Chapter 25

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It's officially been a month now that we've lived in Texas. I'm.. slowly adjusting to the change. Or trying to, at least.

Surprisingly it really isn't all that bad. I mean, at first it was clearly boring, considering we spent the first three or so weeks unpacking, but now that we're back in school and stuff it's okay.

Speaking of school, I actually made friends other than Aria. They're pretty laid back and chill, and despite Demi's accusations of them being a "bad influence on me" (how? I don't know. Her words not mine), I love them.

I don't talk to Brandon as much as I used to. We both agreed on trying the long-distance thing, but it just wasn't working out. As much as I like him, we only dated for about two months and I told him that it was okay if he moved on. He said the same to me, so it was a mutual agreement when we finally broke up. We still care about each other, I mean he did literally save my life, so we keep in touch.

Demi is now six months prego. Everyone was starting to grow suspicious of her obvious weight gain and rounded-belly, so she dropped the bomb on everyone else. Allison was kind of pissed that I was the first to know and she wasn't, considering that she is Demi's biological daughter and I am just a little brat she found on the side of the street.

It obviously hurt when I actually processed what she said. I did let a few tears fall. Demi screamed at her and long story short I'm still not speaking with Allison even though she has apologized a trillion times.

Dani, on the other hand, was and is pretty excited. Which honestly is kind of confusing to me, I thought she wouldn't want any more people stealing Demi's attention. She said that she's glad she won't be the youngest anymore, whatever.

Anyways, on from baby news, I stopped going to therapy.

I didn't think I needed it anymore, but apparently I do because my BPD and other crap is starting to come back stronger than ever. I'm pretty sure everyone is starting to figure it out. In the last few weeks I've had a panic attack, been in a fight at school with this preppy wanna-be bitch, and threw the remote at the TV, which I'm still grounded for.

"So when are you planning on telling Mom that you stopped going to therapy? I mean, Im almost positive that she already knows, but.." I glanced over at Aria who was looking at me with a thoughtful expression.

"How did you know?"

"It's kind of obvious, babe. You're on edge about everything and you're acting really depressed."

"I thought that I would be cured from this shit by now. It's been almost a fucking year." Ari gave me a small smile and shuffled over towards me. She wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me into a hug.

"I don't know, Sam. I do know that you're messing with the whole process of everything by not going, though. I don't like seeing you like this," she whispered. I sighed and laid my head on her shoulder.

"I know."

We stayed in the same position for a while before Demi came bursting into the room. At first she looked at the both of us like we were crazy, but didn't bother to question it. She knows how close we are so it doesn't really matter anyways.

I looked up to see her eyes narrowed at Aria. Aria jumped back from me and gave Demi an innocent smile. Innocent. Nice try, Ari.

"Ariana, can I have a word with you in my room please?" I looked over to Aria who was looking down at her feet awkwardly. What the Hell did she do?

"Uh, sure."

Aria's POV

"Ariana, can I have a word with you in my room please?" I inwardly cringe at the use of my full name. Shuffling slightly, I glance down at my shoes.

"Uh, sure." I slowly make my way out of bed and follow Demi down the hallway to her bedroom like a lost puppy.

The fact that Demi is acting so calm at the moment is what scares me the most.

I tense up at the thought of the awkward conversation that is about to come. Demi motions for me to sit down on her bed and I comply, cautiously.

"So, I heard about your little run-in with the principle today. Do you want to explain yourself?" I could feel my face heating up as I thought back to earlier.

"Come on, it's not like anyone will hear us. You know the hallways are dead during lunch."

"I don't know.. if I'm ready for that.."

"Seriously, Aria? It's not like we haven't done it before." I bit my lip in thought and looked up and down his body slowly.


I'm pretty sure everyone can guess what happened after that. After third period we both snuck into the janitors closet and, you know. Luckily, we were both already dressed when the principle burst the door open. I was pretty aware that my hair was a tangled mess, and I'm sure anyone could put two-and-two together. Probably the most humiliating moment in my entire life by far.

"You know that I have to contact both of your parents' about this. And you all are suspended for two days," she continued, "Im not saying that what I just found you two doing is in any way okay.. but next time try being just a little bit more quiet."

"I'd rather not. You know what happened," I mumbled. Demi sighed and sat next to me.


"Can we not have this conversation, please?"

"I've already attempted to with Sam. She said the same exact thing. I was pretty worried that she would with Brandon, with him being her first boyfriend and all, when I should have been paying more attention to you.. Who I assume has already before now?" I scratched the back of my neck and nodded.

"You weren't.. pressured or anything.. were you?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know? It's a yes or no question, Ariana."

"..Yeah.." I whispered.

I'm not satisfied at all with this chapter. And if I'm not, you all probably aren't either. My writing is starting to get crappy and sort of sloppy. I don't know what's up with me lately.


I'm starting to think about switching POVs with everybody occasionally so you all can get to know Aria, Allison, Dani, and Demi a little better, like I kind of did here.

What do you all think? Originally the plan was to just stick with Sam throughout the whole thing, but do you all want me to go into everyone else's personal life a little more? If so, with who?

Or maybe whenever this story is over I can rewrite a sequel in somebody else's POV? Like basically that person's life before Sam came into the picture, and after?

Totally up to you all. If you want me to keep going in the direction that I am now, that's cool. Just a thought.

Ooh, and Demi's six months! It's time to look for baby names! Any ideas!?

Do you think she'll have yet another girl or a baby boy?

Comment what you think about everything or what you want to see in upcoming chapters.

And don't forget to vote *Insert smiley face*

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