Shower Sex

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Today Gabriel wanted to go to the Winchesters to see Sam. I hadn't been there since Dean came to my house last week.
"Cas let's ggoo!" He yelled through the house and I went into the livigroom.
"You're lucky no one is home right now or you'd be in deep shit." I told him grabbing my keys.
He opened the door and ran out to my car waiting on me to open it giggling the door handle.
"Boy if you do not stop you're walking." I yelled at him.
"I'm sorry I'm excited."
"Well contain your excitement please Gabe."
"Okay sorry. " he said and I unlocked the doors so we could get in.

By the time I had buckled my seat belt and started the car Gabe was sitting there smiling like an idiot waiting in me to back out of the driveway. So I did and headed down to Deans.
"You will not get out this car until I do understand me?" I said as we got closer knowing he was ready jump out.
"Okay." He said and I pulled up in the Winchester drive way and he pulled in the handle the same time I clicked the lock button and I stopped the car really hard and he jerked forward.
"What did I just say?!"
"Not to do what I just tried to do."
"Exactly and what did you do?"
"What you told me not to do."
"Get out!" I yelled at him and he unlocked the door and ran.
I pulled up further in the driveway before getting out and going up to the door which Gabe was surprisingly waiting on me.
"Good boy." I said and rang the doorbell.

It opened to lil ole Sam and he let us in.
"Deans in his room, Gabe let's go!" He said taking Gabe's hand and dragging him up to his room.
I sighed and walked up the the stairs to Dean's room. He was getting clothes out of his closet so I snuck up behind him.
"Boo!" I yelled and he jumped.
"Jesus Christ Cas don't don't that." He said running his hand through his hair.
"Whatcha getting ready for?"
"To go somewhere."
"Can I tag along?"
"I dunno if you'd want to." He said turning away from me and walking to his bed.
"And how do you know I won't?"
"I just have a feeling." He said no looking back at me.
"Well Gabe came to see Sam so-"
"When I leave take em both and I'll text you when I come back. Or just leave him here till he wants to get picked back up."
"If I leave Gabe here he'll never want to come home." I told Dean and he finally turned around.
"Well that sucks." He simply said before grabbing a towel.
"What are you doing?"
"About to take a shower. Uh, make yourself at home I guess." He said and I just nodded as he took his stuff and went into the bathroom.

I had a brilliant idea and began taking my socks and shoes off. He left the bathroom door unlocked so I opened it. The bathroom was hot and muggy from the steam. I quietly took my shirt off, and slowly slid my jeans off. I pulled my boxers down before pulling back the curtain making Dean jump.
"Cas what are you doing?" He said turning around.
"Making myself at home." I said getting closer to him and grabbing his cock.
"We can't, my moms downstairs."
"Ah is Dean afraid of being heard?" I teased him and his facial expression changed.
"I'm not the one who will be heard though." He said then pushed me on the wall.
He began attacking my neck and chest, careful not to leave any noticeable marks. He put his hands under my thighs and I jumped and he closed the space between us as I wrapped my legs around his waist. His lips attacked mine, and I moaned slightly into the kiss as I felt him at my entrance. Then he slid himself into me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as began to go faster. His grunting making me realize just how hot this really was. I bit my lip to contain a my moans till there was one I couldn't hold and I moaned out kinda loud and he put his hand over my mouth.
"Little boy what did we discuss earlier." He whispered before biting my ear killing me a little.
"This is boring." He said sliding out and quickly turned me around.
Holy fuck he was gonna hit it from the back. My chest was pressed against the wall and my ass facing him. He pushed back in me and was going the same pace he was before. He grabs my neck and pulls my back closer to him as he somehow quickens his pace.
"Fuck Dean." I say barely audible cause he was fucking me like his life depended on it.
I felt another loud moan coming on and its almost as he did too cause he covered my mouth and rested the back of my head on his shoulder.
"Oh, and you said I'd be moaning but looks like the tables have turned." He said in my ear.
"We've been in here to long Cas. Cum for me." He said before grabbing my dick and stroking it hard thing to get me off.
This was all so hot in my opinion and imagining the position we were in from third point of view brought me closer.
"Come on Cas I know you can do it baby boy." He moaned in my ear, I could tell he was close too.
His hand had been placed on my throat again and he squeezed it a little bit.
"Come on Castiel, cum for me" he encouraged me and it worked as I came on his hand and the wall and he pulled out and came on my back.
He backed out from behind me and splashed the wall with water and I turned my back into it. He turned the water off and stepped out and grabbed his towel and dried himself off. He began to get dressed and I sat in the tub.
"That was fun Cas, but I gotta go." He told me and I rested my arms on the side of the table and placed my head on them.
"I know." I said as he slid on his boxers and jeans.
"So I'll see you tomorrow, or maybe even later." He said and I just humed.
in agreement as he put on his shirt.
He looked in the mirror at me.
"You good Cas?"
"Yeah." I laid my head to the side .
"Well I'm gonna go now." He said and I just remained in the same position I was in.

I heard the door shut and I got up and dried myself off before putting my clothes back on. I looked at myself in mirror and I looked completely drained. The things that boy does to me, sexualy though. I raked my hand through my hair before shaking it. I picked up the towel and walked into Deans room where he was putting in his shoes.
"Oh you're still here."
"And you finally left the bathroom." He chuckled and I giggled a little. I grabbed my shoes as well.
"Ya leaving?"
"I dunno. Im gonna talk to the boys to see if they wanna do something."
"Oh okay." Dean said getting up and I got up right after him.
"See you later then I guess."
"Maybe." I said before walking to Sam's room.
This time I knocked and I heard a come in.
"Hey guys, so Dean just left I wanted to know if you guys wanted to go skating?" I asked as the were looking at a comic.
"I wanna go!" Sam yelled standing up
"That's lame Sammy." Gabe said and Sam sat back down.
"Then Gabe you don't have to go." I said and his jaw dropped.
"Yeah Gabriel, you don't gotta go!" Sam said standing back up.
"No! If Samsquach is going I am too!" Gave said standing up.
"Put your shoes on. Ya got 5 minutes to get in my car or I'm leaving y'all." I said and they got to it as I left his room.
I went downstairs and past Deans mom Mary.
"Hi Mrs.Winchester." I said.
"Oh hi Castiel. Why are you here Dean left about ten minutes ago?"
"Gabe wanted to hang out with Sam, so I thought I'd hang out with Dean until I figured out he was leaving. Now I'm taking the boys skating, if that's okay with you."
"Its totally fine." She said. "Oh let me give you money for Sam. I don't want you paying for him." She said pulling her wallet out her purse.
"No its fine Mrs.Winchester." I tried but she handed me forty bucks anyways.
"Like I said, I don't want to paying for Sam. Save it for Dean." She said I looked at her with confusion.
"Dean?" I said.
"Aren't you two a thing?"
"Oh god no. Why'd you think that?"
"Cause you've here with your brother a lot lately and I just- oh my god."
"Its Sam and Gabriel. Oh my god."
"Umm. I'm just gonna go now." I said as I began walking out the door and the boys ran down the stairs.
"Bye mom!" Sam yelled.
"Have fun honey!" She yelled back and we walked out of the door into my  car.

"Sam your mom thinks you and Gabe are a thing so good luck." I said backing out of the driveway.
"She thought it was Dean and I then said no so she assumed you two and then ya came downstairs before I could say no."
"I hate you Castiel!" Sam said crossing his arms in the back seat and Gabe hit me on the arm.
"What was that for?"
"Fucking up Sams life." He said and I reached back and hit him surprisingly across the face.
"What your language!"
"You swear!"
"I'm older."
"Do not make me take Sam back home and then tell mom you swore little boy!" I said and he shut up.
"Good, we're gonna have a nice time skating like civilized human beings okay." I said.
"Okay." They said in unison.

This is gonna be a rough fucking night.

Looky what I did guys a chapter!!
Where do ya think Dean went?
Also comment future chapters.
I'm thinking about making another Destiel book and I need ideas as well.
Thanks guys.

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