|| I Missed You ||

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Min's POV:

   "Loser buys ice cream." Keeping a good distance between me and Jaemin, I raised my eyebrows at his statement, my eyes traveling to look at the tree bridge, which lead from the sand to a few meters into the water.

   "But what about your diet?" At the question his shoulders moved up in a shrug, a small grin appearing.

   "Today is my cheat day!" Tilting my head, I looked at him with a confused expression, and just as I was about to say something, he quickly cut me off, catching me off guard;

   "Three, two, one!"

   Before I had time to react, the boy had jumped into the water, already a few meters ahead of me after I had jumped in as well.

   "That's not fair!" My shouts sounded kind of muffled due to me shouting and swimming at the same time, which left a burning sensation in my lungs.

   The poor excuse of my best friend, of course, won.

   "You cheater!" With that exclamation leaving me, I smacked his wet chest, and he quickly covered his chest, his tongue sticking out.

   "I have no idea what you're talking about." Getting a bit annoyed, I felt myself pout a bit, before I, with my hand, splashed some water on him, knowing exactly what it would lead to, but I had formed a plan.

   Without giving him a chance to splash back, I was already swimming as fast as I possibly could, but still, he was stronger than me and was in better condition than me, so after swimming for a couple of short moments, I was dragged back by my ankle.

   "How dare you?" With that being said, he wrapped me in a gentle headlock, not intending to hurt me but intending to annoy me, and I felt him chuckle as I tried to get away again.

   "No! Let me go!" Ignoring the stares we got from others, I continued to try and free myself until I eventually hit him, resulting in him letting go of me.

   "Let's go get ice cream." Another laugh left him as he grabbed me again, this time by the waist making it look like we were some kind of couple, and he then added;

   "And remember, you're paying."

   "So, any funny stories from practice?" The waiting for ice cream part wasn't that interesting, and after I had asked that, he shrugged his shoulders, eating a spoonful of his ice cream.

   "Nah, not really, everything which happens in the practice room, I tell you." A laugh escaped the both of us, but then his body jerked slightly, before he snapped his fingers.

   "Oh, you know we're learning to ride those hoverboard things, right? Well, since Mark just started he's pretty bad at it, and yesterday he had to try it for the first time, he couldn't even get on it!" Once again a laugh left the both of us, and I shook my head from side to side, eating some ice cream.

   "Poor guy, I don't blame him though, I don't think I would be able to ride one either!" A mischievous grin was sent in my direction.

   "Do you want me to teach you?" An airy laugh left me before I quickly shook my head, making my neck crack a tiny bit.

   "I'm one of those people who actually enjoys life and wants to continue living, you know?" After shrugging, I earned myself a slight shove to the side, his laugh once again filling my ears, making me feel all happy myself.

   "It won't kill you, and if you happen to fall off, I'll catch you." This small smirk was on his face and a sudden urge to hit him appeared in me, but I was a good friend, so I stopped myself.

   From my bag I clearly heard my phone vibrate, and as Jaemin took another spoonful of ice cream, I took the chance to quickly take a peek at it.

   It was Mark.

   "Was it Sojin?" Deciding to answer Mark later, I once again placed my phone in my bag, and I sent Jaemin an odd look, shaking my head, before stating;

   "Sojin is in Japan, and she left her phone here in Korea."

   "I totally forgot about that, who was it?" After abandoning the rest of his ice cream, he rested his body on the towel, his eyes immediately fluttering shut, and I shrugged, well aware of him not being able to see me.

   "I don't think you know him." Copying his actions, I laid down on my towel right beside his, and I heard a weird sound leave the boy.

   "Him? Who is it?" The question was asked again, and he lifted himself to lean on his elbow, I copied him.

   "Doesn't matter." A small smile was on my lips as I shook my head, and he let his eyebrows raise, before nodding his head

   "Whatever you say, Minnie." He laid back down.


   "I should probably get home.. I want to study a little more for our history test tomorrow." All our things were all placed neatly in our bags, and I felt Jaemin freeze beside me as we had been sitting pretty close on the sand.

   "It's tomorrow?" The shock was clear in his voice as he asked that, and I nodded, a small giggle leaving me.

   After he had progressed the information, he snapped back to reality, his hand rubbing his neck, and excitement grew inside of me when he asked the next question;

   "Can I come over and study with you? Just for like an hour?"

   "Of course, my mom would be happy to see you again! You can eat dinner with us, if you want." Finally, we had started walking, and fortunately for the both of us, the walk wasn't longer than five minutes, and I saw him chew on his lip slightly.

   "Do you think it's okay?" A snort left me at that, catching my best friend off guard, and I pushed him to the side slightly.

   "Of course, my mom loves you! She would seriously kill to have you as a son." At that he snickered slightly, finally nodding his head, and my house soon appeared in front of us.

   "How long has it been since I last visited you? Like four months?" That was what he asked after I had pushed the door open, and my head moved up and down in a nod.

  "Oh, Jaemin! Long time no see." At the sound of the door, my mom quickly appeared and pulled the boy into a welcoming hug, which he returned.

   "Mom, me and Jaemin will be in my room, studying." None of them had time to exchange any other words, before I had dragged Jaemin with me to my room, and it didn't take more than a minute before both of us were reading.

   "I won't remember this tomorrow." It left him as a mumble, but it was enough for me to almost burst out laughing as I bit the inside of my cheek so I wouldn't laugh.

   "Why do I need to know all of this?" It only took about five minutes before it was my turn to complain a little, and Jaemin shut the book we had been sharing, before throwing it to the side.

   "I'm gonna fail anyways." The boy grumbled lying down, dragging me with him.

   "You're quite smart though." Fortunately for me, Jaemin couldn't get a glimpse of my blushing face as his hand started playing with the ends of my hair.

   "Says the smartest girl I know." That sent a smile to my face, and I let my eyes close, and before silence could take over the two of us completely, I mumbled;

   "I missed hanging out with you.."

   "I missed you.."

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