|| I'll Take Care Of You ||

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Min's POV:

I groaned before running to the bathroom once again and I began throwing up.

I walked back into my room and found my phone before texting Jaemin.
'Hey Jaemin, I won't make it to school today since I'm throwing up every five minutes..'
I sent it before deciding to text Sojin the exact same message and I wrote a message for Mark as well.

'What I was hoping wouldn't happen, happened. I'm seriously throwing up every five minutes!' I sent it and laid down on my bed.

"You want something?" My mom stood in the doorway and I shook my head just as my phone vibrated.
"Who is it?" My mom asked and I looked at the screen.
"Mark." I replied, my voice was hoarse and she nodded before leaving me alone.

'You're sick?! I'm coming to take care of you right after school!' I smiled at Mark's text and placed my phone on my table.
I closed my eyes and I was soon fast asleep.


"Hey, Min.." A voice whispered making me open my eyes and I looked directly into Sojin's eyes. "Hi, Sojin.." My voice was still hoarse and my throat hurt.

"Awe, my poor best friend!" She hugged me to which I quickly pushed her away and she gave me a confused look.
"I don't want you to get sick.. How long have you been here?" I asked her, sitting up and she pushed me down again.

"We just arrived, I'm leaving soon but I don't know about Jaemin and Mark!" I widened my eyes just as Mark came into the room with a bowl and he sent me a smile.
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked as loud as possible which wasn't loud at all and Jaemin came into the room.
"We're here to take care of you!" Jaemin grinned at me and Mark nodded before handing me the bowl.

"But I don't know if my parents will let all of you stay.." I said and Jaemin nodded.
"They told us that only one could stay..." He scratched his neck and Mark crossed his arms.

"Well I should go now!" Sojin gave me a quick hug and walked out of my room.
I looked at the guys who were staring each other down and I coughed making them turn their attention towards me.

"I think I should stay.. You were the one who taught her how to ride the hoverboard! I should be the one to take care of her! And yesterday when I was walking her home since it was a little cold out, I promised her to take care of her if she got sick!" Mark looked at Jaemin who scoffed and I looked at him apologetic.
"He's right.. He did promise me.." I whispered and Jaemin pouted slightly but nodded.

"Fine, I'll visit you later. Remember to take good care of yourself, Minnie!" He smiled slightly and kissed the top of my head before walking out.
"He just kissed your forehead.." Mark mumbled to which I nodded and looked away trying to hide my burning cheeks.

"He usually does that when I'm sick, which isn't that often." I told him and he nodded sighing slightly. "So you aren't a thing?" I shook my head at his question and looked at him even though I knew my face was red. "We aren't." I smiled at him which made him smile back and he pointed at the soup.

"Eat some of it! Me and Jaemin made it, with a bit help from your mother!" He laughed which made me feel happy inside.
"Thank you, but it's hot." I laughed which probably sounded really weird since my voice was so hoarse.
"It's because I made it!" He winked at me making me shake my head and I took the spoon.

"Is it okay?" He asked as I placed the spoon in my mouth and I nodded.
"That's good! I'm not the best cook.." He scratched his neck before giving me a smile.

After eating about half of the soup I couldn't get more down because of the fear of throwing up and Mark took my bowl. He walked out of the room and came back with a glass of water which he handed to me.

"You should sleep some more.." He placed his hand on my forehead as I placed the glass on my table and I nodded.
"Even though I've slept for I don't know how many hours!" I sighed and cuddled into my blankets which made Mark giggle a bit.
"You look really cute.." He mumbled and I rolled my eyes before closing them.
"Please don't look at me while I sleep.." I mumbled as I slowly drifted away.
"Can't promise anything." Was the last thing I heard before I was sleeping again.


"I am her best friend and I'm allowed to visit her when she's sick!" I heard someone say but I kept my eyes closed.
"It's not like she's at the hospital!" Another voice said and I shifted around a bit. "Shh! She needs to rest!" A voice said and I was positive that it was Jaemin.

"You were the one who came!" Mark said no doubt it was him.
I opened my eyes and the boys attention turned to me immediately and Jaemin smiled at me.
"Hey, Minnie!" He walked over and placed a hand on my forehead making me smile.
"I just wanted to check up on you and then leave again. Is he taking good care of you?" He asked his hand moving down to my cheek stroking it slightly and I nodded.

"Now you've checked up on her, you should leave again! Min needs to rest, like you said!" I looked at Mark who had his arms crossed and Jaemin rolled his eyes at him before giving me a smile.
"Get well soon, Minnie!" He smiled and left the room again.

"We're you arguing again?" I mumbled and Mark shook his head before smiling at me.
"Just talking!" He began stroking my hair and I let out a sigh.

"Isn't it late? Shouldn't you get home?" I asked and he shrugged before looking at his phone. "I probably should.." He sighed and I sat up. "Can I have a hug?" He asked with a grin and I gave him a quick hug.

"Now, rest well, nerd." He smiled at me before walking out of the room and left me with my thoughts. I wanted to go back to sleep but I just couldn't and it felt like I needed to throw up. But for some reason I didn't throw up I just had the feeling of wanting to, but it felt kinda good in a way.

What is happening to me?

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