|| Happy Birthday ||

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Min's POV:

'Just distract her while we set the things up!' I rolled my eyes at Jaemin's text and stopped Sojin.

"I haven't bought you a present yet an-" She didn't let me finish.
"I don't care, let's go!" She grabbed my hand and began dragging me making me sigh and I began to drag her the other direction.

"I'm going to buy you something!" I told her as I began dragging her towards the mall. "But it's so far away!" She whined.
"But I want to buy you something from your favorite store!" I exclaimed making her sigh but nod and we made our way to the mall.

"Why don't you ask Jeno out?" I asked her and she groaned before hitting me on the shoulder.
"Do you know how many bruises I have on my shoulder?" I laughed and she whined some more.

"The girl shouldn't ask the boy out!" I sighed and stopped her, looking directly into her eyes. "Maybe he's too shy, you should at least think about it!" She nodded at me and we started walking again.

We reached the store and I made her choose something before I called Jaemin.

"What's up, Minnie?" He asked when he had picked up and I heard some weird noises in the background.
"How long should I distract her?" I asked and he asked the same question to Mark. "Just for about an hour or two.." He mumbled and I sighed before placing a hand on my forehead.

"She already knows that we're celebrating her birthday, why do I have to distract her?" Jaemin let out a laugh and I heard something shatter in the background.
"What was that?" My question made him laugh again.

"Jisung dropped a plate and just distract her, okay? I'll text you when you can arrive, okay?" I rubbed my face and nodded even though he couldn't see it before hanging up.

Sojin came back with two shirts and held both of them up. "Which one looks the best?" I looked at both of them and pointed at the white one.
"I like this, but I can buy you both!" I exclaimed and dragged her with me to pay.

"Okay, where are we going now? SM? The practice room?" Her question made me shake my head and she shrugged.
"Then where?" She looked around and I pointed to a shop where you could buy milkshakes.
"I know that you love milkshakes so I'll buy one for you!" She grinned and dragged me towards the shop.


'We're done!" I read Jaemin's text and smiled. We had just finished our milkshakes when he had sent the text and Sojin looked at me.

"SM?" I nodded at her question as we started walking.
"Do you know what the guys did? Or planned?" I looked at her before shaking my head and she nodded.
"I just know that Jisung dropped a plate." I shrugged as we both laughed and we sped up.

It took a couple minutes before we arrived and we walked into the building.
When we had reached the practice room, the door was closed and I knocked on the door before I let Sojin open it.

"Happy birthday!" The lights were turned on as they shouted that.
Sojin had this smile on her face and began thanking them with hugs.

She, of course, hugged Jeno a little longer and I was the last person she hugged.

"We made cake!" Jaemin exclaimed and held the cake with candles in it making Sojin grin. "Bought.." Donghyuk coughed before grinning making me laugh as Sojin blew out the candles.

"What was your wish?" Jeno asked as the cake was handed to Mark who was going to cut it. "She can't tell!" I exclaimed making Sojin close her mouth and I looked at Mark who was about to cut the cake.

"Can we trust him with a knife?" I asked making Mark look at me and he grinned at me before nodding.
"Don't worry, nerd. If it ends bad, you cut the cake!" I rolled my eyes before letting out a laugh and I looked at Sojin who was right beside me.

"Now would be a good time to confess.." I mumbled earning a hit from her but her cheeks were pink.

After Mark had cut the cake, which turned out surprisingly good we began eating.
"Eat a lot, there's a lot of cake!" Mark said and stuffed some cake into his mouth and Donghyuck shrugged.

"You don't have to tell me twice!" He stuffed some cake into his mouth as well and made a satisfied noise.

"That noise was unnecessary.." He shook his head at me and repeated the noise but much louder this time making me roll my eyes.
"I ship it." Jeno joked and I felt Jaemin tense up before he laughed.

"I ship Sojin and Renjun!" Mark laughed making Jeno cross his arms and I saw both Sojin and Renjun's eyes widen.
"What?" I laughed at him as he shook his head and Renjun's face turned slightly pink.

"He's just joking, right?" I looked at Mark as I said the last part and elbowed him in the side lightly making him nod.
"I still ship it though.." Jeno mumbled and Jaemin threw a shoe at him.

"You just threw my own shoe at me!" Jeno laughed and threw the shoe back at him making it hit him on the side of his face.
"You just threw your shoe at me!" Jaemin looked offended and I couldn't help but laugh.


After Sojin had opened the others present we began cleaning the practice room.

I looked up to see Jeno smear some frosting from the cake on Sojin's cheek and I smiled.
"They're cute together.." Mark mumbled as we were picking up trash from the ground and I saw Sojin do the same to Jeno.

"They are.." I agreed and Jaemin walked over to us.
"Your birthday is next!" He poked my side and sat down with me and Mark making me squeal. "Yeah, I know!" I poked his side as well making him slap my hand away.

After cleaning up, me and Sojin were getting ready to leave and she hugged everyone again.

I just hugged Mark and Jaemin.

"Did you have fun?" She nodded and sighed before closing her eyes.

"I'm really tired though.."

"Remember, we will start studying for our exam tomorrow!" I laughed as she groaned and shook her head.
"Do you want me to be upset on my birthday?" She laughed and I gave her a hug as we parted ways.

"I hope you had a great day!" I shouted at her and I heard her laugh.

"I'll set her up with Jeno.." I mumbled to myself and a smile crept onto my face.

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