Eyes On The Road Lover Boy

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Moment of truth, I texted Sam to be outside when I got there & Cas did the same with Gabriel. I pulled up to my house and Sam hopped in.
"How was mom?"
"She was confused mainly, but she wasn't worried. She said she trusted you to make smart decisions."
"At least she trusts me. I'm lucky for that." I said as we stopped in front of the Novak house and Gabriel ran to my car.
"Go go go!" He yelled as he was getting in and I started driving.
"Why?" I questioned.
"Unless you wanted Lucifer & my mom out here you made a good quick decision."
"Oh no."
"Cas you're in deep shit when you come home."
"Guess I'm not coming home then." Cas said and I stopped in the middle of the road.
"Cas. No."
"Dean drive for Christ sake." He told me & I did.
"You're going back home, you have to talk this through with your mom."
"She still hasn't accepted Lucifer, he's only visiting. She kicked him out so fast. And you know how mad she'd be when she hears 3 out of 4 of her kids a gay."
"Actually I swing both ways." Gabriel added.
"Cas it'll be fine. I'll go with if you want."
"Yeah." I looked at him.
"Eyes on the road lover boy." Sam said and I paid attention to the road.
"I'll be your moral support."
"Won't that be a bad idea?"
"Only one way to find out.."
"Have you told your mom?" He asked me and I stared at the road.
"No, but she thinks I'm with you. So it'll be easier to tell her"
"Then let's tell your mom first....she's the more understanding one." Cas said as I pulled up into the parking lot of the school.
"Okay" I smiled and looked at him.
"Okay." He smiled back.
"Can you two not have a Fault In Our Stars moment & park somewhere" Sam interrupted our moment.
"Get out" I simply said and with that two doors were opened then closed.
"Lets park." I smiled at him and continued driving.

Before someone bitches about how this chapter sucks or how I've been dead. IM SORRY!! Okay, jeez. But it's okay...cause...I'm back! And betta than eva. (That was cringeworthy but it's okay)
Anyways, imma hit y'all back up with a real chapter pretty soon okay. Okay...BYE!

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