|| Burning Eyes ||

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Jaemin's POV:

"Was Min at school today?" I looked at Mark before nodding and he smiled.

"Good, you took good care of her didn't you?" He joked making me smile and I nodded again.
"She's my best friend, of course I have to take care of her!" I shrugged and I felt something hit my shoulder.

I glared at Donghyuck who just raised his hand and I rolled my eyes.
"Can you guys stop talking about Min for a moment? I know she's funny and all of tha-" "You think she's funny?" Mark cut him off looking him dead in the eyes and I looked at him as well. "You don't like her, do you?" Donghyuck widened his eyes at my question before he began laughing and he shook his head.
"Geez, no! I don't like her!" He laughed and both me and Mark sighed before we looked at each other. I kept looking at him for some seconds before I looked away.

"We should start practicing now." Jisung stood up and I let out a sigh before standing up. "He's right.." I stretched a bit and the others stood up.


Min's POV

"My best friend is finally feeling better!" Sojin hugged me and I couldn't help but laugh.
"Yeah, it's only been two days.." I laughed as I jumped around my room a bit. "I haven't been able to do anything while the boys were here! I have so much energy, I don't know what to do!" I laughed making Sojin walk slowly over to me.

"Maybe you should sit down, I don't want you to get hurt!" I pouted and crossed my arms making her laugh.
"If you have so much energy, let's go outside!" I quickly nodded before running out forgetting my shoes and Sojin came running with my shoes in her hands.

I laughed a bit and took them. "Weirdo.." She mumbled making me pout and we began walking.

"So, you and Jeno, huh?" I asked with a smirk and she rolled her eyes before pushing me slightly with her shoulder.
"What about you and Mark? Or Jaemin?" Her face was red. "Why do you like Jeno?" I sighed with a small smirk and she hit me on the shoulder.

"Stop it, will you?" She groaned and buried her face in my shoulder which made me laugh.
"Okay, okay!" I laughed and we continued walking.

"What if both of them like you?" I shook my head quickly and she shrugged. "They don't like me!" I looked away. "You never know." She mumbled and ran ahead of me making me groan.

"Don't leave me!" I shouted and began running towards her.


Mark's POV:

We all kinda collapsed on the floor after finishing practice.

"We just danced for almost three hours straight!" Donghyuck said out of breath and I nodded before drinking some water.
"If only Min could come over.." Donghyuck mumbled and both me and Jaemin looked at him.

"What?" Donghyuck laughed and I sighed. "You guys, what's up with you? Do you like her or something?" I froze at his question before looking at Jaemin who was looking down and I shrugged.

"Well, do you?" Jaemin raised his head and looked at me. I gulped before looking away and I let out a nervous laugh.
"Do you?" I looked back at Jaemin and I could see the guys looking awkwardly at each other. "I asked you first." Jaemin crossed his arms and I copied his actions.
"But I'm older than you." He rolled his eyes. "Really? Using age as an argument?" He let out a laugh and I scoffed before looking away.

"Yes." I looked back at him and he looked confused. "Yes, I like her." His eyes widened and I felt my heart going crazy.
"What?" Jeno coughed just as Jaemin had said that before standing up.

"Maybe we should give these two some alone time." He said and I gave him a sharp look. "Good idea, Jeno!" Donghyuck jumped up before waving at us and walked with the other members out of the room.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Jaemin. "What's wrong with me liking her?" He scoffed at my question and looked away.
"Because.. I like her too.." I widened my eyes before letting out a dry laugh.

"Sure, you do!" I laughed and he glared at me. "Can't I like her?" He asked to which I shrugged.
"Wouldn't it be awkward? You've known her for so long and for so long you've been her best friend. So if you confess what's going to happen if she rejects you?" He looked down before looking up and glaring at me again.

"And why do you think she'll accept you?" I looked away and scoffed. "Maybe she likes me more than you.." I could feel his eyes burning and I looked back at him.

"As if, I've know her for five years-" "And for those five years, you've been her best friend." I cut him off and he furrowed his eyebrows which made me smirk slightly.
"Let me talk, for almost five years I've liked her! I started crushing on her years ago and now, I don't think I like her, I think I love her!" I froze a bit and he raised his eyebrows waiting for me to say something.

"You love her? So do I." I said and I wasn't lying.
"Oh, really? How long have you known her? You can't love her!" He let out a weird laugh and I scoffed for the third time today. "What I feel for her is much stronger than 'like'! I haven't known her for as long as you have, but how could you be so sure that she would choose you?" I asked him and he rolled his eyes before looking at me.

"I've known her the longest, I've loved her the longest! I loved her first!" He glared at me and I let out a laugh before looking right into his eyes which were burning and I was pretty sure mine were too.

We kept looking at each other like it was some kind of staring contest until I broke the silence with a question that made Jaemin look away.

"You may have loved her first, but do you love her the most?"

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