|| Getting Into The Christmas Mood ||

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Min's POV:

"Do you think all of us can fit in your kitchen?" Donghyuck asked as I unlocked the door to my house and I nodded.

"We have a pretty large kitchen." All eight of them walked through my door and I closed the door behind them.

"Why are we even going to bake?" Jisung asked me as all nine of us walked into my kitchen and I shrugged at him.
"It's Christmas soon.. And usually we would bake together." I gestured to myself, Sojin, and Jaemin.
"I was planning to bake with only those two, but someone-"

I narrowed my eyes at Sojin, who's face flushed and she looked away.
"-wanted Jeno to join us, so I decided, to invite all of you guys!" I explained and Jeno chuckled at Sojin, who hid her face in his shoulder. "No kissing in my kitchen!" I exclaimed to the couple and looked at them sternly, making Sojin stick her tongue out at me.
"Jealous much?" I rolled my eyes at her and began taking out the ingredients.

"What do you guys want for Christmas?" I asked them as they all began to wash their hands.
"I don't really care, give me food and I'm happy." Donghyuck smirked and I rolled my eyes with a laugh.

"Give me your heart!" Mark said dramatically, making me widen my eyes and I hit him with a blush.

"Can you guys stop?" Sojin flipped her hair and began pouring flour into a bowl while Jeno had his arm around her.

"Yeah, let's start baking."


"You told us, that all of us could fit in here." Donghyuck laughed before looking at the cookies in the oven and I hit his shoulder. "No hitting in the kitchen!" Jaemin said, earning a hit from me as well.

"What are the others doing?" I asked as I formed some more cookies and Sojin shrugged.

"Jeno and Jisung are watching tv, Chenle and Renjun are exploring the house, and Mark is in your room, I think." She said and I widened my eyes at the last part.
"Why is he in my room?" Jaemin shrugged and took the cookies out of the oven.

"I think he's looking through all your things."

"I don't think he would do such thing!" I sighed and poked my head out to see Chenle and Renjun running around.

I felt something cold run down my back, making me freeze and I turned around to glare at the person, which was Donghyuck.
I looked down and flour fell from my head and I heard Donghyuck laugh before I glared at him again.

Jaemin and Sojin were laughing as well and I narrowed my eyes at them.

"How dare you?" I grabbed a handful of flour and threw it at all three of them, just as Jeno walked in.

"Woah, what's happening here?"

Sojin grabbed a handful as well and threw it towards me, but before it hit me, I ducked, making it hit Jeno instead.
She let out an awkward laugh and soon flour was thrown from every direction.

This is going to be a mess.


I drank a bit of my tea as silence filled the room and I looked at the tv, which was sending a weird, old Christmas movie.

"We'll help you clean up the kitchen later!" Donghyuck took a bite of the freshly baked cookie and I shrugged my shoulder, grabbing a cookie.

"It's fine, it usually happens when I bake with Sojin and Jaemin, so I'm used to it." I placed the cookie in front of my lips, before taking a bite of it.

"It's really Christmas soon.." Sojin leaned back into Jeno's touch and he buried his nose in her hair, making me turn my head away from the couple.

"You're really in a Christmas mood, nerd." Mark ruffled my hair and took a cookie as well.

"Don't mess up her beautiful hair!" Jaemin stroked my hair and blood rushes to my face.

"Don't touch her weirdly like that!" Donghyuck snickered at Mark's sentence, making Mark glare at him.
"That sounds wrong." I hit Donghyuck's leg making him groan before sending me a glare.

"Watch your mouth while the kids are around!" I gestured to Chenle and Jisung, who both crossed their arms.
"We might be younger than you, but we aren't babies." Chenle nodded as Jisung said that, with a slight pout on his face.

"Only babies pout." Chenle looked away and I ruffled his hair with a grin.
"I'm kidding!" He grinned and grabbed a cookie.

"Let's bake next Friday as well." Donghyuck bit into his fifth cookie or something and let out an unnecessary noise, making all of us freeze. He looked at us as we all looked at him and raised his eyebrows.


"That noise was unnecessary." He crossed his arms still chewing the cookie before shaking his head.

"Don't tell me how to live my life, woman!" I rolled my eyes and grabbed the empty plate, walking into the kitchen.
I placed some more cookies on the plate and walked into the living room again.

"You got me more cookies, I love you, my child." Jaemin hugged my arm as I sat down and Mark hugged my other arm, making me raise an eyebrow.
"I love you more." I looked at Mark and then at Jaemin who scoffed.

I looked towards Jeno and Sojin, leaving the other two to do their glaring and arguing.

Jeno leaned down and planted a kiss on Sojin's cheek, as Sojin was sitting between his legs, on the floor.
A squeal escaped my lips, making everyone turn their head towards me and the couple blushed, knowing that I saw it.

"Min, you're like an embarrassing mom!" Sojin whined as I made a kissing sound and she hid her face in her hands, to which I laughed.
"I know, I basically am your mom, I'm the only reason that you're still alive, so Jeno, you should thank me for keeping her alive!" Jeno looked down at Sojin and flashed her a smile, before looking back up at me.

"I'm the reason you're still alive!" She exclaimed, making everyone laugh and I pouted, crossing my arms.
"Only.. Babies!" Chenle said with a satisfied grin, making the others laugh harder.

I couldn't help but join in as well because, first of all, I was sitting beside Mark and his laugh is contagious. And second of all, I was just so happy.

So happy, to be spending my day with the others, especially Jaemin and Mark.

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