|| Stressing Over A Birthday ||

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Jaemin's POV:

"No! She's allergic to bananas!" I exclaimed, making Donghyuck raise his hands before placing the bananas away.

"She likes chocolate, make a chocolate cake, not a banana one!" He nodded with a sigh and I walked out of the kitchen.

"At what time, will they arrive?" Jisung asked as he was wrapping up a present and I rubbed my face.
"I don't know, but we need to set the things up in the practice room as well." Jeno rolled his eyes and Mark slapped his shoulder.
"We didn't make such a big deal out of Sojin's birthday." I rolled my eyes this time and sat down beside Jisung, taking over the present.

"Calm down, loverboy! She didn't want anything big, Min doesn't want it either, but we have to guys crushing on her and they'll kill us!" Donghyuck explained, or shouted from the kitchen and both me and Mark snapped our head towards him, before glaring at him.
Jeno's face flushed at the word 'loverboy' and he looked away.

"Jeno, when are you going to kiss her?" Renjun leaned towards him with this innocent smile and Jeno's blush darkened.
"What?" His eyes widened and I chuckled before looking back at the present, which was wrapped up pretty good.

"It looks cute, you should write a card." Mark rolled his eyes and I crossed my arms.
"At least I have a present for her." When I had said that, he rolled his eyes and walked out of the room, before coming back, with a bag in his hands.

"It's a shirt, I saw her look at it some time ago, when I met her in the mall. She wanted to buy it, but it was too expensive, so she didn't but it, I bought it for her.." He sent me a smirk, making me roll my eyes and I saw Jeno nudge Jisung.

"I can feel the tension.." He mumbled to which I glared at him and I looked back at Mark. "I bought a shirt as well, I actually bought her two." He rolled his eyes and walked back into his room, with the bag.

A few moments of silence passed and the smell of chocolate cake filled my nose, making me grin.
"Is she allergic to anything other than bananas?" Donghyuck poked his head into the living room and I thought for a moment, before shaking my head.

"She's allergic t-"

"Yeah, she's allergic to bananas, you didn't know that, did you?" Mark scoffed and grabbed his phone making me smirk.
"You're her best friend, of course, you know stuff like that about her." He grumbled and my smirk widened.


"They could arrive at any minute now! So we need to hurry up!" Mark exclaimed and I rolled my eyes but couldn't help feeling slightly stressed too. "Calm down, it doesn't have to be perfect, she'll like it anyway." I reassured him and he nodded while rubbing his face.

I heard the familiar voices of the girls and felt panic rush through me.
"They're coming!" I ran to the light switch and turned it off.


Min's POV:

"Do you really want to keep up with this act?" I laughed as she dragged me into an ice cream store.

"You know, we're in the middle of November, right?" She shrugged and pushed me towards the ice cream flavors.
"It's never too cold for ice cream!" She exclaimed dramatically, making me roll my eyes and grin.

"What about, that one time were you got sick after eating ice cream in December?" She shushed me and laughed before paying for my ice cream.
"That was one time. Besides, it was in December, we're in November!" She laughed, eating a spoonful of her ice cream and I copied her actions.

"You do know, that I know, what the guys are up to, right." She stopped walking before turning around and giving me an awkward smile.

"Please don't let the guys know, they're really working hard!" I gave her a nod and we started walking again.
"But at what time do we arrive?" She shrugged at my question and I looked at my phone. "Oh, right, here's a present from me." She gave me a small box and I felt my lips curve up into a smile, before slowly grabbing the box.

"Can I open it?" She nodded at me slowly, making me open it and I became genuinely surprised by the necklace inside.

"I have one as well, just so you know, that even if I have a boyfriend now, you're still my favorite person." I laughed shakily and gave a hug, which she immediately returned. "You're seriously my best female friend!" She let out a laugh and pulled away from the hug, before flicking my arm.

"Female? I though I was your best male friend!" She let out a sob and I linked arms with her.
"The guys just texted me, let's head to the practice room!" She cheered and began dragging me down the road,  which lead to the SM building.


"Act surprised, your acting is great, so act as surprised as you can!" She whispered to me as we were walking down the hall and I let out a laugh.

"You're so funny, Sojin! Be natural!" I whispered the last part to her and she let out a laugh as well.

"I know I am!" We reached the door and she nudged me to open it, which I did, only to walk into a completely dark room.

"Happy birthday!" The lights were turned on and I placed a hand over my mouth, before laughing.

"What's all this?" I asked and looked around the room as Sojin walked over to Jeno. "It's a wedding, as you can see!" Donghyuck rolled his eyes and I glared at him, before I felt someone hug me from the side.

I looked at Mark before hugging him back and I pulled away, before hugging Jaemin.
Donghyuck hugged me as well, before wishing me a happy birthday and I laughed, making him hit me slightly on the shoulder.

"You should thank me! I actually baked you a cake without banana in it!" Donghyuck exclaimed dramatically as I started hugging the others.

"Okay, let's eat some cake!" Jaemin exclaimed and I smiled before sitting down in our usual circle.

As we were eating cake, Mark handed me a bag and Jaemin handed me a box.

"Here are your presents, Minnie." Jaemin ruffled my hair and gave me another hug.
Mark pulled me into a hug as well and he let out a quiet laugh.

"Happy birthday, nerd."

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