I went back to the dorms that night before anybody went to sleep so I was watched as I walked all the way to the bed. Now I being prodded awake by Bianca.
"I don't want to wake up!" I scream. "I kinda never want to wake up but definitely not right now!"
"Well your causing more of a scene now than you did in the arena." Bianca states.
"Thanks for pointing that out Bianca." I sigh and get up. I put on a shirt with the dauntless fiery symbol in the middle and black leggings. It was still dark outside so we went by the hospital before.
When I walk into her room she is sitting up on the bed. I think about leaving but she's already seen me.
"Your awake." I note still standing my the door.
"I don't hate you, you know." Avary says.
"I would hate me." I shrug.
"It's dauntless!" Avary laughs. "And I got a totally awesome scar! It can remind everyone of what dauntless is." She points to a stitched up part of her head.
"Are you sure it's not just to remind me of when I screwed up and nearly killed somebody?" I ask.
"You didn't screw up though. Some people would be thrilled to put someone in the hospital." Avary points out.
"I'm sure." I grin. "When will you be back?"
"Tomorrow morning at most." She says and smiles. "Now go train so you can kick my butt again."
I laugh and run down the hallway to the training room. I was the last one there as always and Scull had just emerged from lord knows where.
"Today we'll be working in technique on the punching bags that are up." Scull says motioning to the bags handing from the ceiling. "Everybody stand by one and try your best technique. I'll come around and correct you."
Bianca and I immediately dash toward the back punching bags but Noah was in a what looked like a very intent conversation with Falcon.
"Start now!" Scull yells and it echoes through the room. I automatically hear the sound of clanking metal and the sound of skin coming in contact with the black bags. I start too, squaring my shoulders to match the bag and positioning my feet. I stiffly started to punch the bag along with Bianca.
Eventually Scull comes around and watches me for a moment. I hate people watching me silently like that.
"You're small." Scull notes.
"No duh?" I say breathlessly.
"My point is, you need to throw your weight into your punch. I mean it's not that hard." Scull shrugs.
"What weight! And what would you know about having to throw your weight into a punch because you don't weigh enough?" I ask rudely.
"Fair point. Here." Scull puts his hands on my shoulders and every punch, he thrust one of my shoulders forward. Then he steps back and I try to continue but I'm pretty sure I'm just a disappointment. "That's better. Just keep working on it."
Then he goes over to Bianca, his last person and repositions or tells her that she's doing everything wrong. Whatever it was she hated it. And I know that how? Well, when she looked at him as he was leaving she gave him the god awfullest look I've ever seen. I'm surprised I didn't laugh at her.

Descendant (divergent fan fiction)
Fanfiction*Warning for spoilers of any of the books* After the war, Tris is still dead but what if she had a daughter first? And left Tobias as a single father? Well this is about Harper Nicole Eaton. I also am bringing Uriah back and if someone is supposed t...