Dramatic Day

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I opened the door and was greeted by a familiar face. Oh shit. Cas I hate your ass. It was the one the only. Lucifer. My heart dropped to my stomach as his smile slowly faded. I just stared at him as he stared at me. He looked good, a little different from when I last saw him. He had cut his hair shorter, and was clean shaven. His eyes didn't look as blue, is that even possible? I have no idea. The silence and tension was cut by Michael clearing his throat and I turned to Cas.
"Cas, where's Gabriel's room?" I whispered in his ear.
"Third for on the left." He said and I just nodded before turning to go up the stairs.

His door was open so I just walked in.
"What do you want?" Sam said
"Not to be downstairs in an awkward situation."
"Well that sounds like a personal problem."
"Sam get up."
"Get up, we're leaving."
"You can't make me!" Sam yelled at me and I was beginning to get mad.
"Go easy on him. He just wants to hang out with Gabe." A familiar voice said and I refused to turn around.
Sams jaw dropped and he began to get up.
"Gabe let's go downstairs." He said and took Gabe's hand as they ran out of the room.
"Dean you're gonna eventually have to turn around." He said and I stayed silent. "And talk to me you know." He added and I began to back up but a firm hand grabbed my arm.
"Lucifer let go of me." I said as I had closed my eyes. Not wanting to look at him.
"Or what Dean?" He said and I opened my eyes looking him in the eye.
"I'm sorry."
"Good." He said and let go. "That's all I wanted to hear from your whore mouth."
"Excuse me?"
"Cas said you're like the school slut or some shit like that. Your standards must be low."
"Sure they're not. Also you better not be trying to get with my brother. He's not into you, plus you're not gonna screw him over and break his heart too."
"Your brothers nothing but a warm mouth to me Lucifer. And I'm sorry for what I did. I'm not even gonna try with the whole cliché but this that and the third. I'm just sorry. Sorry I was such an asshole and that I still am one. But I promise Castiel is fine. I'm never gonna fall for him like I did with you."
"You left me Dean!" He raised his voice.
"I had to, and I didn't know what to say." I said choking up. "I didn't want to say good bye. I refused to say good bye so I didn't say anything at all. Cause saying good bye..." I had to stoobfor a moment to get my shit together, god what this biy does to me.
"Saying good bye, means its over. And I didn't want what we had to be over. I just hoped it would pause until I came back-"
"What if you hadn't come back?" He said putting his head down and I walked closer to him taking his chin in my fingers and lifting it.
"I knew one way or another I was coming back Luci. Whether it was in high school or after high school I was going to see you again." I said resting my nose against his testing the water for a kiss.
"And you came back."
"And then I met your brother who by the way I hate with a passion."
"Then why are you here?"
"Our youngest are kinda. Experimenting."
"How long you here for?" I asked.
"In 2 weeks."
"Good." I said and went in for a kiss.

He didn't kiss back at first which I understood but he did eventually and when he did it felt weird, but familiar. He pulled away and smiled at me.
"We should go downstairs. And act like we hate each other and its awkward and shit." He said and I just nodded before walking towards the door.
I walked down the staircase and saw Sam, Cas, Gabriel and Michael.
"Sam let's go." I said sniffling and he got up hugging Gabriel.
We walked out of the front door and to my car. I got in and he did to buckling his rest belt then looking at me as I backed out their driveeay onto the road.
"What happened?"
"None of your business."
"Is what why Cas hates you. You were with Luci?"
"Something like that kid." I did relaxing in my seat and Sam just nodded.

Fuck you Castiel for this dramatic day.

What's up losers. Its been a while. Happy New Year. I'm late but its okay. Anyways hope you enjoyed.

Please comment chapter ideas. This story only progresses with you. I have a story line, I just need things to file the spaces so comment what you want in a chapter and I'll do it. Thanks, bye.

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