|| How It Used To Be ||

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Min's POV:

   "I'm training again today. Sorry, Minnie." He smiled sheepishly at me while running a hand through his hair, to which I let out a sigh, my eyes moving to look at our shoes.

   "You're always training.. It's been so long since we last hung out." I pouted, making him ruffle my hair a sigh leaving him as well, and he tugged a strand of my loose hair behind my ear, sending the blood in my body to my face.

   "You know my schedule is-"

   "Your schedule is busy, I know. But it's like we never do anything together anymore." The pout never left my face which had one appear on his face as well, and he placed his hands on my cheeks, squishing my face slightly.

   "What about this, tomorrow I take you out for ice cream, deal?" He asked, making yet another sigh leave my lips as I finally looked up, looking into his eyes.

   "But practi-"

   "I'll just skip it tomorrow." He grinned.

   "Do you think that'll be a good idea?" To my question he moved his shoulders up in a shrug, the grin not leaving his face as he then exclaimed;

   "Probably not, but I can take some scolding!" The words finally made me crack a smile, and I nodded my head, trying not to seem too excited.

   "Okay." My eyes squinted slightly as the smiled on my face widened, and he smiled back.

   "Now, let's finish this before our teacher comes and sees us not doing anything." Those words had me laughing, but I nodded in agreement, turning back to our assignment.


   A smile crawled onto my face as I scanned the pictures hanging on the other side of the room as I was sitting on my bed, and I couldn't help but question myself;

   "How did we even become friends?"

   "Hello, my name is Min, please take care of me." Bowing I smiled shyly at the students, whom all were staring me down, making my mouth feel a bit dry, nervousness taking over me.

   "Min, please sit down beside Jaemin, Jaemin could you raise your hand?" A guy with a wide smile raised his hand at the teacher's request, and I quickly sat in the empty seat beside to him.

   "Hello, I'm Jaemin." An exclamation left him, and I introduced myself again.*

   "I totally forgot about that.." I whispered to myself, slightly smiling.

   "Please stop you're embarrassing me.." Whining I hid my face in my hands, which only made Jaemin laugh, earning even more attention.

   "Why? Don't you like my dancing?" Another loud laugh left the boy, who continued dancing down the street, which had people turn their heads.

   "Your dancing is nice, but people are looking.." A statement left me as I had caught up to him.

   "My singing is better though.." That made me roll my eyes, that didn't stop thegrin from appearing though.*

   "He's such a dork."

   "Can't I drop out of school?" A groan left the boy, who gripped onto his dark locks, before dropping his head onto the table, letting the sound echo.

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