|| Too Much Drama.. ||

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Min's POV:

As soon as Sojin arrived in front of my door, I dragged her to my room without even giving her a chance to greet my parents.
"The guys really confuse me!" I told her and she sat down on my bed.
"Well, hello to you too!" She laughed making me laugh as well.
"I'm sorry, but really they confuse me!" I told her groaning and she laughed as I leaned my head on her shoulder. "What do you mean? How do they confuse you?" She asked and I looked at her.
"It's like they're fighting for my attention!" I groaned and she giggled.
"Maybe they are!" She sang and I glared at her.

"Do you still like Jaemin the best?" Sojin asked making me throw a pillow at her.
"I don't want to talk about the boys!" She pouted at my statement and threw the pillow back at me.

"That Jeno guy! Tell me about him!" She said excitedly and I rolled my eyes.
"Well, he smiles a lot, like you!" I wriggled my eyebrow and her face flushed.
"You haven't even met him and you already like him!" I elbowed her side making her hit me.
"He just sounds cute!" She played with her hair and I giggled. "You would be cute together!" I told her and she smirked.

"Just like you and Mark."


Jaemin's POV:

"She's really cute when she gets embarrassed!" Mark laughed and I nodded. "Her face gets so red!" I told him and we both laughed.
"Are you guys talking about Min again?" Donghyuck asked making me nod. "Doesn't really surprise me!" Jeno laughed and Jisung nodded.
"It's like the only thing they talk about!" He said and I let out an embarrassed laugh.

"You know when she said she couldn't dance? She lied, she's actually a really good dancer!" Mark said and I felt myself pout slightly.
"Did you like force her or something?" I asked which actually came out sounding a bit harsh and he gave me a weird look. "Why would I force her? She just trusts me more, I guess!" He said smugly and I glared at him.
"As if!" I crossed my arms and Jeno cleared his throat.

"Let's stop talking about her befor-" Mark cut him off with a laugh.
"It's a pity you haven't seen her dance!" I sighed annoyed and sat down.
"Why do you hang out with her so much?" I asked a bit calmer than before and Mark sat down. "Do I need a reason to hang out with her? Well, she's really funny and nice!" He sighed with a smile and I rolled my eyes.

"Why are you rolling eyes at me? Do I have to get permission from you to hang out with her?" He asked and I smirked. "That would be nice.." I told him and he shook his head.
"Even if you told me that you didn't want me to hang out with her, I probably still would!" He smirked making me look away in annoyance.

"What's with that face?" Mark asked smugly and I scoffed.
"What do you mean?" I asked and Donghyuck groaned. "Can you guys stop? Min isn't an object, she doesn't belong to any of you!" Jisung said and I shrugged.

"She's my best friend, not his!" I glared at Mark. "Best friend? I've hung out with her a lot more than you have this month!" He said and I crossed my arms.
"You snuck out of practice-" "And got away with it!" He pointed out making me roll my eyes.

"What's happening?" Chenle asked and Renjun nodded as they walked in.
"Jaemin is mad because Mark spends too much time with Min!" Jeno explained and they nodded.
"I don't care, you shouldn't sneak out of practice to be with Min!" I said and Mark snickered. "Why? Are you her dad? You don't own her!" He crossed his arms and I wanted to slap that smirk off his face.

"Stop fighting!" Donghyuck glared at the both of us.
"He can't stop me from hanging out with her!" Mark said and Jeno shrugged. "That's true!" He said and looked at me. "You haven't been spending that much time with her.." Jisung said and I rolled my eyes.
"But.. He snuck out!" I stated and Mark snickered. "Why don't you do it for once? Then maybe you'll be able to hang out with her as well!"

"Stop fighting for a second!" Renjun said and I looked at him. "You know, when Mark and Chenle went to see that movie, Min was going as well, right?" Renjun asked and both me and Mark nodded.
"Did you guys watch it together? Because Chenle told me you did!" I looked at Mark with raised eyebrows and he nodded.
"Yeah, we did!" He crossed his arms and I looked away, feeling more annoyed by the second.

"Awe, are you mad?" Mark asked and I shook my head.
"No, I know that she likes me more than you, so I have no reason to be mad!" Now it was his turn to roll his eyes and he stood up.
"Mad that I hit a sore spot?" I asked making him glare at me.
"You're the one who is going to be mad when Min likes me more!" He told me before shutting the door leaving the room in awkward silence.

"And that's why love is complicated!" Donghyuck said and I threw a water bottle at him.
"Why does everyone do that?" He asked and threw it back at me.

"You two seriously need to get a hold of yourselves! We can't debut if we have two members who hate each other!" Jeno said and I groaned. "I know, it just annoys me!" I told him which made him nod.
"I understand that.." He sighed and I stood up. "You should try talking with her!" Jisung suggested and I nodded.
"I will, tomorrow!"

Then maybe she won't hang out with him too much..

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