"Hurry up!" I yell and pound on the door of the guys apartment.
"They say girls take a long time getting ready." Bianca snorts.
"Right?" I say as Jackson opens the door.
"Finally." Bianca huffs. "Let's go princesses." Bianca says. The other two file out of the building.
"Who are you calling princesses?" Amaryllis asks with a playful attitude.
"Oh not you." Bianca smiles with a glint in her eye. "Those three." She gestures to the guys. I chuckle under my breath.
"Let's go." I wave for them and start down the path that connects all of the apartments and houses.
"So is our point here just to start a population?" Jake asks.
"I guess." I shrug. "I don't know how much I'll like it though. Unless they have dauntless cake, it'll never be home."
"All because of cake?" Noah asks.
"Have you never tried dauntless cake?" I ask wide eyed.
"Yes, definitely, gods gift." Noah holds his hands up in defense.
"That's what I thought." I glare and continue walking forward. We walk through a small community of houses and then we start to see a few businesses like buildings like cafés and restaurants. When we have rounded the whole circled path that connects all of the buildings.
"Seems like a nice place." Noah nods and says truthfully.
"You think?" I say unsure of my decision to come here.
"Yeah definitely. What do you think?" He asks. Now out of our friend we had gathered the attention.
"It's alright." I shrug and open the door to my apartment. "I'm going to bed good night everyone." Amaryllis and Jackson stay outside while Jake, Noah, and Bianca leave for their apartments. Bianca closed the door behind her almost like she means for a conversation but I leave to the bathroom and brush my teeth and shower. I get into sweats and sit up in bed not sleeping yet.
Knock knock. I hear at my door.
"Come in." I say.
"Hey Harper." Bianca says peeking open the door.
"Hey." I say rather quietly. Bianca comes over to my bed and folds her legs under her, sitting beside of me.
"So..." Bianca starts.
"So?" I ask.
"I'm waiting for you to tell me cause I'm your best friend. Even if I do know what your supposed to be spilling to me. I waiting for you to tell me first." Bianca says.
"I don't have anything to say." I shrug hiding what I really felt.
"You don't like it here do you?" Bianca asks me.
"Not really." I say honestly.
"Me neither." Bianca agrees which surprised me.
"It's boring here. I miss dauntless. I don't know why but I haven't until today." I say confused.
"It's cause we thought we were going to this new cool place but it ends up being boring." Bianca says.
"Noah loves it." I whisper.
"I know." Bianca replies in a hushed voice.
"What if he wanted to stay? I'm not staying here. At least I don't think. I'll give it a chance but I don't love it here. I don't even know how much I even like it here." I laugh in a strained way.
"I know it'll be hard." Bianca says.
"And there's no memory of my mum- Tris- here. No Ferris wheel or wondering if my mom had stood where I had stood. I miss the memory of her." I say stifling a small sob. "You know when there is that moment when there is something you can do something but that's a last result. And then that feeling when you want to do something but you can't?" I wasn't making much sense but if anybody could understand me Bianca could.
"Yeah I know that feeling." Bianca says honestly, embracing me in a hug. "You should sleep. It helps." Bianca smiles weakly.
"Okay." I say. Bianca stands up but when she gets to the door I stop her. "Did you ever get over Logan?" I ask.
"Not even a bit." Bianca grimaces in the low light of my dark room then shuts the door.

Descendant (divergent fan fiction)
Fanfic*Warning for spoilers of any of the books* After the war, Tris is still dead but what if she had a daughter first? And left Tobias as a single father? Well this is about Harper Nicole Eaton. I also am bringing Uriah back and if someone is supposed t...