Leave my mark

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I touch the oak of the bed post and it burst into flames. The swirls of orange and red fly around me like magic. Soon enough the fire surrounded me and bursts out randomly burning my flesh. Smoke choked me. Coughing uncontrollably I lay down on the ground and let the flames smother me. I fight the urge to cough and I just lay there. When my throat burns like never before and my skin is read and peeling from my bones my eyes burst open.

"That wasn't real. That wasn't real. That wasn't real." I tell myself.

"That was a lot better than yesterday." Scull says. "You know I've practically memorized all the initiates screams? I think that's progress as an instructor."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I say and get up exiting the room. We've been doing this for about a week and mine have been fire, suffocation, drowning, and poisoning. All to the death. I walk back out to Bianca who is three months pregnant or more. She is wearing a big sweatshirt today that doesn't fit her at all to cover up her stomach. She has wore that sweatshirt forever but she decided to tell the dauntless born initiates today so she doesn't have to wear her sweatshirt for everything. Bianca goes in after me and comes out about 10 or more minutes later.

     "Okay let's go." She says and we swiftly walk to the dauntless dorms. We sit on my bed until Avary and Falcon walk in followed by Jake and Noah.

     "We have an announcement!" I scream as they sit down. "Bianca's gonna tell you what's wrong with her!"

     Everybody takes a seat on a bed, Falcon sitting on Avarys and Noah lying on his with Jake at his feet.

     "Now you can't tell anybody. None of the transfers or instructors." Bianca says sternly and they all nod. "I'm pregnant. Now go back to your boring lives."

     "What?!" Avary yells and stands up. "Who's the father? What's it's name? Is it a girl?" As soon as she asks that the door swings open revealing Scull.

     "What's going on in here?" He asks.

     "She's-!" Avary screams and points at Bianca but she cuts her off.

     "Shut up!" Bianca yells. Sculls eyes flit over to her and narrow. He looks over to me and my eyes widen.

     "What?" I ask.

     Scull turns and slams the door loudly.

     "What was that about?" I ask.

     "He's been trying to find out what 'wrong' with me forever." She mumbles.

     "Why not tell him?" Noah asks.

     "Because I don't want to." Bianca snaps. "Sorry. Baby hormones."

     "Who's the baby daddy?" Jake asks.

     "I'm not telling anybody yet." Bianca states.

     "How far?" Avary asks.

     "3 months." Bianca answers.

     "Aww so cute!" Avary squeals.

     "What's cute about a slobbery fat little human?" Bianca asks.

     "Oh shut up that's my niece/nephew your talking about." I say and smack her arm playfully.


"I don't know what to wear?" I say.

     "This is practically a date." Bianca points out.

     "I'm wearing that. Cause it's not a date. Noah is just a friend." I say casually and dress in black jeans. I put on a black shirt where the sleeves flow out from the elbows and cover half my hand when I let them fall. I tie my combat boots up and Bianca straightens my hair.

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