We Don't Need Titles

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After Cas and I's date we hadn't spoken to each other and now we're going back to school, we have football practice, and the homecoming game is at the end of the week.
I debating on whether I should ask him to the dance or if it was to stupid and cliche. I mean  we weren't even dating. I was sitting in the locker room before school when I heard the door slam shut and soon appeared Charlie.
"Long time no see?" I looked up at her.
"Long time no practice." She said.
"Long time no games." I said back.
"Long time no more playing games, what the fuck is up with you and little identity theft boy?" She shot back.
"I'm crazy."
"I already know that."
"I've gotten closer with him since our brothers are always together we thought we should hang out too. You know a mutual friendship thing."
"Oh really?" She asked me tilting her head and around the corner from the lockers I saw him.
Castiel just a blushing.
"Yes really. He's a good kid. An angel if anything. He's funny, stupid and is nice to have deep late night conversations with."
"You forgot one important factor."
"What?" I questioned her getting up to head to my gym locker.
"He's good in bed. Aka the only reason why you're still stringing him along." She fired.
"Woah Charlie! If you really think so." I opened my locker up.
"I know so. We all know that's why you two are always together."
"Definitely not Charlie." I said opening it putting my duffle bag in.
"Listen. I don't want you to hurt him. He's my friend." She said sympathetically.
"He's mine too."
"No. You're just gonna go and hurt him. Do your thing. Be the fuck boy you once were."
"That was last year Charlie."
"You've messed around with me this year." She said and I slammed my locker.
"Right before the school year started. Charlie you knew you were a fling. Hell you told me yourself we wouldn't have a relationship."
"I'm a girl. Did you really think I meant that?" She crossed her arms.
"Look. I don't know where you're going with this but I'm done with this conversation."
"Where I'm going with this is I don't want you near Castiel! He's my best friend."
"What's his favorite color?" I asked angrily closing my locker.
"What's his favorite movie? Does he like cheese? What's his brothers name? How many brothers does he have? What's his moms name? When's the last time you went to his house?" I yelled questions at her each time I got closer to her face.
She was silent as she unfolded her arms and played with her fingers.
"Save it Charlie. See you at practice." I said grabbing my backpack off the bench and walking out the door.

A flash of Castiels face came into view as I walked out.
I didn't hear the door shut right away and I knew Cas had followed me out. The fresh outside air filled my lungs as I breathed in. How dare she honestly. She doesn't know me. Doesn't know Cas. And doesn't know our situation.
"Dean.." I heard Cas say quietly.
I didn't dare turn around, then I felt hands wrap around my waist. His shoulder rested on my head.
"Dean. It's okay. I appreciate you defending me. You didn't need to do that." He said then kissed my jaw.
"Cas...I really care about you and we're not official."
"I know, but we don't need titles." He unwrapped his hands from around my waist and walked in front of me.
I took his hands in mine and pulled him close to me crashing my lips on his. He let go of my hands and cupped my face and mine found their way to his hips pulling him closer.
The kiss was deepened quickly and was full of so much passion. Then guess what happened....the bell rang.

But I hope you enjoyed this cute filler chapter.
Um...yeah! I'll try to update more!!

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