A Choice

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"Hello?" I call into the empty house. Dads probably still in the control room. I walk straight through the living room and into my bedroom. I flop down on my bed in exhaustion.

"Harper?" I hear Bianca ask from at my door way.

"Hey." I reply

"Noah said you were upset." She says and sits on the bottom of my bed.

"Loud mouth." I note.

"You know you can talk to me about it. I mean come on it can't be that bad." Bianca says again.

"I'm freaking divergent in four factions. Four factions!" I nearly scream.

"Well, they can't kill you anymore?" Bianca shrugs.

"If somebody figured out they'd be like 'Oh look she's divergent lets go accidentally through her into the chasm!'" I scream.

     "Well at least you'll get one of those amazing speeches from Eric about how brave you are for jumping to your death." Bianca agrees.

     "Thanks." I say hopelessly.

    "Your planning on staying though, right?" Bianca asks. I stay silent for a moment. "You have to Har!" That's what she calls me when she is upset with me.

    "What if I just don't belong here?" I ask.

    "You belong here Harper! You have since you were born! It seems genetically impossible for you not to!" Bianca says exasperatedly.

    "But my mum was divergent in erudite, abnegation, and dauntless. What about those genes?" I ask.

    "Well I mean she is dead." Bianca states emotionlessly.

    "Real comforting." I sigh. I hear the door open and I say, "where are you going?"

    "To get Noah to convince you to stay."

    "Please don't-" I say but am interrupted by the door slamming shut. I groan in frustration and cover my face with my hand.

    "Harper." Noah says, I didn't even realize he entered the room.

    "Why do you always start conversations with that?" I try and not sound upset though my anger is boiling inside me.

    "Bianca won't tell me what happened. She said you would tell me if you wanted to." Noah replied.

    "What if I don't want to tell you."

    "I know you do though," Noah teases.


    "Please tell me." He asks. Tears form in my eyes but I fight them away. I end up slapping a pillow over my face trying to guard it from Noah's pleading face. "I got Erudite and Dauntless results." He says unexpectantly. I peek out from my pillow and Norths face is serious.

    "Lucky." I say and take the pillow away from my face. "I'm dumb."

    "Did you not get erudite? That doesn't mean your dumb." He shrugs.

    "No. I got everything but erudite."

    "Everything!?" Noah practically yells. "I mean" coughs, "everything?"

    "Thanks. And yeah everything." I roll my eyes.

    "Amity and dauntless? Is that even possible?" Noah sounds disbelieving.

     "Yes, when you grab the knife and the cheese." I say.

    "Well you can fit in dauntless easily." Noah says sweetly. "You are planning on staying right?" Silence. "That's why Bianca came and got me! You have to stay Harper! You belong here."

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