I sneak out of my apartment building and out onto the streets. The empty quit streets that nobody passes through on. The new roads that have yet not discovered the rush of feet or the trample of a run.
"Harper?" I hear a voice behind me which makes me jump. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you." Noah says.
"Oh." I reply.
"Oh? That doesn't even make sense." Noah frowns.
"Look I just want to be alone right now." I say.
"Why?" Noah asks.
"This doesn't even concern you." I snap turning on him
"Actually I think it does." Noah retorts.
"I'm trying to figure out a way to like this place Noah!" I scream.
"You don't like it here?" Noah asks with sorrow lacing his voice.
"You do?!" I say laughing coldly.
"I love it!" Noah says. "Look at the trees!"
"Why do you care about trees?" I ask exasperated and trying to grasp the reason he likes it here.
"They're beautiful. It's peaceful here. It's quite. It's simple." Noah says but I cut him off.
"It's not home Noah." I sigh and turn around but I feel his hand grab my wrist.
"Harper." He says.
"Just stop leave me alone!" I yell and pull my hand away and run before he could see my tears.
"Harper!" He yells after me but I don't stop running and running and running.
"How does anybody even like this place?" I hiss in frustration. And slide down a wall.
"Harper?" I hear a manly voice say.
"Leave me alone Noah!" I cry into my hands.
"It's just me." I then recognize the voice the split second before he walks into my vision.
"Oh. Sorry Jackson." I look away embarrassed. He sits beside of me. I wipe away the tears from my cheeks and try not and make eye contact.
"I heard what happened." Jackson says.
"Do you like it here?" I ask pathetically.
"Let's just say I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life here." Jackson replies.
"Then your just like the rest of them." I hiss and stand up walking away.
"You ready?" Noah asks when I shut the door.
"Yes." I mutter.
"Someone's in a good mood." Jake says sarcastically.
"Shut it Jake." I warn which causes him to throw his hands up in defense. Bianca comes up beside of me.
"He figure it out?" Bianca asks.
"I basically told him." I laugh coldly. "If only I could've kept my stupid emotions together." I groan as we walk down to the nearest café. I sit down at a round table with plenty of chairs. Noah sits across from me and Bianca and amaryllis sit on either side of me.
"How does this work?" I say wondering aloud but immediately part of the table is slit open and a computer like surface emerges.
"Nice." Noah seems to approve but it only spites me.
"Whatever." I roll my eyes and try and turn the screen to me but it refuses to move.
"You have to order in order." Noah says in a duh tone.
I groan loudly and swear under my breath. Noah fidgets with the screen and then rotates it around the table until it gets to me. I hit the little picture with a label of mocha.
"We are out of the," the computer thing says in a monotonous voice "mocha." It finishes boredly.
"How can you be out of something if no body has been here to eat?" I ask frustrated. "You know what?" I sigh. "I'm not hungry anyway." I push my seat out angrily and walk out of the building. Noah follows me. Of course.
"Are you going back home?" Noah asks.
"Not yet. Just the apartments." I say not looking back.
"Oh- Um- that's what I meant." Noah says awkwardly.
"This isn't our home Noah!" I scream and turn on him pushing him into the building.
"It kind of is." Noah says gently treating be like I couldn't handle the fierceness in his voice.
"No it's not." I say sternly then sigh. "This is stupid." I hiss and let him go starting to walk again.
"Harper, couples fight all the time." Noah says confused like he's trying to sort out what a mentally ill person is saying.
"Not the fight Noah. The relationship." I sigh and start walking. I seem to have taken Noah by surprise cause it takes him a minute to follow me. I try walking faster to hide my tears.
"Harper." Noah starts but his gaze softens when he sees my face.
"I don't like it here!" I sob trying to get Noah to see what I mean.
"Just cause you don't like the trees and the electronic devises don't function properly for you is not a reason to hate it." Noah tries to reason.
"You don't get it." I might sound like a six year old crying cause they lost their toy and is now trying to explain where they'd been today. "I miss Dauntless. I miss the rush of adrenaline when you jump into the net. The people. Everything. I am dauntless no matter how divergent I am. I'm dauntless Noah! And I miss it." I start sobbing recklessly. Noah engulfs me in his arms even if I was mad at him I enjoyed the comfort of it.
We stand there in the middle of a road.
A road that hasn't had cars.
A road that wasn't supposed to have cars.
At least.. That's what I thought.
Bright lights in the early morning.
And the sound of the horn blaring on a van that could instantly kill me with one blow.
Authors note!
Whelp. Okay so other than what just happened. Me and Themysticalbook have decided for you grey's anatomy nerds that Harper= Meredith
Bianca= Christina.
Noah= Derek
Jackson= Jackson duh?
Jake= Alex
Amaryllis= April
Logan= Owen

Descendant (divergent fan fiction)
Fanfiction*Warning for spoilers of any of the books* After the war, Tris is still dead but what if she had a daughter first? And left Tobias as a single father? Well this is about Harper Nicole Eaton. I also am bringing Uriah back and if someone is supposed t...