Don't pull a cliche movie scene on me

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Lots of pov changes so look out. I'll but them in bold for ya

We arrived to the Novaks house and I got out of the car. I was greeted by a warm smile from Mrs.Novak considering she had no clue who I was. It kind felt awkward and Michael being here made it worse. Lucifer told me to meet him upstairs after he went up so it wouldn't look awkward as he and Cas went upstairs . So I finally decided to go up. I walked up to Luci's door before I stopped.
"If he's what you want, I won't interfere." Is what Cas said and I stood outside the door.


Lucifer said to go up to his room with him so I did.
"What's up?" I said as I sat on his bed and he closed the door slightly.
"You and Dean."
"There's nothing there."
"Yes there is. You love him. Back off." He said walking over to me.
"I do not love him. You do though."
"Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't " he said getting close to my face.
"I...I don't.." I couldn't do it.
"Exactly Castiel."
"If he's what you do ant I won't interfere.
"Well he is what I want. The fact you thought he'd have feelings for you is funny. The boy has hated you since day one, and you're just a fuck buddy for him Castiel, that's all you are."
"I got that Lucifer."
"Do you really or do you still have hope."
"There's hope for everything. You're just obsessed with him."
"I'm not I'm telling you how it's going to be."
"And I told you, if he's what you want I'm gone. Out of the picture. Just that simple."
"Okay." I said and I laid in his bed.
A sliver of courage ran through my veins and I sat up and looked at him.
"No."I said and he looked at me real quick.
"No what?"
"I like Dean. And...and I'll admit that...and I won't let you-"
"He doesn't like you back Cas. He doesn't and he never will you ungrateful, ugly, disgusting, faggot piece of shit excuse of a boy. I repeat, he never will." He said and I could feel the tears in my eyes.
I wanted to run out of the house, but then I'd cause a scene.

"Don't you ever talk to him like that ever again you hear me you egotistical piece of shit!" Dean said walking into the room and I looked at him in awe and shock.
"Tell him."
"Dean no" I spoke up
"Tell him you don't love him!" Lucifer raised his voice.
"I...I uh." Was all Dean had to say.
I could feel the tears building in my eyes so I got up and left calmly. Making my way down the hallway, down the stairs and out the front door I questions asked. Then I felt a hand grab my arm and stop me so I turned around.

"If he's what you want then I won't interfere." Were the first words I heard.
"Well he is what I want. The fact you thought he'd have feelings for you is funny. The boy has hated you since day one, and you're just a fuck buddy for him Castiel, that's all you are."
"I got that Lucifer."
"Do you really or do you still have hope."
"There's hope for everything. You're just obsessed with him." Cas actually took an interest in me?
"I'm not I'm telling you how it's going to be." Lucifer fired back at him.
"And I told you, if he's what you want I'm gone. Out of the picture. Just that simple."
"Okay." Cas said and then it went silent.
I looked through through the crack more to see Cas laying on the bed while Lucifer was standing facing the wall.
"No." Cas said and I jumped as he broke the silence.
"No?" Luci said
"No what?" He continued
"I like Dean. And...and I'll admit that...and I won't let you-" woah
"He doesn't like you back Cas. He doesn't and he never will you ungrateful, ugly, disgusting, faggot piece of shit excuse of a boy. I repeat, he never will." He told Cas. I wasn't gonna let him talk to Castiel like that, he wasn't going to treat him like that.
So I got up and opened the door and walked in.

"Don't you ever talk to him like that ever again you hear me you egotistical piece of shit!" I said walking into the room and Cas looked at him in shock.
"Tell him." Luck begged.
"Dean no" Cas spoke up
"Tell him you don't love him!" Lucifer raised his voice.
"I...I uh." I didn't know what to say. I didn't know if I did. I just didn't know.
But me not saying anything must've given the wrong impression for Cas cause he left.
"Told him you didn't love him. You're here for me" Luci said bringing me close to him and I just looked into his eyes. The were a darker blue than usual, nothing like they'd use to be and I pushed him away from em.
"Actually you're wrong. What you did was wrong too." I said and turned around to follow Castiel.
I heard the front door open so before it closed I got it and out was Castiel walking so I grabbed his arm to stop him and he just looked at me with his gorgeous blue eyes.
"What." He said with nearly invisible tears coming down his face.
"Don't pull a cliche movie scene on me Cas. Cause I really don't wanna do that." I said with a slight smile and he giggled a little sniffling.
"Shouldn't you be-"
"I'm where I should be. I promise. I'm not sure if I love you yet. I'm in damn sure I don't hate you as much as a I did when I met you." I told him.
"You're doing the movie thing."
"You made me do it. You were gonna cry. And if you cry I cry." I smiled and he smiled back.
"So you don't love me, or hate me huh?"
"Yeah and you're completely whipped over me huh."
"I wouldn't say whipped."
"Cas anyone in their right if mind would say whipped."
"No wa-"
"Spend the night with me."
"It's a school night."
"We go to the same school."
"Please. We can have some fun. Maybe get a motel room too."
"You got me there. Let's go." Cas said and we went back inside and I got Sam as he packed a bag.
I looked at Lucifer one last time as he stood there tears in his eyes. Then Cas walked past him and we left.

We got to my house and my mom was still home. I left the car running as Sam and I went inside. I packed a bag real quick and headed back out when I stopped to look at a picture of the football team. Man those were the days.  I snapped back into reality and headed back out and I saw my mom.
"Hey mom, gonna let you know you're probably gonna ground me for what I'm about to do. See you tomorrow." I said as I gave her a kiss in the cheek and before she could say anything I was out of the house and in my car.
"Step on it Winchester!" Cas yelled and I laughed backing out my driveway and going down the road.

The drive to the motel was quiet, but not like an awkward quiet, but a peaceful quiet that I enjoyed. Once we got there we got our bags and walked in.
"Hi welcome to Hotel Motel, how can I help you?"
"Can we get a room."
"Bed size, and how long are you staying ?"
"King or queen is fine, and just for tonight ." Castiel smiled.
"Winchester." I said and she smiled before turning around & handing us a key.
"You're room is on the second floor, room 24. Enjoy your stay." She said and waved as we walked to the elevator.

"This is gonna be interesting." I said as we went up to the second floor.
We walked off and found room 24 before putting the key in the lock & turning it. We walked in the door turning the lights on to reveal a really nice room for a motel. Castiel walked in and sat his stuff down and I looked at the wall, cause there were laminated papers on the wall that I was gonna read.
"Dean." Cas said and I turned around to see him only in his boxers.
"Come on baby boy."
"Actually, lets reverse those roles." I said with a smirk setting my bag down and walking towards the bed.
"You can be my baby boy and I can be your daddy. Sound fair?" I said inches away from his face.
"Yes." He said and I grabbed his throat.
"Yes what?"
"Yes daddy." Cas said biting his lip and I took off my shirt.
"Good boy." I smirked again and pushed him back onto the bed before getting on top of him and attacking his neck.

Tonight's gonna be one hell of a night.

Hi sluts, cliffhanger cause the next chapter will start of with smut for you nasties. Feel blessed.

dedicated this to the person who inspired this chapter, so you're welcome go thank them right now! I love y'all. Anywhore, imma go to bed now. Bye.

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