Chapter 31

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A day after I visited Demi in the hospital she was put on bed rest and sent home.

Dianna and Eddie are both babysitting Dani for the rest of the week, since Demi absolutely refuses to let any of us other girls watch her. Apparently it's "too much of a responsibility" for us to handle. She's our little sister so I really don't see what the big deal is. Especially when there are three of us.

But as much as I wouldn't mind watching Dani, it does lift a huge weight off of my shoulders. One less thing to worry about at the moment.

"Sam, what are you doing?" I heard a voice giggle, snapping me out of my thoughts. I look to my left and see Demi sitting all cozy, watching me in amusement. I immediately narrow my eyes at her.

"What are you doing out of bed?" I ask strictly. She simply raises an eyebrow at me.

"I didn't know we were switching roles for the day?"

"Well now you do. Go back to bed, the doctor said that you need rest."

Demi rolled her eyes, "I know, I was there."

"Just reminding you."

"Honey I know you're just trying to help, but I'm almost thirty years old. I can handle myself."

I lowered my gaze, "Sorry."

Demi sighed, "It's fine, but we shouldn't even be talking about me right now. We should be talking about you, and why exactly I was told that you decided to threaten your therapist."

"I wanted to watch Adult Swim," I mumbled.

"I know that's not your real reason, Sam. I'm your mom, I can see straight through you. What happened?"

And leave it to Demi to get me all vulnerable.

"I hate taking those pills," my voice cracked.

Demi paused and stared at me indifferently. After minutes of silence she spoke.

"Are you having mood swings again?"

I bit my lip and looked towards the ground ashamedly.

"Answer me," she demanded in a strict voice.

I hesitated before whispering a, "Yes."

Another moment passed.

"Is that why you've been so moody with everyone lately? Because you haven't been taking your pills?"

Another moment passed.


Demi closed her eyes and leaned back into the couch, combing her fingers through her hair.

I watched as she scrunched her eyebrows together and pursed her lips into a thin line.

It was then that I realized exactly how selfish I was being. Demi was obviously stressed about me, the baby's health, and whatever else was going on in her life.
The fact that I even contribute to that is a major red flag. Even the slightest bit of stress she was having was putting the baby on the line between life and death.
I sure as hell didn't want to even have the slightest bit of involvement in that.

So in the spur of the moment I burst out a question that I knew would undeniably get Demi to smile again.

"So what are you thinking about naming the baby?"

She slowly opened her eyes and took her hand out of her hair. And then her famous toothy, face-eating grin appeared.

"Samuel Taylor."

Samuel Taylor.

Sam Taylor Lovato.

I couldn't get the name out of my head, not that I ever wanted to.

It would be engraved in my mind forever.

A/N- Hi there!

Before you all go all crazy on me, I apologize for not revealing anything this chapter, but this was mandatory. Next few chapters stuff may or may not be revealed, it all depends on timing.

I can tell you all that I've estimated about 10 or so more chapters until this story will be finished. Key word: Estimated. That doesn't mean that this story will for sure end at chapter 41. It could end at 35, or freaking 50 for all I know. Just know that it's not the far around the corner. When the time does come though, I will NOT be creating a sequel.


UPDATE:: So guys, I am finally home!

Chicago was great, but I'm never leaving my house again. Lol kidding. No but the city is definitely not for me. Small towns represent?

I'm sorry that this chapter was so short but I have started on the next one and will finish it and post as soon as I can.


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