|| Exam Is Coming Up ||

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Min's POV:

"I'll just text the others and tell them, that I won't be able to make it to practice today, because we have to study." Jaemin mumbled while tapping on his phone as we were walking home.

"Are you sure that it's okay? We can always study at school." Sojin placed a hand on his shoulder and he nodded before placing his phone in his pocket.
"Of course it is, the exam is important!" He gave us a smile.
"And it's been a long time since we had a study session together!" He added and wrapped his arm around me.

"When your the third wheel!" Sojin made a peace sign making both of us laugh and she joined.
"I miss times like these.." I mumbled and Jaemin poked my side making me let out a squeal.

"You miss studying?" He teased and I rolled my eyes before elbowing him slightly in the side.
"Yeah, studying is the best!" I raised my voice and Sojin laughed before hitting me.

"God, you're so embarrassing! Jaemin, what have you done?" Sojin said dramatically and let out a weird noise, which sounded a bit like a sob.

"I created a masterpiece, or a monster.. I don't really know." He shrugged making me elbow him again and he groaned.
"I think I have enough bruises, thank you very much!" While laughing I gave him a side hug and we reached Jaemin's house.

"For once, we're studying at my house!" Jaemin unlocked the door and we all walked in.

"It's been a while." He nodded and we all went into his room which hadn't changed at all.
"So, let's start studying!" He sighed and we all began reading.


"Now I see, why it would be a bad idea to study together!" Sojin laughed as I threw popcorn at Jaemin who laughed as well.

"What do you mean? We did study for about an hour!" I laughed as Jaemin threw popcorn at me, hitting Sojim instead.
"Hey!" She shouted with a laugh and threw some back at him.

"Okay, we need to focus!" I exclaimed making both of them nod as I tried to begin reading again.

I let out an airy laugh making both of them burst out laughing again.
"We really shouldn't study together.." Sojin mumbled before laughing again.
"That was what Mark said! We should've listened to him!" I joked and Jaemin looked at me before shaking his head.

"No, we're having fun, right? Never listen to Mark!" Jaemin crossed his arms and I gave him an odd look.
"I was just joking, no need to get so serious!" I gave him a side hug and he let out a weird laugh before hugging me back.

"I ship it!" Sojin exclaimed and Jaemin threw a pillow at her.
"You should ship it, we're cute as heck!" I joked and I saw Jaemin's cheeks turn red making me pinch them.

I chuckled as he slapped my hand away and looked down.
"Let's start reading again.." He mumbled to which I nodded and began reading again.

The vibrations of my phone broke the silence and I quickly looked at it.
'Are you studying?' Jaemin looked over my shoulder and rolled his eyes.

"Can you please turn off your phone? It's a bit distracting if Mark keeps sending you messages.." It did sound a bit harsh but it was out exam we were studying for, not just a test and I nodded before turning it off.

"Thank you.." He smiled slyly and went back to reading, leaving the room in silence once again.


Mark's POV:

"Looking at your phone every minute, doesn't make a text appear, you know?" While glaring at Donghyuck I looked at it again.

"You sent it, what? An hour again, I don't think she's going to reply anytime soon." He said making me roll my eyes.
"Are you jealous that Jaemin gets to hang out with Min and you don't?" I looked at Donghyuck before rubbing my face and I let out an exhausted sigh.

"Could you shut up? Why don't you annoy Jeno or something?" Jeno looked quite offended when I had said that, but at the moment I was too tired to care.

"Oh yeah, what's up with you and Sojin?" Donghyuck nudged Jeno's shoulder.
"She's quite cute, isn't she?" Jeno pushed him away and glared at him which kinda surprised me, because Jeno usually doesn't glare at others.

"She is." He mumbled and fanned his face which was turning redder by the second. "Stop teasing the poor boy." I rested my head on my knees and Jeno sighed.
"You told me to annoy him and it's fun, look at his red face!" Donghyuck pointed at Jeno's cheek which made him slap his hand away and the noise echoed in the room.

"You guys hate me, don't you?" He pouted, rubbing his hand and I rolled my eyes before shaking my head.
"I don't hate anyone." Jisung finally opened his mouth and Donghyuck grinned before hugging the poor boy to death.

"Let the boy go, Donghyuck." I sighed and leaned against the wall making Donghyuck let go of Jisung.
"What's up with you? You seem so gloomy, not Mark-like at all!" Renjun exclaimed and I shrugged with another sigh as I squeezed my eyes shut.

"I'm tired that's all.."

"If it's because of Min and Jaemin you don't have to worry, you know? I can guarantee you that they're just studying, even if they did do something else, Sojin would've already bombed our phones with texts, or at least bombed Jeno.." Donghyuck tried to encourage me and I opened my eyes before looking at him.

"Who are you and what did you do to Donghyuck?" Jeno asked earning a slap to the back of his head.
"I'm just trying to cheer Mark up, I'm not usually this nice!" He defended before looking back at me.
My phone vibrated and I felt a burst of energy in me before grabbing it.

'Yeah, or I just finished studying.. Jaemin didn't want me to text you while we were studying, because, you know, our exam is pretty important!' I felt the corners of my lips curve up into a smile and Donghyuck whistled.

"And he's back at texting his girlfriend." Blood rushed to my face at Donghyuck's comment, but I ignored it as I was writing a reply.

'Oh, really? It's fine, you're texting me now, when's your exam?'

"Jeno is texting his girlfriend as well.." Jisung mumbled just as I looked up to see Jeno tapping on his phone quickly, with this grin on his face.

'In a few days, we should've started studying earlier, but you know me, the laziness won.' I felt a chuckle escape from my lips and Donghyuck smirked but I ignored it.

'Study a lot and work hard, you'll ace your exam, I know you will!' I sent her words of encouragement because I knew how stressing and horrifying exams could be.

I decided to stop texting her since it was getting late and I stood up.

"We should probably head home!" I stretched before looking at Jeno who was still smiling at his phone.

"Does your phone tell jokes?" Donghyuck leaned closer to him and Jeno's face heated up before he hid the phone behind his back.
"Leave the boy alone!" I laughed tiredly and grabbed Donghyuck's hood so he couldn't move over to Jeno again.

Jeno placed his phone away before standing up and Donghyuck crossed his arms.
"If you're done texting your girlfriend, we should leave." He mumbled and slapped my hand which held onto his hood.

"She's not my girlfriend.." Jeno mumbled, looking down and Donghyuck elbowed him in the side lightly.

"Yet." His comment made Jeno snap his head up and he hit Donghyuck, who laughed as Jeno's face flushed again.

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