|| Will It Work? ||

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Min's POV:

"Are you seriously going to ignore him?" Sojin asked me as we ate lunch and I looked down. "I don't know.." I told her and she sighed.

"Seriously? You've ignored him the whole day so far and you didn't even walk with him to school!" She slapped my arm making me glare at her.
"I'm still mad at him for thinking that I would replace him!" I told her making her sigh once again.
"I understand that, but seriously he kept on looking at you throughout the lesson!" She told me and I felt my phone vibrate.

'Wanna hang out later?' I sighed but decided that it would be a good idea to talk with him.

'Sure, my place?' I sent it and looked at Sojin who was already looking at me.
"Mark?" She asked to which I nodded.

'Yup!' I snickered and placed my phone back in my bag.
"When do you think you'll forgive him?" Her question made me sigh and I shrugged. "When he apologizes, I guess.." I told her and she flicked my forearm.
"You should apologize as well, you know?" I pouted but nodded and she smiled. "Good, I know how stubborn you can be, but you have to apologize as well!" She told me sternly and I nodded.

"Yes, mother!"


"Hey, Mark!" I gave him a quick hug making him grin.
"How are you, nerd?" I laughed at the name and shrugged. "Fine, I guess!" I told him to which he laughed.

"I have a serious question for you!" I told him and he nodded.
"Did you and Jaemin get into an argument? Because yesterday he came and we began arguing!" I told him and he looked down. "Yeah, we did.." He scratched his neck and I sighed but nodded.

"Okay, do we really hang out that much?" My question made him look at me weirdly. "What do you mean?" He asked and I sat down beside him. "Jaemin told me that we've hung out a lot lately.." He nodded when I finished my sentence.

"I only hang out with you when it's possible for me to skip practice!" I hit him making him laugh and I joined him.
"You have to be careful!" I raised my eyebrows at him and he nodded.
"I know, I know but sometimes.. I just need to get out of that practice room!" He defended and I laughed.

"Are you sure that's the reason?" I grinned at him and he smirked. "What other reasons are there?" He asked and I hit him with a pillow.

"Are we starting this again?" He laughed and hit me as well.
"No! I just hit you because you were mean!" I said as he hit me again. "Awe, of course, you're the reason I skip practice!" He ruffled my hair and I pouted at him.

"Don't pout, a smile looks better!" He grinned and I rolled my eyes. "You're face is red, so you like it!" I hit him with the pillow again and a pillow fight started.


Jaemin's POV:

"Buy her some clothes!" Jeno suggested and I shook my head with a groan. "Min doesn't like it when I buy her clothes! She isn't the biggest fan of clothes!" I told him and Donghyuck laid down.

"Chenle do you have any ideas?" I asked and the boy shook his head. "Renjun?" I asked making him shrug.
I laid down on the floor as well. "Why isn't Mark here?" Jisung asked and I scoffed. "He's probably hanging out with Min!" Donghyuck snickered at my sentence and I sat up.

"I wonder what they are doing!" He said and I threw a cap at him.
"Well, at least it wasn't a water bottle.." He mumbled and I grabbed a water bottle making him flinch.

"Please help me with this!" I sighed making Jisung sigh as well.
"What does she like?" He asked and I thought for a while.
"Books, animals.." I told him and sighed once again.

"Stop sighing so much, we're trying!" Donghyuck said and I glared at him.
"We are trying, you're just sassing us!" I told him and he crossed his arms.
"Rude, but I don't think you're able to buy her a dog or something!" He said and I shook my head.
"I wasn't planning to.."

"What about giving her a book? You just said that she likes books!" I shook my head at Renjun's sentence and he looked at me confused.
"She has so many book, I don't even know how many she has or what books she has!" I told him making him pout.

"This is harder than expected.." Jeno said to which I nodded.
"Girls are so complicated.." Donghyuck said and I grabbed the bottle again making him apologize quickly.

"What else does she like? She has to like something other than the two things you just said!" Donghyuck exclaimed and I nodded. "She likes a lot of things.. Cake, chocolate, and just sweet stuff in general!" I told him and Jisung jumped to his feet.

"Bake her a cake or bake her some cupcakes." Donghyuck laughed and looked at me. "Have you ever seen Jaemin cook?" He asked and I glared at him.
"I know how to cook! I just don't.. Cook for you.." I scratched my neck and Donghyuck nodded slowly.
"If you know how to cook then bake her a cake!" Jeno said with a smile and I shrugged. "Isn't it going to look weird walking to school with a cake?" I laughed nervously and Donghyuck slapped his forehead.

"Then bake her cupcakes! Oh god, is it that hard to figure out?" He asked and this time I threw the bottle.
"If you're not that good at cooking, then we'll help you!" Renjun smiled. "Are you really going to help me?" My question made Chenle grin.
"Of course!" He replied and I smiled at him.

"Even you Donghyuck?" I looked at him and he rolled his eyes. "Do I have a choice?" Jisung shook his head at his question making him sigh.

I really hope this works..

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