Chapter 30

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TWO UPDATES IN ONE NIGHT! You all didn't actually believe that I'd leave you on that cliffhanger, did you? Special thanks to @Loving1Lovato for helping me out here. You're seriously the bestest person everrrr and I love youu soo muchh.

The tension in the waiting area was unbearable. Nobody said anything, nobody wanted to say anything.

At least I sure as hell didn't.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and glanced up for a short second to make it out to be Ariana.

I frowned even deeper and laid my head on her shoulder.

My eyes were beginning to feel really heavy and I fought myself to stay awake.

I hadn't been to sleep in over forty-eight hours, surely to God I was ready to pass out.

Sitting all around me were the people I had come to know and love.

To my left was Ariana, followed by Allison, Dianna, Dallas, and Maddie.

Eddie was at home watching Dani, seeing as she was too young to understand the depths of the situation taking place.

But all of these people (although I still hadn't known Maddie nor Dallas very well), were all my family.

I never thought I'd be able to say that.

And just the thought that one of the people who meant the most to me, could be just ripped away from me in a matter of seconds?

Not only was it heartbreaking to think about, but also absolutely terrifying.

I quickly snap out of my thoughts at the sounds of heals clicking against the tile below me and look up. Everyone else soon follows my lead.

It was a woman, not that much younger than Demi. So I'm guessing she was about in her mid to late twenties. She had long blonde hair and clear blue eyes. In all honestly she looked like something straight from a Playboy magazine.

"Has Nick been by yet?" she questioned in a snotty voice.

Nick? Who the fuck is Nick?

I looked over to Dianna who gave the woman a sympathetic look and shook her head 'no.' The girl rolled her eyes and turned on her heal, back down some long mysterious hallway.

I cleared my throat before turning to Dianna.

"Who's Nick?" I whispered in a quiet, raspy voice, mostly due from crying.

"Now's not the time."

I nodded understandingly. Probably isn't any of my business anyway.

I closed my eyes and laid back down on Aria's shoulder, slipping into a deep unconsciousness.

My dreams were full of nothingness, except for the sight of a pitch black hole.

When I awoke I noticed that everyone in the waiting room was gone. I also noticed that instead of my head resting on Aria's shoulder, it was now on a random man's.

"I was wondering when you were going to wake up," the man sighed.

"How long have I been out?" I questioned, somewhat afraid.

"A few hours."


"Demi?" he questioned. I nodded briefly.

"She's awake and she can talk. You're the only one who hasn't been back yet. She's been asking for you."

I felt tears spring to my eyes. Nobody even bothered to fucking wake me up?

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