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"Fear landscape." I quietly say. "I wonder how many fears I have."

"I'm not looking forward to this either." Noah says. "And miss Prego shouldn't be either."

"Aren't you almost four months?" I ask.

"Yep." Bianca says. She sunken down and sits in an uncomfortable position against the wall.

"Harper Eaton." I hear me dad say.

"Wish me luck." I whisper and follow my dad.

"You'll be fine okay?" He says.

"Okay." I say and he inserts the syringe into my neck vein. I walk into the black room and i turn back to the door and it's not there anymore. My head hits a hard surface and I cringe from the impact. I try to move my hands but there cuffed to the table. My legs were strapped too. I struggle for probably five minutes before I'm struggling to breathe. The air seems to be getting thinner and thinner. I cough and gag and rapidly breathe.

Make it worse to make it better
Make it worse to make it better
Make it worse to make it better

I think to myself. This is the same fear I've get every simulation. I breathe out but don't breathe in. Out but not in so my body is deprived from oxygen. Then I close my eyes and I'm pretty sure I die.

That's my fear, a slow death. The room disappears and I'm on my knees panting for air. In front of me stands three familiar people, My dad, Bianca, and Noah. I don't really get the point of this. I back up slightly and bump into a table. On the table are three bullets and a small gun.

"Oh no." I mumble and pick up the gun to load the bullets.

"Shoot them!" A strong live shouts loudly.

"I can't hurt them." I say back but quieter.

"Shoot them or I will." It says again.

"No." I say. I look up above me and fire three times and use all my bullets. The scenes disappears and the room goes black again. "What type of fear is this?" I ask. Lights flick on and I'm in the room I was in from the beginning.

"That was them all." I hear my dad say.

     "God. That was the worst thing I've ever experienced." I mumble walking into my dads arms. "That was really bad."

     "I know. It's okay." He replies and kisses my forehead, leading me out of the room. Bianca goes in after me and I get an irruption of screams.

"Two fears!"
"That's impossible!"
"Isn't that a record?" I hear but I ignore them all.

     "Everybody shut it!" Scull screams over the commotion and I sit beside of Noah.

     "Are you okay?" He asks me.

     "I'll get over it." I say quietly.

     "Okay." He says and I just stare blankly at the scream where Bianca faces her fears. Twelve. She comes out and she's panting terribly. I run up to her kind of dramatically.

     "The baby is coming." She gasps loudly.

     "Oh god." I answer. "It's only been four months." Scull stands abruptly but I give him a sharp glare before helping her out of the room and into the infirmary. Scull follows us.

"I can take her." He says trying to help and I almost let him.

"Don't let him touch me!" Bianca says through gritted teeth. Scull looks at me expectantly.

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