Tornado hit us

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Harper's POV

Bianca took it hard. She was a mess.

        "I have to leave." Bianca says. "I can't stay. I'll ask Peter to get somebody to take me back. Back to our home, back to dauntless."

        "Can I come?" I ask her. I wasn't not a mess either though. I had tears staining my cheeks and dotting my shirt. We hadn't told a lot of people and i couldn't find Noah. I meant to tell him about Logan's death but he wasn't anywhere to be found.

         "I want that more than anything right now." Bianca whispers. "Go look for Noah again. He needs to know his cousin is dead." Bianca whispers the last part.

       "Okay." I agree leaving. I wipe my jacket sleeve across my cheeks to wipe the tears away. I half run through the streets and see Peter. I told him earlier about what all happened.

        "Peter!" I call. "Bianca needs to talk to you!"

        "Why?" Peter asks.

        "Let her tell you." I reply before I start back running. I go into the café that I haven't been in to look for Noah and sure enough he sits at a table sipping coffee.

"Hi Harper." He says distractedly.

"Noah." I whisper.

"What's wrong?" He asks looking back at me.

"It was Logan." I say slowly.

"And?" Noah asks.

"He had a heart problem. Noah he's dead." I say bluntly.

"What?" He asks his voice cracking.

"He's dead." I say. "And I'm leaving."

"Why?" Noah asks quietly.

"I don't want to be here. This was Bianca's last straw. Neither of us feel like this can be our home." I say hesitantly.

"When?" Noah asks and I think he's crying but i can't be so sure.

"Few days? Maybe?" I know he won't come too and I didn't want to ask him to.

"Leave Harper. Please. Just leave." Noah whispers. I look at him for a moment. "Please Harper." Noah says again his voice caught in a sob. I stand up and walk out.

On my way back I run into Amaryllis.

"There are so many ways that could've gone better." I mutter to her.

"Are you really leaving Har?" Amaryllis asks. She likes it here but seems to understand why I wouldn't want to stay.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

         "I know you never liked it here. You love dauntless. You deserve to be happy." Amaryllis agrees.

         "Thanks." I smile happily but I'm not happy at all.

Bianca's POV

"Peter." I nod from the couch.

"Harper said you needed something." Peter says leaning on the doorframe.

"I need to be away from here. I want to go back to dauntless." I say quickly trying to reveal nothing.

"Do you not like it here? Not dauntless enough for you?" Peter asks.

"And you do?" I ask laughing coldly.

"Never have never will." Peter shakes his head. "Only place to get away."

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