Sound sleep

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"Oh my god! Help!" I screech as I drop beside of Amaryllis. "Help!" I pull open her eyelids but she doesn't blink. Bianca comes into the bathroom wide-eyed as she sees Amaryllis.

       "What happened!" She hisses.

       "I don't know!" I say panicky as I back away from her and let Bianca look at her since she was the surgeon.

       "Go get everybody else!" Bianca instructs me. I scramble out of the room. And up to the boys door. I burst through with tears only staying in my eyes because of shock. Noah's head shoots up instinctively but Jackson is slower. Jake doesn't even move.

"What's wrong?" Noah rubs his eyes groggily and checks the clock.

"It's Amaryllis." I cry and bring my hands to my face. Jackson shoots out of the bed and comes up to me

"What's wrong with her?" Jackson asks worriedly.

"I don't know." I cry as my body starts to panic. "I just went into the bathroom and she was just lying there." I cry loudly. Noah climbs out of the bed and comes up to me. Jackson makes his way out of the room and into the bathroom with Bianca and Amaryllis.

"Shh." Noah whispers and wraps his arms around me.

"I don't know what happened! She was just lying there!" I sob. "I have to go with her. We have to get her to the hospital." I cry and Noah let's me out of his grasp and I run toward the bathroom and sit in the doorway. Jackson has just picked up Amaryllis with her head hanging slightly off his arms.

"We have to get her to the hospital." Bianca says as she opens both apartment doors as Jackson carries her to the elevator. When we all get on I'm trying to collect the tears but they've already fallen. As soon as the elevator door opens Jackson almost tackles a middle aged women trying to get out quickly. He made his way quickly to the infirmary as we followed slowly behind him.

The nurse told us that they wouldn't allow us in so we went to the waiting room. Jake wasn't here and probably was still in bed. Jackson seemed extremely emotional like I was but I was wrapped inside Noah's arms. Jackson didn't have anybody.

"Let me go talk to him." I whisper to Noah and he lets me stand up. I stand up shakily and wipe some of the stray tears from my cheeks to Jackson. Immediately i hug him and he returns it. He shakes slightly as he wraps his arms around me. He was the only person who really felt anything close to what I was feeling even if it was worst.

"She said she didn't want to hurt me by being with me and I didn't understand any of it. I feel like this is part of what she meant." Jackson says quietly and in a husky voice.

"Sometimes it's worth it." I reply and pull away from him. "Want me to go get you some clothes?" I say. I realize he's still in the sweats that he slept in.

      "It's fine." Jackson shakes his head.

       "It wasn't a question." I smile weakly and he just nods. I go over to Noah and ask him, "can you come back to the apartment with me. I'm getting a change of clothes. And something for Jackson he won't leave. I know it." I say. Noah nodded sympathetically and rode the lift with me. When we got into the apartment I changed from my sweats into black leggings and a black tank top. I combed my hair with my fights and made a failed attempt to wash off yesterday's smeared makeup on my face.

I stand in the bathroom with the mirror repelling a picture of a girl. Her hair was blond. Like mine. Her skin was light from deprivation of the sun. Like mine. The difference between me and the girl this mirror shows me is I'm supposed to look confident. Worry lined stretch across her forehead but she relaxes her face. My face is supposed to be smiling. I always smiles so said my dad. Ever since I was a baby; I'd always smiled. A creak in the floorboard made me jump and turn around. Noah stood there. He came up to me slowly and hugged me, Laying his head amongst my hair.

"How do you think this happened?" I ask while letting myself cry.

"We don't know and we might not." Noah says.

"But we have to know. Do you think she did this to herself? Maybe an injury we didn't see?" I ask.

"Try not and think like that." Noah tells me seriously.

        "Yeah- your right. Im sorry." I say.

      "Don't apologize." Noah says.

Amaryllis POV (before)

I turned to the nightstand. Where my alarm clock sits. 6:02. I groan and stand up leaving to the bathroom. I'd been to the therapist and he'd given me these pills and told me to have one every night. I'd already taken two pills around eight before I went to bed but it's been over ten hours now so I popped two more into my mouth.

      I returned to the bed but tossed and turned for around twenty more minutes.

       "A few more can't hurt right?" I tell myself as I stare at my dark circles under my eyes. I spill a few more from the orange bottle into my palm but don't even count them. As my hand flew to my mouth I almost choked down the amount of pills at once. My face falls as my eyes droop but my body won't sleep.

       "Screw this." I mutter and dump four or five more into my mouth. I sit on the toilet seat and cry into y balled up fists. I look at the tiles on the floor and they swirl together. I gasp and clutch to my head which pounds. I almost call for help but I think it's too late.

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