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Min's POV:

"This time, you were the one who wanted to bring them food." I mumbled and packed some sandwiches.

"Don't deny it, you want to do it as well!" She laughed before placing the strawberries in a box.
I rolled my eyes and placed some of the boxes into a bag.

"Let's go." I exclaimed and we both took our bags before walking out of my house.

"You and Jeno are so cute, like you don't even know!" I pushed her with my shoulder slightly and her face flushed before she hit me.
"Stop it!" She placed a hand on her cheek and I let out a laugh.
"You like him, don't you?" She hit me again as I had said that and I smirked.
"Well, I guess, he's really sweet and cute!" She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. I shook my head at her and she looked at me confused.
"You're crushing so hard.."


"We're here, again!" I laughed as I opened the door and Donghyuck rolled his eyes.
"Unless you have food, you aren't welcome." He joked and I showed him the bag.
"You're welcome here anytime!" He patted me on the head before taking the bag from me, making me laugh and I went over to Jaemin.

He hugged me with a laugh and ruffled my hair before looking at me.
"You've grown so much." He said dramatically and I rolled my eyes before hitting him slightly on the shoulder.

I hugged Mark as well who held a little tighter than usual and I smiled a bit.
"Ignore Jaemin, you don't grow at all." He teased and I hit him slightly harder than I had hit Jaemin making him groan.

I looked at Sojin who was sitting down across from Jeno and I sent her a smirk.
She glared at me but the blush was clearly visible on her cheeks and I smiled satisfied when I saw Jeno's face flush too.

I sat down in between Jaemin and Mark and Jaemin wrapped his arm around me, tugging me slightly closer. I looked up at Jaemin who sent me a cute smile and I felt my lips curve up into a smile before I looked at Mark who was looking down.

I sighed and looked back at Sojin who was sitting laughing with Jeno and I felt slightly envious that it was so easy for her.

"You guys should eat!" I exclaimed as I looked at the bag that hadn't been opened yet and Jaemin stood up. As soon as Jaemin's arm was off me Mark wrapped his arm around me.
"What's up with you guys?" I laughed and Mark shrugged with a slight smile.
"We just missed you, that's all!" Jaemin sat down beside me again and handed Mark a lunchbox. I gave Mark an odd look and let out a small laugh.

"You saw me yesterday?" Jaemin looked at me confused.
"He just told me that he had missed me but I visited you guys yesterday!" I laughed and he nodded with a smile before opening the box filled with food.

"Sojin!" I smirked and wriggled my eyebrows as she looked at me making her face flush for the fifth time today.
"Min, at some point, I'll kill you!" She laughed embarrassed and I hid behind Mark before laughing.

"You're really weird.." Donghyuck rolled his eyes with his mouth full of strawberries.
"Shut up, strawberry guy, or else we won't bring you food next time!" He raised his hands and I crossed my arms.

"Do you guys hate each other or something?" Jaemin snickered and I shook my head with a snicker.
"I just find it hilarious to annoy him!" I shrugged and Mark let out a laugh.
"We need someone who's able to control him!" Mark said and Donghyuck glared at him.

I turned to look at Sojin and she looked back at me before shaking her head quickly, making the boys confused.

"You want to know something?" I asked the guys as Sojin glared at me and Jisung nodded. "It's Sojin's birthday tomorrow!" I cheered and Sojin sighed.

"Wait, what?" Jeno looked at her and she smiled slyly at him.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Donghyuck 'cried' and she let out a laugh before looking down. "I don't like big parties and surprises, that's why not many people know when my birthday is." She rubbed her shoulder and Jeno smiled at her.

"Let's celebrate it here, in the practice room! It doesn't have to be anything big, just a cake and some presents!" Jeno said making Sojin shrug and I nodded.

"That's a really good idea, Sojin! Last year it was only you, me, and Jaemin and we didn't have much to do!" I reminded and she sighed with a nod.

"You're probably right.."

"I'm always right!" I crossed my arms with a proud smile on my face and Jaemin snickered. "Sure, you are!"


"Let me walk you home!" Jaemin jumped up as me and Sojin were getting ready to leave and I smiled at him.
"I wanted to walk you home though.." Mark mumbled and I gave him a hug.

"Maybe next time, you should stay and practice." I mumbled into the hug and I felt him nod before we pulled away.
After we had pulled away I looked at Sojin who was hugging Jeno and they were hugging much longer than necessary and I coughed making them pull away.

"Shall we go home?" I asked and both of their faces turned pink.


"Just like the old times. Only us, no one else." Jaemin mumbled and I looked up and the dark sky before sighing.


"You guys sound so depressing! Stop it!" Sojin exclaimed, linking her arm with mine and both me and Jaemin laughed.

"I'm not ready for our exam.." Jaemin groaned and hugged my arm making me groan.
"Shut up, don't remind me!" I hit his shoulder and Sojin whined. "You think I'm ready?"

"We should probably start studying soon.." I mumbled ignoring her question and they both nodded.

"We're studying together, right?" Sojin asked making me nod.
"Let's start after your birthday, I'm not studying tomorrow!" Jaemin exclaimed making me laugh and I nodded.

"I agree!"

"Isn't it cold, Minnie?" Jaemin looked at me concerned as a breeze came by and I shivered. "I told you, you should've worn your jacket!" I felt Sojin flick my arm and Jaemin let go of my other arm.

"Here, wear my jacket until we reach your house!" I quickly shook my head as Sojin let go my arm and he sent me a look.
"I don't want you to get sick, not again." He mumbled before wrapping his jacket around me and I felt warmer instantly.

"Thank you.." I mumbled as Sojin linked arms with me again and he smiled at me.

"Anything for you, Minnie."

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