Chapter 14

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I felt Demi's breath hitch beside me. I looked back up at her with tears in my eyes. She looked back at my emotionless, and kissed my tears.

"That's all a part of recovery, Sam. We all have to crack sometimes if we want to be stronger. I did multiple times before I learned somewhat how to control myself. And that's absolutely okay. " I thought about what she said and nodded. She continued to stare at me making me grow uncomfortable and self-conscious.

"Stop it," Demi whispered.

"Stop what?"

"I know what goes through that pretty little head of yours. You're beautiful Samantha." I smiled sheepishly before slightly frowning. The last thing I remember after that is Demi sighing before I began to get attacked by Demi kissing my face all over.

"Eww mom stop!" I shrieked. She put her hand over my mouth to cover my screams.

"If you wake Dani up my slobber and germs will be the least of your worries," she said with a sly smile.

"Sorry," I whispered. She pecked my lips lightly and rolled over.

"Go to sleep, Sammie."


"Got any 2's?"

"Go fish," Dani rolled her eyes and picked up a card.

"I think you're cheating."

"How am I cheating?" I defended. She shrugged and looked up.

"Hey Aria," she said causally. I rolled my eyes and kept my eyes looked on my cards.

"Hey squirt. Hey Sam." I ignored her and continued on with the game.

"So Sam, want to have an us night? I miss you."

"Well I've been here the whole time," I remarked rudely.

"I know babe. I'm sorry."

I scoffed, "Just go crawl up Allison's ass or something."

"Excuse me?"

"I didn't stutter."

"What crawled up your ass and died? Take a chill pill."

"Fuck off."

"Seriously, what's your problem." I stood up and turned to face her furiously.

"What's my problem? Just the fact that ever since we've been here you've ignored me and have been stuck up Alli's ass."

"Just because you're not the center of attention for onc-"

"Center of attention?"

"Yes, because my life doesn't revolve around you, Samantha."

"Apparently it revolved around Alli's though."

"For Christ sakes, am I not allowed to have another friend?"

"I never said that."

"Then what's the big deal?"

"You're being a bitch."

"I'm being a bitch? You know what, fuck you, Sam. If anything, you're the one that needs to go take your fucking meds or something because I have done nothing to you."

"Wow, I really thought you were better than that."

"Whatever, psychotic freak."

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