Handcuffed sex is the best sex

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Before we get into this, I tried super hard to make this super smutty and you can that the person who this chapter is dedicated to if you enjoyed this, and make sure to give me chapter idea's okay. Anyways  I hope you enjoy this chappie. :)


After we ate we headed back to Deans since Sam or Gabe hadn't asked to be picked up yet.  Dean and I were laying on his bed on our phones and I brought my attention to him as he was biting his lip. I moved my phone away from my face and continued to look at him as he bit his lip harder. What is he looking at? I looked down and saw that he had a slight hard on.
"Dean what are you looking at?"
"Nothing." He said pushing his homescreen button and I reached over and grabbed his phone double pressing it and up came a Tumblr page dedicated to BDSM.
"Dean you kinky boy." I smiled at him.
"Shut up."
"Do you own any of this?" I asked handing him his phone back.
"I might own handcuffs and cock rings."
"Oh hot. Maybe we can use the handcuffs?"
"On who, you or me?" He asked getting up and getting a a pair of cuffs from under his bed.
"You Winchester." I smirked at him and he laid on the bed.
"Okay Novak." He smirked back eyes full of lust.

I climbed on top of him and onto his lap. I took the cuffs and handcuffed him to his headboard.
"Now we're going to have some fun Dean."
"Yay." he smirked up at me.
"Well more like I'm going to have fun. Where are those cock rings you said you had?"
"In the closet, at the top." he said looking over to where his closet was.
I walked over there discarding my shirt and unbuttoning my jeans reaching up and felt a small box and pulled it down and there they were, his cock rings. I walked back over to the bed and stood over him pulling his pants down. I kneeled down to where his semi-hard on was and licked up the shaft causing him to shiver under my warm touch.
"Now we can have some fun."
"Do you know how it works Cas?"
"Yes I do."
"Okay then show me." he said and I intended on doing so.
I got on top of him sitting on his legs, I opened the box to three rings of different sizes. I put the biggest one on him first pushing it down to the base of his cock and tightening it. Then I grabbed the second biggest one and put it in the middle of his shaft before tightening it and grabbing the smallest one placing it at the head of his cock before tightening that one to.
"We good on the tightening?" I asked not wanting them to be to tight.
"We're fine." he said and I just nodded before getting off of him and pulling down my pants leaving me in only underwear.

I grabbed his cock and slowly moved my hand down his shaft biting my lip as I made eye contact with him. Then I began to move my hand slightly faster an she bit his lip letting out a groan as the sounds of his hands in handcuffs was to be heard. I moved my head down and licked up his shaft once again, then the head if his cock which made him moan for me. So I kitten licked his head before sucking on it like a lolly pop (as if they weren't already ruined for me.)  Which earned me a loud moan from Dean and the sound of the cuffs of his headboard. I decided to stop pleasuring him and pleasure myself instead so I took off my underwear and got up to straddled his chest in between my legs.
"Cas." He pleaded biting his bottom lip hard.
"My rules, you're the own cuffed." I said grabbing my cock in mu hand, stroking it and he sighed licking his lips.
"Let me get you off." He groaned.
"I don't need your help." I said moving my hand faster.
"Mm, Cas." He moans and I ignore him pleasuring myself.
Causing myself to moan and moan Deans name.
"Fuck Cas let me do something." He pleaded and I finally stopped my movements and looked down at him.
"You got a minute to make me cum Winchester or those rings won't be much fun." I said grabbing his phone and setting a time, before putting my cock in his mouth.

I never knew he could do some many things with his mouth without moving his upper body. He kept moving legs around and moaning after I would moan.
"Fuck Dean. I said getting close to a high when a dinging noise went off and I pulled my cock out of Deans mouth.
"Times up Winchester." I said.
"I was so close I could tell by your moans." He said and I blushed a little cause he knows my moans that well.
I went back to where his ring covered cock was and put it in my mouth earning a loud moan and him bucking his hips up. I kept bobbing my head making him grab the headboard and moan curse words.
"Fuck Cas, I'm so close." He moaned and bucked his hips up causing me to gag as he came down my throat.
I brought my head up to see him biting his lip.
"Careful Dean or you'll draw blood."
"They hurt." He mumbled.
"For what?"
"Being an asshole."
"Sorry." He said looking into my eyes and I felt a little bad.
So I loosened the rings and took them off.
"Lube or no lube?"
"Lube kid, what do you think this is?" He said and I leaned up to his face and took his lip in between my teeth and bit it.
"Watch your mouth Winchester, you are handcuffed and under my control."
"What do you want me to say? Daddy?" He smirked.
"Not today." I said backing away from his face and over to his bedside table where his lube was in the draw.

I clicked the lid and put some in the center of my hand before putting it all over my cock.  In one swift move I was in and thrusting at a quick pace. He bit his lip and pulled at the handcuffs and all you could hear was the sound of skin slapping, chains rattling and Dean moaning.  Dean's moans got louder as my thrusts got harder and before we both knew it I came, and he did too. I pulled out and smirked at him as I leaned over to his bedside table and got the keys to the cuffs and freed him. He sat up and rubbed his wrists before smiling at me.
"How was that?" I asked him as he grabbed some tissues out of the drawer before wiping himself down.
I grabbed one too, "It was great, best sex yet." he said as his phone rang. 
He leaned over to the other side of his bed where our phones were before picking it up.
"Hello?" he said as I slid my underwear on, then putting away everything we used.
"Yeah we'll be there in a second." he said hung up.
I put my legs through the legs of my jeans and pulled them up as Dean quickly got ready. once we were both fully dressed I grabbed my phone and pocketed it as we went downstairs and into his car.

Off we go to pick up the brothers from school and what an awkward car ride it will be. Great.

God I hate Dean Winchester.

I wrote the sex (dick in ass) part listening to WMYB for half of it and the other half on Skype with my best friend and now I feel bad. I mean I already felt kinda gross writing this, the things I do for you guys.. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this I tried so hard to make it. 

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