Should've listened

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I blink awake after it seems I've been asleep for ages. Bianca's head is tilted backwards and she's snoring lightly. Noah sits casually staring at me.

"Were you watching me sleep?" I ask smiling.

"Would it sound weird if I said yes?" Noah replies.

"Yeah." I chuckle.

"Then no, I wasn't." Noah replies smirking.

"Is that a sunroof?" I chuckle looking up at the slide able glass. I unbuckle my seat belt and slide open the glass. Everybody else on the bus seemed asleep but you can't see the front two seats. I stick my head out the top and enjoy the wind for a moment.

"Harper?" I hear Noah say.

"Yeah?" I say over the chorus of the wind.

"I think you need to get down from there." Noah says louder this time.

"I'm okay." I reply shrugging. All of a sudden there is a jolt which forces my stomach into the roof. I look in front of me and I see the front of the car flipping toward me. A scream escapes my lips before my head hits the ground painfully but then, everything goes numb.

"Harper!" I think Noah exclaims. I blink open my eyes and I see the worst thing my mind could think of. A leg unattached to a body. The most disturbing part is its wearing the same pare of leggings I wore this morning cut off at the knee. I let out a small scream.

"The door is jammed!" I hear Amaryllis exclaim.

"Harper!" My dad screams.

"Help." I say as loudly as my words would let me.

"I'm going out." Bianca states climbing out the sunroof where glass tears at a piece of her clothes. "Harper, oh my gosh." Bianca breathes. "We will get you out its okay just breathe. Okay?"

"G-g-gaso -l-line." I try and form words.

"What?" Bianca asks.

"Gasoline." I gasp using my last bit of energy. Bianca looks at the van and back at me.

"It's flammable!" Bianca screams as my dad knocks over one of the doors leading people out. "Help me move her!"

"Oh my god!" Amaryllis exclaims looking down at my leg lying a foot away from me.

"Help my move her!" Bianca says.

"I got her." Noah says coming over to me. I stare widely around not processing much of anything. My eyes flicker back and forth to more and more faces. I feel blood around me and my breaths sound rapid. "Shh, your alright." He wedges his arms under me and lifts me away from the car just as orange flames erupt.

Were people still in there? I looked at Noah who didn't even hesitate to carry me even farther away from the flames. Bianca follows after him.

"Her leg is bleeding."

"Give me your shirt." I hear Bianca demand.

"Here." Noah doesn't hesitate. "Look at me okay? Stay awake. Please stay awake." Noah pleads holding my head in front of him so he was upside down to me.

"Hheelplgegetthemthlouto." I try to say. Help get them out! My mind screams but the words cannot form.

"They're okay. You'll be just fine. Everything's okay." Noah says. My eyes flicker around everywhere with my vision going dark. An ear piercing shriek filled the air and caused me to shake uncontrollably.

       "Hold her still!" Bianca accuses Noah. I see that she brought the leg over here. I don't know why I just want to wake up from this and it all be a dream.

       "Harper." Noah says calmly putting a hand under my head. "It's gonna be alright you just need to breathe. Come on. Help is coming." I haven't even had time to cry and my eyes felt dry from the smoke that filled my lungs also. I felt Noah grasp at my hand but I could barely feel it. I stare at him wildly trying to find something else to focus on other than the fact my leg is beside of me and dots clouded my vision. I hear can't yelling but I can't make anything out. Everything is a blur of flashing lights and metal ambulances. A mask covers the top of my face and they try putting a neck brace on me.

      I managed some sort of not understandable thing and a scream.

       "We have to get it on her!" A paramedic says.

       "I'll hold her in place." I hear Noah say. I feel soothing hands cradle my head from behind but my wild eyes look around rapidly as my unprepared body freaks out.

      "I'm scared." I whisper through uneven breaths.

    "It's okay. Breath. Just breathe. You'll be alright." Noah whispers to me.

      "Okay." I say. I don't  believe him though because I let myself fall into darkness.


The room is wild when I open my eyes. There is too many people I can't even see anything. My eyes widen, looking around widely trying to take in everything because most of this I don't remember. The only thing I gather is that my hand is connected to somebody else's.

       I give the persons hand a slight squeeze and open my eyes as far as I can. It's Noah.

      "You might want to close your eyes again." Noah whispers. "It's okay, just don't look." Of course I've always had a hard time following orders. I look down toward my leg and the sight brings up my insides. I look away and look toward Noah. I nod slightly trying to blink away the images of my leg. "Sorry."

      "I'm okay." I whisper barely even to him at all.

       "No your not." Noah replies. "I should've been able to get you down."  

         "Shut up Noah." I say weakly trying to get across that it wasn't his fault. "Where are the others?"

      "Don't focus on them, okay?" Noah says.

      "Noah." I say warningly. "Tell me what's wrong."

"Just get better." Noah replies. "You know that's what they'd say."

"Just tell me." I plead.


      "Please." I whisper.

       "Your dad burnt his hand and Bianca just has a cut. Jake and Jackson have second degree burns but Amaryllis... She's alive."  Noah says.

     "Amaryllis."  I mutter closing my eyes. "Where are we?" I ask.

      "We are at the nearest hospital. They are delaying any of the people from Chicago into the city till we are ready so you'll have plenty of time to recover." Noah whispers.

      "Okay." I whisper closing my eyes and letting my mind drift into sleep.


Authors note!

I changed my cover as you can tell and on Instagram made it for me❤️💗 They are absolutely amazing! The picture of the girl doesn't look exactly like what I imagine for Harper but it's pretty close. I hope you like it


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