"Today has been a long day." Jackson sighs and flops onto the couch.
"Hmm." Amaryllis says with anger plain in her face. She sat beside me instead of beside Jackson and stared at me with a dull expression.
"Um.." Jackson says semi-confused look on his face. "Are you okay?"
"Shut up Jackson." I retort rudely.
"Do you all have a problem?" He asked us.
"No only we do." I say motioning to me Bianca and Amaryllis. Noah and Jake just seem confused.
"Hailey obviously doesn't." Bianca says sarcastically.
"Are you kidding?" I say in a duh tone.
"Jackson just completely misunderstood." Bianca says warmly.
"Thanks?" Jackson says still in shock from her earlier comment.
"Nobody else here gets what it's like to be in another faction than the person your in love with." Bianca smiles evilly.
"What are you talking about Hailey? She is just a friend." Jackson shrugs and that's when Amaryllis stands up and her fist meets his nose.
"That's what everybody says!" She screams and storms off to the bedroom.
"Wha..?" Jackson says.
"Maybe your nose shouldn't be so big cause it's an open target." Bianca shrugs.
"Well that was action filled." I hear from a familiar annoying voice at the door. Peter.
"Why are you even here?" I ask bluntly. Jackson still dabs his nose with the top of his shirt trying to collect the blood that fell from his nose.
"Just wanted to check in on the lab rats." Peter crossed his arms.
"What do you really want?" I ask. He gives me this look that I recognize from my own and almost just ignore it but I know this could be important. "Just get in the bed people! Out out out!" I scream and shove Jackson into his room.
"What's this about? Your hiding something." Noah whispers to me.
"I'm sorry." I whisper before giving him a sorry look and a gentle push into his room. Before he closed the door he just looked at me with the same expression and let me close the door in his face. I hate hiding things from him but it was needed for Bianca's privacy.
I go back into the living room and Bianca sits with a death glare on the couch where I left her and Peter stands against the door still. "The tension." Peter chuckles. I sit beside of Bianca and give Peter the 'now what do you want' look.
"Spit it out." Bianca pushes. "It's hard looking at you so long without getting sick."
"Why the tattoo." Peter says in more of a demand than a question. "Who's Nick Gravely?" You can tell he knows by the look of dread on his face.
"Who do you think it is?" Bianca says bluntly shrugging.
"Were you really pregnant?" He asked in a shocked and flabbergasted tone.
"That's what happens when you were raised by a druggie." Bianca shrugs.
"What uh- happened with him?" Peter asked nervously.

Descendant (divergent fan fiction)
Fanfiction*Warning for spoilers of any of the books* After the war, Tris is still dead but what if she had a daughter first? And left Tobias as a single father? Well this is about Harper Nicole Eaton. I also am bringing Uriah back and if someone is supposed t...