|| Tomorrow? ||

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[Under Editing]

Min's POV:

'How's your day going?'

Those simple words had the power to lift the corner of my lips slightly and my eyes left Jaemin really quick as we were sitting by our usual lunch table.

'Fine, I guess. I think I just failed a history test though.'

After sending it my mind wandered back to the horrible test only minutes before making a fake shiver run down my spine and my eyes moved to the boy once again whom I quickly asked to repeat what just had left his lips.

"I was telling you about how our future manager had the idea of changing Jisung's hair color, you should've seen the poor boy's face." The boy repeated his words his eyes rolling back a bit and a small snicker managed to leave my lips.

"Poor guy." At the exact moment those two words left me my phone vibrated catching my attention.

'Ah, don't be like that, you probably got 100/100!'

"Who's so important?" At my best friend's question my head moved from side to side as I shook it a small 'no one' left me as I placed the phone down after having written a reply.

'There wasn't that many questions, only like 50.'

"No one? You had this big smile on your face!" The boy stated smugly his eyebrows rising which only made me roll my eyes my balled fist coming in contact with his shoulder earning a small groan.

"It was just a friend of mine.."

"That reminds me, when is Sojin coming back?" The boy seemed to have dropped the topic at least for now and his question made me puff out my cheeks as my mind started wandering.

"In a couple of days, I think.." Still in thought as I for some reason had forgotten the exact date and I continued;

"I don't remember."

"You don't remember when your best friend is coming back." The boy grunted slightly only morphing my lips into a pout.

"I forget easily, and you're my best friend!" When that exclamation left me I moved over to pinch his nose only earning a wheeze-like grunt and only the vibrations of my phone made me pull back my hand.

'Then 50/50! And by the way are you free tomorrow?'

The excitement grew in my stomach making it tickle all the way to my fingertips and my fingers were quick to write a respond.

'Yeah I'm free!'

'Great! I was wondering if you maybe wanted
to watch a movie? Tomorrow?'

That was his respond which arrived a few seconds after I had sent my text and the corner of my lips curled up into a goofy grin, earning an odd look from my best friend.

"You okay?" His words didn't really reach my brain as I was focused on replying to the guy.

'I would love to!'

I sent it and looked at Jaemin who was pouting.

"Can you stop looking at you phone?" He asked and I apologized before placing my phone in my bag.

"It was a friend..." I scratched my neck and he nodded.

"I know, you already told me!" He snickered.

"But what did your friend want?" He asked.

"Wanted to know if I wanted to watch a movie tomorrow!" I said and he pouted again.

"You're going to replace me!" He 'sobbed' and I hit his shoulder.


'Would you mind if I bring a friend tomorrow?'

'No, not at all!'

I replied even though I had hoped to have some alone time with him.

I walked into the living room where my mom was sitting and sat beside her.

"When's dad coming home?" I asked her my eyes leaving my phone.

"Two days!" She said just as my phone vibrated again.

My mom looked at me as I was writing a reply.

"I've never seen you text someone that fast before! Who is it?" My mom asked but I didn't answer.

'What's your friends name? The one who's joining us tomorrow?'

After sending it I looked at my mom.

"Is it a boy?" She asked and my cheeks turned heated up.

"So it is!" She laughed and I hid my face.

"I swear, you're so embarrassing!" I groaned and she laughed.

"Of course! I'm your mother! I have to be embarrassing!" She stated which made me roll my eyes. I looked at my phone as I felt it vibrate and read the text.

'Oh, yeah! His name is Chenle! Don't worry, he's a nice guy!'

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