|| .. Beautiful? ||

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Min's POV:

"Are you free today?" Jaemin asked while writing down notes. "You know me, I'm always free.." I mumbled looking at the notes on the blackboard. "But your dad is coming home today, isn't he?" He asked looking up from his notes and I nodded.
"But I don't think he'll mind if you wanted to hang out.." I mumbled looking at him and he grinned. "Good, then let's hang out today! At my place! You, me, and Jeno!" He said making me widen my eyes. "Are you serious?" He laughed at my question and nodded. "But practice?" I asked and he shrugged. "Some trainees owe us something so they will help us cover up!" He explained and wrote down some more notes.
"Okay, then!"

The bell rang and we both quickly packed our things before leaving the classroom.


"Let's go!" Jaemin grinned and took my hand before walking off to his house. "I'm so excited to meet Jeno!" I squealed and Jaemin pouted. "You're not excited to hang out with me?" He asked and I flicked his arm. "Of course I am, you idiot!" He rubbed his arm and glared at me.

"You love me!" He stated and I rolled my eyes. "And you love me as well!" I told him and he mumbled something.
"What was that?" I asked and he gave me a smile. "Nothing! I'll just text Jeno and tell him to come to my place now!" He took his phone and I nodded. "Okay!"

"Okay, he's on his way now!" Jaemin said to which I nodded. "Let's hurry up then!" I told him with a grin and he grinned back before quickening his pace. "Hey! Wait for me!" I laughed and ran to catch up with him.

It took about two minutes before we arrived and Jaemin unlocked the door. "After you!" He chuckled and I laughed before walking inside.

"Just place your things.. Anywhere." I placed my things on the couch because I was too lazy to move. "Do you want something to drink, Minnie?" He asked from the kitchen just as someone knocked on the door. Jaemin quickly walked over to the door and opened it and I stood up.

I waited a few seconds before he came into the living room with a guy beside him. I sent the guy a smile and bowed at him. "My name is Min! Nice to meet you!" I introduced myself and he bowed back with a smile on his face. "I'm Jeno! It's so nice to finally meet you!" He said and I sat down on the couch. The boys sat down and Jeno looked at me.

"Does Jaemin talk about me and the other boys a lot?" Jeno asked looking at Jaemin and I laughed with a nod. "He mostly tells me about accidents and pranks and stuff like that.." I told him and he looked at me.

"Did he tell you about the times when he messed up or is it only about us messing up?" Jeno asked and Jaemin laughed awkwardly. "I usually tell her about you guys." He scratched his neck and I smirked. "What did he do?" I asked and Jeno laughed.

"Well there was this one time where he accidentally entered the wrong practice room and just began practicing." Jeno said and Jaemin hit him. I laughed which made Jaemin glare at me.

"There was also this one time when he accidentally left another trainee at this store. He and the other trainee had lost in a dance battle so they were going to buy us ice cream! He just left without the other trainee!" Jeno said while rubbing his arm where Jaemin had hit him.

"We don't need to talk about me anymore!" Jaemin said which only made me laugh harder. "It's cute!" I told him and I swear I could've seen his ears turn slightly red.
Jeno was laughing as well and Jaemin was trying to hide his face.

"Okay, now let's stop torturing the boy!" I said and Jaemin sighed. "Thanks, Minnie! I also think that you've embarrassed me enough!" He fanned his face and Jeno looked at me still snickering a bit.

"So you're the famous Minnie, huh?" Jeno started and Jaemin looked at him. "Stop, don't say anymore!" He told him and Jeno smirked. "He talks about you a lot!" Jeno leaned back and I giggled.
"You talk about me? Awe, you're so cute!" He was hiding his face again but I knew that if he was looking at me, he would be glaring.
"Why did I think it was a good idea to let you guys meet?" Jaemin groaned which made Jeno laugh.
"I think it was a good idea! She's just like you described her! Funny and-" Jaemin covered Jeno's mouth and I looked at him.

"Funny and what?" Jaemin laughed nervously wiping his hand. "Nothing.. Jeno why did you lick my hand?" He mumbled the last part and I laughed.

"Do you guys want something to drink?" He fanned his face which was really red and I had to hold back a squeal since it was usually me who got flustered. "Yes, please!" I told him and Jeno nodded. "Water?" He looked at me and I nodded. He looked at Jeno who shrugged. "Water is fine!" He said and Jaemin nodded walking into the kitchen.

"You know he does talk about you a lot!" Jeno grinned and I felt my face slowly heating up. "He talks about you a lot as well!" I told him and he raised an eyebrow. "But does he call me beautiful? Because he thinks you're beautiful." He responded just as Jaemin walked in. He gave us the glasses and I drank a little bit hoping it could cool down my burning face.

"Why's your face red, Minnie?" Jaemin asked and I touched my cheek. "It's really hot in here." It was a stupid excuse, I know. But it was good enough for Jaemin because he just nodded.
"I agree it's pretty hot in here!" Jeno said and I felt relieved. "Then let's go outside!" Jaemin said and I nodded standing up.


"It was so nice to meet you, Min! And I had so much fun!" Jeno grinned and gave me a slightly awkward side hug. "I hope we get to hang out again! Then we can torture Jaemin again!" Jaemin glared at Jeno who just laughed. "I hope so too!" I told him and waved as he started walking away.

"It's getting late.. Maybe it would be better if you go home as well!" He looked at his watch and I nodded. "Do you want me to walk with you?" I sent him a smile but shook my head. "I can walk home by myself! Don't worry! I'll see you tomorrow, you idiot!" I hugged him and he grinned. "See you, Minnie!" He waved at me and I started walking.
I felt a little weird though.

Jaemin though I was beautiful?

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