|| But.. What If? ||

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Min's POV:

"See you tomorrow, Jaemin!" I waved at him and made my way home. Mark was actually going to hang out with me but something came up, so I asked Sojin instead. She agreed but wanted to change first.

"I'm home!" I shouted before making my way to my bed and placed my bag on the floor.
Jaemin was acting really weird today, he wasn't talking that much and even one of our teachers asked if he was okay. I sat down on my bed with a sigh and looked at the ceiling.

There was a knock on my door and I expected it to be Sojin, but to my surprise, it was Jaemin.

"Jaemin? What are you doing here?" I asked the boy in front of me. "I just wanted to say hi!" He scratched his neck and I gave him an odd look.
"Hi? Is there anything else? Because I'm waiting fo-" Before I could finish my sentence he cut me off.
"Oh, were you going to hang out with Mark today?" He scoffed and I crossed my arms. "No, I was actually going to hang out with Sojin! Mark had other plans!" I told him and he ran a hand through his hair.

"So you were going to hang out with him.." He mumbled and I sighed. "I can hang out with who I want, you know?" I looked at him and he sighed. "I know, I just don't like how much you hang out with him!" He said and I raised my eyebrows.
"What? What's the worst that can happen? He kills me?" I asked and he leaned against my wall.
"Maybe, but you're my best friend and-" "Yeah, but I can have other friends!" I cut him off and he groaned.

"He skips practice to hang out with you!" He stated and I scoffed.
"At least he makes an effort to hang out with me!" He sighed and ruffled his hair. "But he sneaks out and skips practice! He's not allowed to do that!" He said and I shrugged.
"Did he get in trouble yet?" I asked.
"No, but he will at some point!" He argued and I rolled my eyes. "I still don't see the problem!" I told him and looked at the ceiling.

"The problem is that my best friend is hanging out with another guy much more than she hangs out with me!" He exclaimed and I let out a sarcastic laugh. "You're not my only friend! You can't stop me from hanging out with him!" I said and sent him a glare.
"I'm not going to stop you from hanging out with him! I just want you to hang out with me as well!" I rolled my eyes.

"How? You're always practicing and you never make an effort to see me, like Mark does! Yeah, it's bad to sneak out but he does it so he can see me! Why don't you do it? Are you scared that you're gonna get caught?" I asked and he glared at me.
"I make an effort, I really do!" He defended and I laughed. "Wow, what a joke! If you made an effort, we probably wouldn't be fighting right now!" He ran a hand though his hair and I stood up.

"We're not fighting! We're just arguing! And I do make an effort, trust me!" He said and I almost laughed again. "Then why is it Mark I'm always hanging out with?" I asked and he looked away.

"It really feels like you're replacing me.." He mumbled and I looked at him weirdly.
"What?" I asked and he looked me in the eyes. "How would you feel if I found a girl and befriended her? Then suddenly I'm hanging out with her everyday!" He said crossing his arms and I looked down.
"I would feel left out, I guess.." He nodded while raising his eyebrows. "And that's how I feel about you and Mark!" His statement made me sigh and I rubbed my eyes.

"I don't hang out with him every day!" I said and it came out harsher than it should've had. "Almost everyday!" He snapped and I raised my eyebrows.

"Are you really my best friend?" I let out a weird laugh and he looked shocked.
"What? Of course, I am!" I shook my head.

"Can you please leave?" I asked and he looked at the ground before looking up. "Fine." His eyes looked a bit cold and he walked out of my room, shutting the door behind him.

After a few minutes my door was opened and Sojin walked in.
"What's up? I just saw Jaemin leave, what happened?" She sat down beside me and I buried my face into my hands.

"We had a fight and I don't know if I just lost my best friend.." I told her and she pulled me in for a hug.
"Now, tell me everything.."


"And he walked out!" She nodded and my sadness was replaced with anger. "How could he say that?" I shouted and threw a pillow and Sojin rubbed my back.

"Guys are idiots.." She said and I nodded before throwing another pillow. "Hit it instead!" She said and I did as I was told.
"Does he really think that I'd replace him?" I asked and punched the pillow making Sojin giggle a bit.
"Don't laugh at me!" I glared at her and hit the pillow again.
"I'm sorry, let everything out!" She said and I hit the pillow.

"Why doesn't he make an effort to see me?" I kept on asking questions and hitting the pillow while Sojin rubbed my back.


Jaemin's POV:

"I'm an idiot.." I mumbled with my face in my hands and I felt someone pat my shoulder. "You sure are!" I heard Donghyuck say and I heard a smack.

I looked up to see Donghyuck rubbing his arm and Jisung walked in with the others. "Where's Mark?" Jisung asked and I shrugged. "He had a lot of homework.." Jeno said and I sighed.
"Did you talk with Min?" Jisung asked to which I nodded.
"And how did it go?" He asked and I shook my head.
"I'm afraid, what if I just lost my best friend?" I said and leaned my head against the wall.

"You don't have to worry! Min doesn't seem like a person to forget a friendship because of a fight.. How long have you even been friends?" Renjun asked and I smiled.
"About five years, I think.." I told him and he nodded.

"He's right! Min won't give up on your friendship just because of a stupid little fight!" Jeno reassured me and I smiled.
"Thanks guys!"

But what if?

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