Lets go to the Winchester House

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As soon as I got home my mom told me to hurry and take a shower and get changed. I wasn't going to question my mother but I knew one of my brothers had to know, so I went to Gabriel's room.
"Gabriel where are we going?" I asked him sounding like a little kid.
"Over to the Winchesters, the youngest son Sam invited me over for dinner, but mom said yes only if we all went so hurry up." He said spraying enough cologne on to kill someone with.
"Easy boy you're gonna kill them."
"Sorry, I'm just trying to look and smell my best for Sam."
"Oh you know mamas not go a like this"
"Then she's not gonna like you, I'm just experimenting." He snirked before going downstairs.

I quickly hopped in and out of the shower before putting on some clothes. I decided to go with a Louis Tomlinson inspired outfit. Don't judge me I like One Direction...or what once was One Direction. I put on my maroon jeans with a blue and white stripped shirt and some black suspenders that hung down. I put on my navy blue Toms before heading to the bathroom for hair. Now I had gotten a blonde highlight like Zayn did a while back bit I kept redoing mine. I just quiffed my hair not wanting to where it down before going downstairs.

"Took you long enough." Michael scoffed and I rolled my eyes..
"Fuck off douchebag"
"Mean, save all that hatred for that Winchester boy."
Now Michael and I were both seniors only because the dipshit got held back. The smartest out of the four of us is Gabriel with his wittiness and tricks.

After the very short car ride we had arrived to the Winchester house, which was quite big actually. They even had a gate.
"Woah this place is sick!" Michael gasped.
"This is one thing he wins, having a better house" I whispered to myself as we got out of the car.
"We rang the doorbell and a pretty lady answered it.
"Hello Novak's welcome, I'm Mary." She smiled and my mother smiled back.
"Hi Mary I'm Julia."
"Well come in, don't want you all standing outside for long." She smiled
How can she be related to Dean.
"Um excuse me where's the bathroom?" I asked, I should've peed at home.
"Up the stairs second door to your left." She said and I thanked her.

As I was walking up the stairs I could hear Deans voice, was he talking to himself? I walked over to him door and listened.
"Red button up, or black?" He kept asking himself and I opened the door looking in, and I was not disappointed by the view.
It was Dean in just his underwear standing in front of his closet away from me and he had a nice ass. I walked in some before quietly shutting the door.
"Red button up or black?" He repeated again.
"Red one for sure Winchester" I said and he jumped with a slight scream.
"Castiel what are you doing in my room?" He turned around, not even bothering to cover himself up.
"I was in my way to the bathroom and I overheard you so I thought I'd help you out Dean." I said not looking at his face but at his package.
"Castiel eyes up here." He said and I looked up.
"I think I'll just leave now." I said walking over to the door.
"Castiel?" He questioned.
"Dean put some clothes on, so I can talk to you properly ." I said and he reached for his jeans.
He slipped them on and I walked over to him.
"You know I hate you right?" I said and he nodded.
"I hate you right back Castiel" he said.
"Okay, you also know our brothers are-"
"Experimenting with their sexualities, yeah" he practically growled.
"Dean? What are you?" I began to say and he had pinned me against his wall.
"I really hate you." He said and I'm not gonna lie I was turned on by him right now.
"I really really hate you" I retorted and he kissed my neck making me moan slightly.
"Mm Dean stop."
"Castiel." He whined.
"I can't stand you!" I almost yelled at him.
"Woah, what did I do?"
"My brother that's what you did." I whispered yelled
"Excuse me?"
"Lucifer. Ring a bell?"
"Holy shit that was your brother. Is that why?-"
"I hate you so much? Yeah bitch it is." I said and he just shook his head.

We really need to get downstairs.

Don't start with the whole is this where they fall in love shit cause its not this is just where they realize they hate each other to the point where they wanna fuck the shit out if each other is all. Bye.

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