totally different note. I'm super horny and could really I use a little friction."
"I actually fucking hate you, but I wouldn't mind blowing you." He smirked and that was the moment I knew I was getting hard.
I had minimal time to get out and to a safe place before my bulge would become noticeable. So I got out of the pool and went inside and to the bathroom nearest to it. The trunks felt so tight on my skin and not because they were wet. So I pulled them off and grabbed my dick. Trying to calm myself down and get myself off. Then the door opened revealing Cas. He closed and locked it behind him.
"Couldn't wait?" He teased, slapping my hand away from myself.
"Cas please." I let out a low growl and he smirked at me.
I back up a step into the toilet and put the seat down and sat on it. Cas got on his knees and his mouth instantly wrapped around my cock. I could feel bundles of nerves start to form. I threw my head back and bit my lip to keep in moans I knew we're gonna be loud and let out the ones that were softer. I forced myself to look down at my beautiful boyfriend as he was looking directly up at me. We made eye contact, then we kept that eye contact. Fuck he was so hot, especially right now. Gagging a little yet never looking away from me. My cock is his pretty little mouth. I took my hand and ran my fingers through his hair before resting them at the back of his head and gently pushing him down. He hummed sending vibrations through my body. I felt chills go down my spine. The pleasure was to much. I accidentally bucked my hips up and my cock went dont his throat. I wasn't expecting the response I got but he moaned and the vibrations from that sent me over the edge. I pulled his face back a bit yet still came in his mouth. I didn't want him to fucking choke. He swallowed and wiped his mouth.
He looked a mess. His eyes were watery a few tears town his face. His messy wet hair was now..just fucking messy. His cheeks were flushed. He overall looked like he'd been fucked senselessly but really I lightly ducked his face.
"I'm so sorry I did that." I said getting up and grabbing my shorts and putting them on.
"It's fine. The whole I was thinking of all the things I can do to torture you tomorrow."
"Oh torture me huh?" I said walking up to him planting a kiss on his lips.
"I'm gonna drive you crazy baby boy." He snaked his arms around me.
"Are you sure?"
"I'm gonna do the worst." He smirked and I rested my hands on his hips.
"Oh really?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Just wait baby." He said before pulling away from me.

I could fuck him all the time.

Ha! Sorry this took so long for this shitty chapter. I'm trying to right the real smut chapter for a chapter after the next one I post. Gotta make sure the chapter is very explicit for you nasties! And the music goes with it. Gotta turn y'all on. 😉
Anyways I love y'all, have a nice...day/night.

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