Chapter 24

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"You're not leaving this room until you talk."

"What's there to talk about? You know what happened, he told you."

Demi stopped pacing and walked in front of me.

"Why, honey? That's all I want to know. You know that I'm here for you. And so is Allison and Aria. And even Dani, sweetheart, we all love and care about you so very much and I just want to know what drove you so far to the point where you thought the only solution to all of your problems, Christ sakes, was to try to kill yourself."

"I, I, I don't know," I whispered.

"Well there has to be some reason, Sam."

"B-Before we met, the day we met, actually.. I planned on killing myself. After I left the park I was going to go home and I was going to overdose on the pills that I stole from my foster mom the day before. But you, so miraculously, showed up and even after you dropped me off with Marge and she herself almost beat me to death, all of those s-suicidal thoughts kind of disappeared for a while.. Until I visited my biological parents' grave the other d-day.. a-and I-I w-was t-thinking.."

"You can tell me anything, baby. What were you thinking?"

"I-It w-was my fault that they d-died. It was my f-fault."

My mom began to scream and run towards my father, holding him, sobbing loudly. I sat there silently, watching, telling myself that I was only asleep.

After a minute I felt as if the world had gone completely silent, and that time was frozen. I heard another bang and my mom dropped on top of my dad. Dead. Lifeless.

I didn't know what to do. It was as if my own body had gone into complete shock and I was frozen just like the world had stopped.

"Sam?" I looked up to see my sister at the top of the steps, staring back at me. I couldn't help but feel anger towards her.

And then the world unfroze, and everything came down on me like a ton of bricks.

They're dead, and I just sat back and watched them die.

"Samantha, listen to me. Your parents, honey, they were killed in a very very tragic way, and there's nothing that you could've done to stop how that happened, okay? It wasn't anyone's fault. Especially yours."

"B-But I-I watched them d-die. I could've done s-something."

"No, baby. You were only eleven. What happened, happened, and even if you weren't there that day it probably still would've happened. Everything happens for a reason. And if you would've ran after your mom you would probably be dead too, and then you would've never met me or anyone else here."

"I'm sorry." Demi slowly moved next to me and pulled me into her chest.

"If you ever feel like you don't want to be here anymore, or if you feel bad about something, please come talk to me. Okay?"

"Okay, Mommy." She wiped off my tears with her thumb and pulled back.

"So, me and you do need to talk about something else while we're alone.."


She raised her eyebrows, "..Brandon." I blushed and looked away.



"I.. approve of you dating him, but.. you're fifteen now and I know you might have the urge to-"

"Ew, no Mom, stop. I'm not having this conversation with you."


"No, stop. I get the whole sex thing, Ive seen enough movies and TV shows and I'm in high school, so don't even."

"I'm just saying, if you ever feel ready-"

"Condoms, I get it. Im leaving now."

Might be taking a hiatus on this story for a while. Or maybe just some of my other stories, idek yet. Im honestly just super stressed right now, so it depends.

Votes and feedback make me happy :)

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