|| You Know Him? ||

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Min's POV:

"Is this a good idea? I think it would be better if I, you know, just go home again!" I laughed nervously as Jaemin was dragging me towards this big building that seemed oddly familiar to me.

We walked inside and he began dragging me through a hall until he stopped in front of a door.

He was smiling brightly and he waited for me to open the door. With a deep breath I opened the door making six heads turn towards me. Jaemin walked into the room dragging me in as well. I scanned the room but stopped when I saw a shocked face looking right back at me. I felt my body freeze and I didn't know what to do.

"Min?" Mark stood up as I remained frozen. "Mark?" I asked and a guy began laughing. "This is so awkward!" He laughed and I looked around. "You know him?" Jaemin asked shocked and I nodded. "He is the guy I've been talking about.." I mumbled and Jaemin widened his eyes. "This is.. Some interesting news..." Jaemin scratched his neck and I looked down.

"I know Chenle and Renjun as well.." I looked at Jaemin who looked a little disappointed. "And Jeno!" He said a little cheerful trying to lighten the awkward mood. "Hey, Min!" Jeno waved with an unfamiliar guy beside him. "I think we should introduce ourselves!" The guy who earlier burst out laughing said and stood up.

"Hello! I'm the mood maker of this team, Haechan! Or Donghyuck, whatever you prefer!" He grinned and sat down again.
"Hi, I'm the youngest, Jisung!" The guy beside Jeno said and I bowed. "I'm Min, nice to meet you!" Donghyuck grinned at me when I had finished my introduction.

"Sit down! Both of you!"
Jaemin sat down and I decided to stay by his side and sat down beside him. Mark looked at us before standing up and walking over to us. He sat on the other side of me and gave me a smile.

"Do you guys hang out a lot?" Jaemin asked looking down and I shrugged. "Mostly when you're at practice.." I told him and he mumbled something.

"I love drama." Donghyuck snickered and Mark threw a water bottle at him.
"So that's why you don't arrive at practice sometimes!" Jaemin said and Mark scratched his neck. "But if he has time to hang out with me, then why don't you?" I looked at Jaemin and he looked down.
"He's older than me and has more experience. I have to work really hard if I want to debut." He told me and I nodded. "I understand that, but why can't you skip practice once in a while like Mark does? I know, it's a bad thing to do, but if he can do it, you can too.." It was getting more and more awkward and Jeno seemed to notice that.

"What about we show her our dance?" He stood up and so did the others. Jaemin gave me a small smile and I gave him one back.
They all walked over to the weird looking things with wheels and stood up on them.
"This is a hoverboard if you didn't know, Minnie!" Jaemin ruffled my hair and I heard someone squeal.

"I ship it!" I didn't know who said it but I didn't really care either.
They began dancing but for some reason, without music. I was pretty amazed by how good at dancing they were and I clapped when they finished.

"It was really cool!" I said still a little shocked by how good they were. "A little awkward without music though." I said and Mark laughed. "We can't show you the song yet!" Jaemin said out of breath and sat down beside me again.

"What about you, Min? Can you dance for us?" Jisung asked and I quickly shook my head. "Nope! I really can't dance!" I quickly said and Mark rolled his eyes. "Yes, you can!" Jaemin looked at him with sharp eyes.
"How do you know that? Min doesn't dance in front of anybody!" Jaemin said and I felt a little guilty for not dancing in front of him.
"Well, she danced in front of me!" Mark said with a smug grin on his face and sat down against the mirror.
"Oh.." Jaemin scratched his neck and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"He tried teaching me to dance." I mumbled and I felt Jaemin nod. "It's just.. You haven't danced in front of me before.." He mumbled back and I sighed. "I'm sorry about that.." I looked at him and he began smiling. "It's okay!" He wrapped an arm around me and Donghyuck made a kissing sound.

"Donghyuck, I will end you!" Mark glared at him and he leaned back. "Why? Because I ship her with him?" He smirked at Mark who threw another water bottle at him.

"Does he always throw water bottles?" I asked and Jaemin laughed with a nod.
"That's his way of showing affection!" He told me making me laugh.

"Guys? Don't you think we should start practicing again?" Renjun asked and the others nodded. "I think we should, Min just sit there and watch!" Jeno said and I nodded.
"Look at me!" Donghyuck shouted as they began practicing another dance.


"We're good, right?" Jisung asked just as they finished practicing the last dance and I nodded. "Really good!" I smiled making the boy grin.

"Hey, nerd? Can you get me that water bottle over there?" Mark asked and Jaemin looked at him. "Sure thing, idiot!" I threw it to him and he caught it easily.
"Nerd? Idiot?" Chenle asked confused and Mark laughed. "It's just what we call each other!" He told the younger boy and ruffled his hair. Jaemin rolled his eyes at him and looked at Jeno.

"Jeno, it's our day off tomorrow, right?" Jaemin asked him and he nodded which made Jaemin grin. "Minnie, are you doing anything tomorrow?" I raised an eyebrow at him and he laughed.
"Oh, yeah. You never have plans!" He laughed and I hit him. "You make it sound like I have a boring life!" I hit him again as he continued to laugh. "Can you guys like not flirt while I'm here?" Donghyuck rolled his eyes and Mark scoffed.

"Okay, since you aren't doing anything, we should hang out!" Jaemin grinned and Mark cleared his throat making everyone in the room look at him.
He looked at me and Jaemin and played with his shirt before looking down.

"I wanted to hang out with her as well."

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