A scream is cut off by pressure forced on my side forcing me to fall over. I expect to feel the pressure of the van that was inches away from me moments before but I feel nothing. Absolutely nothing. I look behind me and What I see horrifies me.
"Oh my god." I whisper panicking for a moment. "Noah." I breath and kneel down beside of him. The van has stopped and Noah lay in front of it with a bump swelling with blood on his forehead where his head made contact with the ground.
"Harper!" Somebody screams behind me.
"He's alive." I breathe and pull my fingers away from his neck. "Bianca I- the van- he-" I'm cut off but not by crying but just strict memories. Bianca comes up to me and says something but I don't even hear it. I just feel a gentle hand grab my arm and pull my limp body away from the scene. I don't know much of anything that went on for a while after that.
"Harper." Somebody says in an irritated voice. But my thoughts are off to far for even me to actually break down. "Harper!" They say again. My thoughts immediately snap back.
"Noah." I breathe. And make a move to stand up from the seat I don't remember sitting down in.
"Harper." The voice says as though peeling away each layer of my soul with every time my name is repeated.
"What Jackson?" I ask.
"You need to stop moving or that piece of glass that is penetrated in your scull will dig into your brain." He says calmly.
"Oh." I whisper. "Is he okay?" I ask.
"Noah? I'm not sure. Just sit still." Jackson says.
"Where am I?" I ask.
"My apartment. Didn't think you'd want to be taken to the infirmary so We brought you here. We will take you to get stitches later." Jackson says.
"We?" I ask. Amaryllis walks in as if on cue with some supplies. "What makes you guys think your qualified to pull glass out of my head?" I say in a panicky voice.
"I've done it before." Amaryllis admits.
"Just don't hurt me." I say.
"Oh well it's gonna hurt a lot." Amaryllis says smiling. My eyes widen in surprise.
"Is that supposed to make me feel better?"
"No not really." Amaryllis shrugs. "Hold her still please. When I start she is not going to be able to do it by herself. She might pass out if we are lucky."
"Just get it out hurry." I beg starting to freak less from pain and more from the idea of a sharp piece of glass stuck in my head.
"How am I supposed to keep her still?" Jackson asks amaryllis.
"Lay down." Amaryllis tells me and I do so but every movement hurts. "Now keep her head and hands down." Is all amaryllis says before starting at the glass.
One moment I'm closing my eyes peacefully, the next I feel like I'm seizing. Then lastly the world is dark.•••
"Bianca?" I groan in a pained way as I blink my eyes open. I feel pain on my head and start to reach toward it but my hands are locked down.
"Sit still I have a needle in your head." Bianca says. I stiffen at the sound of that.
"Who's holding my hands down." I ask in a small voice. One I wouldn't recognize myself in.
"Jackson." Bianca answers.
"Where's Noah? Still in the infirmary?" I ask.
"No just in his room. Your in another room. Just stop talking so I don't stab your scull." Bianca hisses.
"Oh is she awake? Good. He's annoying." Amaryllis comes in and grumbles.
"Did he wake up too?" Bianca asks.
"Yeah he's asking for her." Amaryllis says.
"Tell him I have a needle in her head and that he should shut up." Bianca hisses.
"On it." Amaryllis says and walks off.
You know, I'm trying hard not to accidentally call her April off of grey's because Jackson and April Jackson and amaryllis😂😜
"Done." Bianca says. "Now go get Noah to shut up."
"I don't want to go." I admit. "We were fighting and then that."
"Oh my god just go." Bianca groans.
"Fine." I sigh and walk into his room.

Descendant (divergent fan fiction)
Fanfiction*Warning for spoilers of any of the books* After the war, Tris is still dead but what if she had a daughter first? And left Tobias as a single father? Well this is about Harper Nicole Eaton. I also am bringing Uriah back and if someone is supposed t...