|| Too Much Hitting ||

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Min's POV:

"Are you seriously going to invite him over as well?" Jaemin pouted and I nodded. "Yeah, he wanted to hang out with me too!" I told him and he groaned.
Since they both wanted to hang out I decided to hang out with both of them. "It's going to be awkward.." Jaemin mumbled and laid down on my bed. I rolled my eyes and jumped on top of him making him groan.

"When is he arriving?" He asked wrapping his arms around me and I tried my best to shrug.
"Soon, I think.." He sighed and closed his eyes.
"I'm just going to sleep!" He mumbled and I wriggled out of his arms. "Not with me!" I told him and stretched.
"Why not?" He smirked and my cheeks heated up. "You're blushing, do you want to sleep with me?" He wriggled his eyebrows and I hit him with the nearest thing, which was a book.

"Ow- okay maybe I deserved that.." He laughed to which I nodded and sat down beside him. "See, it's much funnier when it's just the two of us!" Jaemin sat up and wrapped his arm around me.
"It's going to be fun!" I told him and he pouted. "But-"
"No buts!" I told him cutting him off and he nodded. "Okay, okay! I get it!"

"Min, someone's at the door!" My dad shouted and Jaemin sighed. I walked over to the door and invited Mark inside.
"Wait, is Jaemin here as well?" Mark asked when he had walked into my room and saw Jaemin who rolled his eyes.
"Obviously.." He crossed his arms and Mark sat down on the other end of my bed. "Please, don't be like this guys!" I told them making Jaemin sigh again.

"Isn't your exam coming up?" Mark stretched and Jaemin hit him with my pillow. "Don't remind me!" He said and Mark laughed.
"I'm gonna fail and end up homeless!" I leaned back in my chair looking at the two boys who were throwing things at each other.
"If you fail, Minnie, then everyone will fail!" Jaemin said just as Mark threw one of my books at him.

"He just threw a book at me!" Jaemin gaped at him and I laughed. "No, it's not funny!" He pouted and I nodded.
"It's my favorite book!" I picked up the green book and Mark laughed.
"Does she even like to have fun?" Mark asked Jaemin and I glared at both of them when he shook his head.
"She's a pretty boring person!" He laughed making Mark laugh again.

I walked over to them, took my hardest pillow and began hitting both of them.
"You are both losers!" I said and hit them both one last time before walking back to my chair. "That isn't a pillow!" Mark groaned and hit the pillow. "It's a slightly soft rock!" Jaemin said and hit him with it.

"Please, don't mess up my room!" I told them sternly as Mark grabbed my school bag. "And don't hit him with that!" I told Mark and he put it down before grabbing a book. "Why do you have so many books?" Jaemin let out a small scream when Mark hit him with the book. "Why are we even hitting each other?" Jaemin asked as Mark hit him again. I had to take the book away from him so he wouldn't hit him again.

"I'm hitting you because you're hanging out with her!" Mark crossed his arms and Jaemin scoffed.
"I'm her best friend! You're not!" Jaemin glared at him and he glared back. "I'm going to get something to drink! Want anything?" I said trying to stop them before they started fighting. Jaemin smiled at me and nodded. "Whatever you have!" I smiled back and looked at Mark who nodded. "Just water please!" I nodded and he smiled at me.
"I'll be right back, please don't kill each other!" I told them and Jaemin looked at Mark with a fake smile. "Can't promise anything!" He mumbled and Mark glared.

I hurried out of the room and into the kitchen.
"How's it going?" My mom asked and I shook my head.
"Horrible, it's like they want to kill each other.." I said and she giggled. "They want you all to themselves, that's why!" She told me and I groaned.
"Why?" My question made her ruffle my hair and she walked out.

I struggled to have all three cups but I somehow managed to get to my door. "Oh, let me help you!" Mark said as I walked into the room but Jaemin stood up first. "No, let me!" He took two of the cups and gave Mark one of them.

"Can you guys stop glaring at each other?" I asked with a pout and Mark smiled at me. "What are you talking about? We are just smiling at each other!" He turned to Jaemin and sent him a weird smile. "What time is it?" Jaemin asked and looked at his phone.
"Past your bedtime." Mark said and I gave him a look. "Sorry.."

"I have to go home now.." He scratched his neck and I nodded giving him a smile.
"Let me walk you to the door!" I told him and Jaemin smiled. "See you, Mark!" He said and Mark waved with a weird grin.

I walked him to the door and gave him a hug. He hugged me a little longer than usual but not like I minded.
"Please, don't let him stay for too long." He whispered and I sighed but nodded. "See you, Minnie!" He waved and I waved back before closing the door and walking up to my room again.

"Wow, my room is a mess!" I said looking around and Mark chuckled. "Let me help you clean up!" He said and I shook my head. "You don't have to!" I told him but he started placing my pillows in my bed.
"Well, I'm helping and you can't stop me!" I rolled my eyes and began cleaning as well.

We were almost done when we decided to just stop. "Why were you both acting so weird today?" I asked Mark who shrugged.
"We both wanted to hang out with you alone!" He played with his hands and I ran a hand through my hair.
"But why? Am I that special?" I joked but Mark nodded. "You are! You're really funny and just have a fantastic personality!" He told me and my face heated up.

"I should probably get going now!" He stood up and I nodded before walking him to the door. "I'll see you soon, nerd!" He laughed and I gave him a hug.
"See you, loser!" I smiled at him and he began walking.
I looked at his back as he slowly became smaller and I couldn't help but sigh.

Am I that special?

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