|| Funnier Together ||

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Min's POV:

'Do you want to hang out with me and Mark today? It's our day off!'

"Who is it?" My mom asked drinking some coffee and I smiled. "Jaemin! Is it okay that he's coming over? Mark too?" I asked and she nodded making me grin.

'Sure! Let's hang out at my place!' I sent it and went into my room to change from my pajamas.

'Okay! See you soon, Minnie!' I rolled my eyes at the nickname even though I'm used to it by now.

After getting dressed and applying some makeup I sat down in my chair. I waited patiently until my dad called signaling that the guys were here.

"Min! They're here!" My dad shouted and I quickly walked over to the door.
"What's up?" Mark nodded at me before breaking into a grin and hugging me. After Jaemin hugged me as well, we went into my room.

"Why did we even hug? I saw you yesterday!" I laughed and Jaemin pouted.
"I didn't hear from you at all today!" He said and I flicked his arm.
"You could've called!" I shrugged and he shook his head.
"It's nicer seeing you!" Mark's words made my face heat up and he snickered. "Look at how red she is!" Jaemin laughed as well and I threw a teddy bear at him.

"You still have one of those?" Mark laughed taking the bear from Jaemin's hand and I pouted. "What's wrong with that? Jaemin gave it to me!" Jaemin nodded and pouted as well while looking at Mark.
"Stop doing that, it's not cute!" Mark pushed Jaemin's face away and I laughed.
"I'm cute!" I joked and crossed my arms. "I've seen cuter." Mark said making me pout again. "Okay, you're the cutest I've ever seen! Now please stop, you look like a puppy!" I felt my face heat up again and I turned around in my chair.

"She actually looks like a puppy." Jaemin agreed and I turned around to glare at them before turning my back to them again.
"I do not look like an animal!" I said and I heard them laugh.

"Just like a little puppy!" Mark and Jaemin continued their talk about puppies while I still sat with my back towards them. I placed my hand over my heart which was beating faster than normal and I sighed.

Which one of them makes my heart beat so fast?

"Why are you sighing, Minnie?" Jaemin asked and I quickly turned around giving them an embarrassed smile. "I'm just.. You know.. Nervous for our exam!" I told them and Mark nodded.
"You'll ace it! I don't know about this idiot though!" Mark looked at Jaemin who glared at him and hit him with my teddy bear.

"No! No more hitting! And you're the idiot!" I smirked at Mark before grabbing the bear and placing it in my lap.
"Wait, Minnie! There's something I want to show you!" Jaemin said excitedly and Mark looked at him before breaking into an excited smile.

Jaemin took his phone and showed me some pictures.
"Look! It's us!" Mark said excitedly and I looked at the seven different pictures. "Oh my god, Jaemin! Your hair!" I laughed making Mark laugh too.
"Poor Jisung, look at his hair!" I exclaimed and they both laughed.
"To be honest, Jeno looks good!" I looked at the boys who shrugged.

"I looked the best in my opinion.." Mark looked at me with a grin and I rolled my eyes.
"Of course you'd think you looked the best." Jaemin rolled his eyes and Mark raised his eyebrows.
"Who do you think looks the best?" He asked him and Jaemin pointed at Renjun.

"What about you, Minnie?" Jaemin asked and I shrugged. "Maybe Donghyuck.." I said and looked at his picture.
"But what is this? Teaser photos or something?" I asked and they both nodded. "You're so smart, Minnie!" Jaemin wiped an imaginary tear away and Mark shook his head. "Nerd.." I hit him making him groan and Jaemin laughed.


Mark's POV:

"Nerd.." I mumbled making her hit me and I groaned. It didn't really hurt that much but her satisfied smile is so cute. Jaemin laughed making me glare at him.

"But yeah, it's our teaser photos for our upcoming debut!" I rubbed my arm where she had hit me and she nodded. "When will you debut?" She asked with excitement before walking over to the bed and sat in between me and Jaemin.

He wrapped an arm around her and I looked away for a second.
I wanted to wrap an arm around her as well but I didn't say or do anything.
"Soon, Minnie. Very soon!" He told her and she crossed her arms which I for some reason found cute.

"When's your exam?" I asked and Jaemin shrugged.
"Too soon, I actually don't know what date it is but I know that I'm not ready." She said and I ruffled her hair making Jaemin look at me with sharp eyes.
"Remember when we were studying together? I know that you're smart!" I told her and Jaemin glared slightly at me.

"Minnie? When we get closer to our exam, we should study together as much as we can!" She nodded and I crossed my arms.
"Why together? Isn't it easier studying alone?" I asked her and she shrugged. "Maybe it is.." She mumbled before shaking her head. "No, it's much more fun studying together!" She grinned and I shrugged.
"I guess it is.." I said and Jaemin grinned.

"But remember, if you need any help with English, ask me!" I winked at her jokingly but her cheeks reddened, making me feel slightly proud of myself.
"I can help you too, Minnie!" Jaemin said and I laughed.
"With English? Good luck with that!" I told him and he crossed his arms. His arm was finally off her and I took the chance to wrap my arm around her. To my surprise she didn't move my arm and Jaemin rolled his eyes.
"I know English!" I laughed again and shook my head.
"If you say so, Jaemin!" I told him to which he sent me a dirty look.
"I do know it!"


"Bye, nerd!" I waved at her as Jaemin and I began walking. "Bye, idiot!" I heard her shout back making me smile.
For some reason my heart was beating faster than normal and I felt kinda nervous.

"You okay?" Jaemin asked to which I nodded and I sighed. I stretched a bit and said goodbye to Jaemin when I reached my house.
I placed a hand over my heart which was starting to beat normal again.

But why was my heart beating so fast in the first place?

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