We walk into the dauntless born dorms and everybody is sitting on a bed arguing about their opinions.
"Bianca! Finally!" Avary practically screams. "We can't figure out what's wrong with you. Everybody's going crazy trying to guess."
"I'm fine." Bianca says. I lean against one of the bed posts and survey everybody in the room. All of the transfers and dauntless born are here and my eyes land on Logan. For the dauntless born he's more of a friend than an instructor so I guessed they would invite him.
"You look nice." Noah says walking over to me and standing beside of me, looking down on me.
"Thanks." I say smiling.
"I'm not going to push it or anything but who's the father?" Noah whispers close to my ear. I stiffen slightly.
"I don't know what you are talking about. I'm not pregnant." I say in a hushed voice.
"You know I'm not talking about you. Bianca's pregnant, am I wrong?" Noah says nonchalantly.
"Yes. Your wrong." I say sternly.
"Do you know the father?" Noah asks.
"You can't tell anybody Noah." I whisper.
"I won't." He whispers into my ear.
"Thanks." I smiled up at him. "But how'd you know?"
"She wasn't herself and she got sick and she took a shot to the stomach which hurt her." Noah shrugs.
"Fair enough. Just don't let her know you know yet." I scan the room for Bianca and see her talking to Scull. She seems really upset with him and is probably telling him off about now. Bianca stands up abruptly and storms over to me grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the dorm. I throw an apologetic glance in Noah's direction and follow her out.
"Can we go back to your apartment?" She asks when we get out of the dorms.
"Yeah sure." I shrug and follow her until we go to my room and she immediately jumps on the bed and lays stomach first on the bed.
"I might get a baby bump in less than a month." Bianca says.
"So your over two months? you just said two months earlier." I ask
"I said 'about' two months." Bianca corrects.
"No you didn't." I say.
"Oops. I'm closer to three than two." Bianca says.
"You should've told me earlier!" I say and hit her with a pillow.
"I didn't know that much earlier." Bianca shrugs.
2nd round of initiation
"You have a baby bump." I say motioning toward her stomach. It was really small and you could almost mistake it for gaining weight.
"I know!" Bianca groans loudly.
"So how are you looking forward to round 2 of initiation?" I ask.
"I'm not. At all. I don't really want to know what is in my fear simulation" Bianca says.
"Yeah me neither." I agree. When we get to the simulation room they call us in one at a time. I'm one of the first so I go in slowly. Waiting for me is Scull typing frantically on his computer and a chair.

Descendant (divergent fan fiction)
Fanfiction*Warning for spoilers of any of the books* After the war, Tris is still dead but what if she had a daughter first? And left Tobias as a single father? Well this is about Harper Nicole Eaton. I also am bringing Uriah back and if someone is supposed t...